Evaluating Support for Implementing BPMN 2.0 Elements in Business
Process Management Systems
Carlos Francisco Habekost Dos Santos
1 a
, Marcelo Fantinato
2 b
e Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
1 c
and Lucineia Heloisa Thom
1 d
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
{cfhsantos, palazzo, lucineia}@inf.ufrgs.br, m.fantinato@usp.br
BPMN, BPMS, Implementation, Notational Elements.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) provides an extensive set of notational elements, such as activ-
ities, events and gateways, which enable the representation of a wide variety of business processes. Business
Process Management Systems (BPMSs) can implement BPMN to allow the execution of business processes.
However, not all BPMN elements are implemented in a BPMS. The purpose of this paper is to present the
results of an evaluation of the BPMN 2.0 elements conducted to identify those whose implementation is sup-
ported in BPMSs. We evaluated four BPMSs, comparing the elements implemented in such BPMSs with
their respective definitions in the BPMN specification, considering the requirements to implement them. As
a result, we found that only 34.18% of the BPMN 2.0 elements are implemented in the investigated BPMSs.
We also identified that BPMSs implement BPMN elements only partially, adapting their original definition. In
addition to the results of our evaluation, our contribution is to provide developers with an approach to evalu-
ating the support of BPMN elements in a BPMS. Following the steps proposed in this paper, we identified the
limitations and devised a method for implementing the remaining BPMN elements not yet implemented.
Business Process Management (BPM) provides a set
of techniques for the analysis, implementation, en-
actment and continuous improvement (i.e., evolution)
of business processes in different types of organiza-
tions (Weske, 2014; Dumas et al., 2018). Business
reflect the operation of organizations and
allow controlling the development of services and
products that need to be delivered to customers.
Processes can be graphically represented via Busi-
ness Process Model and Notation (BPMN) (OMG,
2013). BPMN has become a standard for process
modeling, disseminated by the Object Management
Group (OMG). BPMN 2.0 is an ISO standard since
2013 (ISO, 2013).
BPMN enables to describe real-world processes,
For the sake of simplicity, in this paper, we use only the
term process to refer to the expression business process.
which can be supported by BPMN tools (Cortes-
Cornax et al., 2015). For business practitioners,
BPMN enables internal communication of business
procedures, business-IT alignment and collaboration
among business partners (Salles et al., 2013; Arevalo
et al., 2016; Salles et al., 2018).
A process model in BPMN is called process di-
agram, and two or more processes interacting with
each other can form a collaboration diagram. Col-
laboration diagrams can comprise the following set
of basic notational elements
: activities, events, gate-
ways, groups, annotations, data objects, databases,
pools, lanes, sequence flows, message flows and asso-
BPM life cycle phases include process modeling,
configuration, implementation, execution and valida-
tion (Weske, 2014; Dumas et al., 2018). During mod-
eling, we can model a process in BPMN (OMG,
2013). The process modeled in BPMN can then be
implemented, i.e., be further detailed at a granular
level that allows its automated execution. These ac-
For the sake of simplicity, in this paper, we use only the
term element to refer to the expression notational element.
Santos, C., Fantinato, M., Moreira de Oliveira, J. and Thom, L.
Evaluating Support for Implementing BPMN 2.0 Elements in Business Process Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0009356501930200
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 193-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tivities can be supported by a BPM System (BPMS).
A BPMS aims to coordinate an automated process
model so that all work is done at the right time and by
the right resource (Weske, 2014; Dumas et al., 2018).
Automating a BPMN process model requires pro-
viding the model with implementation details that are
not required when it comes to only describing process
models for business purposes. These implementation
details are required to remove ambiguities and need
to be accurate so that the process model can be inter-
preted by a BPMS (Gassen et al., 2015; Dumas et al.,
2018; Santos et al., 2019). For example, if a process
model contains abstract tasks, one must specify their
attributes, documents and resources.
The lack of detailed information on implementa-
tion aspects in BPMN represents a technical challenge
to transforming a process model into an executable
version. As a result, each BPMS supplier uses its pro-
prietary format to map and transform a process model
into an executable model (Geiger et al., 2013). Conse-
quently, the adherence of current BPMSs, considering
the BPMN elements they implement, to the BPMN
specification is unknown.
In this paper, we present the results of an eval-
uation of BPMSs considering their degree of imple-
mentation of BPMN 2.0 elements. Our goal is to
measure and show the completeness of BPMN imple-
mentations in BPMSs. Supported by our approach,
BPMS developers can identify missing elements in
their BPMSs to implement them as well as verify
whether the present elements are implemented fol-
lowing the BPMN 2.0 specification so that noncon-
forming elements can be adjusted.
For example, considering the BPMN element
message flow, a BPMS supplier can verify whether
its BPMS implements it. If the element is miss-
ing, the BPMS developer may implement it. On the
other hand, if this element is already implemented,
the BPMS developer can verify the element behav-
ior. If the element implementation does not follow the
BPMN 2.0 specification, the developer must adjust it
to comply with the official specification.
The protocol for evaluating the BPMN elements
implemented in BPMSs is summarized by these steps:
(i) We chose free BPMSs to be evaluate; (ii) We de-
fined as scope the BPMN elements used for collab-
oration diagrams as defined in the BPMN 2.0 spec-
ification (ISO, 2013); (iii) We modeled a process in
each selected BPMS verifying whether the elements
were implemented in the BPMSs and for the imple-
mented elements, we verified whether they followed
the BPMN 2.0 specification; (iv) To systematize this
evaluation, we set a score for the implemented ele-
ments of each BPMS according to the level of adher-
ence to the BPMN specification.
Our main contribution is to present an evaluation
of whether and how BPMSs implement BPMN ele-
ments, with respect to the BPMN 2.0 specification.
Some insights related to this evaluation could be ob-
tained, including: the profile of BPMN elements com-
monly unimplemented in BPMSs, the limitations of
current BPMN implementations in BPMSs and future
research directions focusing on improving BPMSs
and the BPMN specification.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the related work; Section 3
details the protocol defined to select and evaluate the
BPMSs; Section 4 depicts the results obtained; and
Section 6 summarizes the approach, discusses its lim-
itations and concludes the paper.
In this section, we analyzed studies related somehow
to model transformation targeting at execution or sim-
ulation models.
Table 1 summarizes the related work discussed in
this section. In summary, we found three types of ap-
proaches: (a) BPMS limitations, i.e., studies whose
goal is to evaluate overall BPMS limitations; (b)
model transformation limitations, i.e., studies whose
goal is to evaluate limitations on the model trans-
formation; (c) model transformation proposal, i.e.,
studies whose goal is to propose new approaches for
model transformation.
Table 1: Comparison of Related Work [(a) BPMS Limi-
tations; (B) Model Transformation Limitations; (C) Model
Transformation Proposal].
Authors & year (a) (b) (c)
orger (2012) X
Cetinkaya et al. (2012) X
Peralta et al. (2014) X
Geiger et al. (2013) X
Bocciarelli et al. (2014) X
Kluza et al. (2015) X
Meidan et al. (2017) X
orger (2012) evaluated the BPMN 2.0 specification
and found many behavioral issues that the specifica-
tion leaves open. The issues described include the
BPM life cycle concept that does not characterize
the mechanism of interruption and compensation for
transactions; the expression “evaluate” is not clear,
because it is not defined when a condition defined in
any part of the process model can be evaluated; a gen-
eral notion of state is missing and hence the defini-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tion of data dependent conditions is only poorly sup-
ported. As a consequence of these issues, according
to these authors, the BPMS suppliers typically imple-
ment only subsets of the so-called standard and still
are often only partially compatible with each other.
Meidan et al. (2017) conducted a survey to evalu-
ate BPMSs and highlight each phase of the BPM life
cycle fully supported by them. The survey combined
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and quality mod-
els. SLR was used to select the BPMSs. The follow-
ing BPMSs were selected: Activiti, Bonita, jBPM,
ProcessMaker, uEngine and Camunda. To evaluate
the selected BPMSs, the authors considered as quality
models criteria related to modeling, design, deploy-
ment, execution & control and analysis. As the main
result, these authors presented an evaluation present-
ing the BPMS closest to the aims of the BPM life cy-
cle when compared to other BPMSs.
Geiger et al. (2013) studied the issues in BPMN
serialization that arise due to the complexity and in-
consistency of the BPMN specification. Serialization
is to translate data structures or objects into a format
that can be stored and reconstructed later. The authors
considered the Web Services Business Process Execu-
tion Language (WS-BPEL) as a model serialization.
WS-BPEL is a serialization format for an executable
service-based process model. The BPMN specifica-
tion provides a mapping from the process model in
BPMN to WS-BPEL. However, these authors depict
that the BPMN specification does not provide the cor-
rect serialization format, making it difficult to turn
a process model executable. The approach provides
two contributions: a list of relevant constraints in
the BPMN specification to turn a process model ex-
ecutable and the respective serialization.
Cetinkaya et al. (2012) proposed an approach to
transform a process model into a simulation model.
These authors developed a framework that minimizes
the gap between these models. The framework was
developed based on Discrete Event System Specifica-
tion (DEVS), which is a mathematical formalism used
to represent systems. Models represented in DEVS
are called atomic models. These atomic models are
defined with the following information: the set of in-
put values, the set of output values, the set of states,
the internal transition function, the external transition
function, the output function and the time advance
function. For each element in BPMN, there is a corre-
sponding element target in DEVS. As the main result
of this transformation, one can obtain a model that can
be executable at the simulation level.
Peralta et al. (2014) proposed metrics to analyze
and measure a process model, aiming to improve and
facilitate its implementation in the cloud. These au-
thors considered as metrics: number of activities, the
total number of precedence dependencies between ac-
tivities, connectivity level between activities, num-
ber of split nodes of parallel, number of XOR-split,
number of OR-split, number of AND-join, number
of XOR-join and number of OR-join. These met-
rics were applied in the process model, in a semi-
automated way, and resulted in a description of its
needs to implement a process model in the cloud.
Bocciarelli et al. (2014) proposed an approach to
transform process models to the simulation level. To
this end, these authors developed a Java-based tool
that, taking as input a BPMN 2.0 process model, ob-
tain, as a result, a simulation model, called eBPMN.
The eBPMN core includes a set of BPMN elements,
adapted to the simulation model. According to these
authors, this model allows the process model to be ex-
ecuted with details that are needed to simulate it.
Kluza et al. (2015) focused on the semantic of the
process model. To achieve this, the authors applied
ontology concepts on free BPMSs (Activi, jBPM and
Camunda) to increase the semantic representation.
According to these authors, applying semantic mod-
eling allows disambiguation of data description and
control of its integrity. As a result, this approach al-
lows data transformation, during translating a process
model into an execution model.
The approaches described above have different
types of goals, including: evaluating the BPMN
2.0 specification, evaluating BPMSs in terms of
their BPMN implementation, identifying limitations
to transforming a process model into an executable
model, or proposing an approach to transforming a
process model into an executable model.
As for the evaluation of BPMSs regarding the
BPMN elements implemented by them, the works
found do not address the evaluation of the implemen-
tation of the elements per se. Approaches focused on
the evaluation of the BPMN specification also do not
verify the elements. Works that propose new model
transformation approaches can lead to an even greater
difficulty in understanding process models, adding
more concepts to be understood beyond BPMN. On
the other hand, the BPMN element evaluation pro-
posed herein can be seen as a way to provide a set
of elements that can be useful to users if their goal is
to automate their process models.
This section presents the research protocol of our
evaluation of the implementation of BPMN elements
in BPMSs. Our goal is to present the steps we fol-
Evaluating Support for Implementing BPMN 2.0 Elements in Business Process Management Systems
Figure 1: Phases of the Evaluation of BPMN Elements in BPMSs.
lowed as an approach so that they can be followed
by those looking to evaluate other BPMN elements or
BPMSs in the future.
Briefly, our approach comprised three phases:
1. Selecting the set of BPMSs to be evaluated.
2. Selecting the BPMN elements for evaluation.
3. Evaluating the implementation of BPMN ele-
ments in the selected BPMSs (verifying whether
the BPMN elements are implemented in the
BPMSs and verifying whether the implemented
BPMN elements are correctly implemented).
4. Scoring the evaluated BPMSs according to which
(and how) BPMN elements are implemented.
Figure 1 depicts the conducted phases. First, we se-
lected a set of BPMSs to be evaluated (cf. “Phase 1”),
considering only free BPMSs. Then, we selected a
set of BPMN elements (cf. “Phase 2”), for which we
considered only elements used for collaboration di-
agrams as defined in the BPMN specification (ISO,
2013). Based on the set of selected BPMN elements,
we evaluated one by one for each selected BPMS to
verify: whether each BPMN element is implemented
in the BPMS (cf. “Phase 3.1”); and whether the im-
plemented BPMN elements are implemented accord-
ing to the BPMN specification (cf. “Phase 3.2”). Re-
sults are counted with a score that defines the level of
adherence of each BPMS to the BPMN specification
(cf. “Phase 4”). Finally, we analyzed the results.
3.1 Selecting the BPMSs
The first phase of the evaluation is the selection of
BPMSs. To this end, we considered the following
criteria: (i) the BPMS must be listed in the BPMN
official website
, present in the “Implementers” list;
(ii) the BPMS must be free software; and (iii) the
BPMS must be able to implement and execute pro-
cesses modeled in BPMN 2.0.
We used only free BPMSs following approaches
found in related work (Meidan et al., 2017; Corra-
dini et al., 2018; Kluza et al., 2015). The use of free
BPMSs improves the reproducibility of the evaluation
presented in this paper. As for the followed proce-
dure, we verified the BPMN website for information
about the tool suppliers. If a free version of the BPMS
was available, we downloaded it. This approach can
also be applied for the commercial versions, making
our study applicable for a full set of BPMSs.
In addition, we considered only BPMSs that al-
low implementing and executing processes modeled
in BPMN 2.0. By execution, we mean that the BPMS
must be able to carry out the process, by instantiat-
ing and controlling its performance. We selected the
BPMSs on March 2018.
Finally, Table 2 depicts the four BPMSs selected.
Considering all defined criteria, only four BPMSs jus-
tify a closer evaluation regarding the degree to which
they actually implement the BPMN specification.
Table 2: Final Selected BPMSs.
BPMS Supplier Ver-
Bonita BPM Bonitasoft 7.6.2 Jan, 2018
Camunda BPM Camunda 7.9.0 May, 2018
jBPM KIE Group 7.7 Mar, 2018
Web Ratio WebRatio 8.8.1 Not found
3.2 Selecting the BPMN Elements
In the second phase, we selected the set of BPMN 2.0
elements to be used in the evaluation. To this end,
we considered only the BPMN elements used for col-
laboration diagrams as defined in the BPMN specifi-
cation. Thus, we did not consider the elements used
specifically for conversation diagrams and choreog-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
raphy diagrams. Collaboration diagrams are those
more commonly used by BPMN practitioners, which
justifies our decision. The set of elements chosen al-
lows the reader of a process model in BPMN to easily
recognize the types of elements used and understand
the diagram (ISO, 2013). In total, there are 83 ele-
ments, considering both the basic elements and their
extended versions, which are grouped in five cate-
gories flow objects, artifacts, data, swimlanes and
connecting objects.
Once the BPMS and BPMN elements to be evaluated
were selected, we proceeded with the third phase of
the research protocol (cf. Section 3) and conducted
the evaluation itself. To this end, we evaluated the
BPMN implementations in two aspects:
1. Verifying whether the BPMN elements are imple-
mented in the BPMSs.
2. Verifying whether the implemented BPMN ele-
ments are correctly implemented.
4.1 Identifying Implemented BPMN
For this first evaluation aspect, we created a process
model on each BPMS under evaluation and tried to
add to it each one of the BPMN elements selected for
evaluation (cf. Section 3.1). Thus, we seek to iden-
tify elements not implemented in BPMSs, i.e., those
that would not be possible to be added to the process
model as they were not available in the BPMS.
To select the elements, first, we verified the editor
of each BPMS. If the BPMN element was available
for use in the BPMS editor, we concluded that the
corresponding BPMS implements it. We also tried
to create extended versions of elements through the
element properties, for example by right-clicking on
the element. This is often available in some tools for
changing the type of some elements, e.g., changing
an abstract task to a script task or a standard event
to a message event. If there was no reference to the
evaluated BPMN element in the BPMS editor or in a
base element properties, we concluded that the corre-
sponding BPMS does not implement it. To control the
conducted evaluation, we used a spreadsheet where
we marked an “X” for each implemented BPMN el-
ement. We organized this spreadsheet by BPMN ele-
ment groups.
4.2 Evaluating Implemented BPMN
For the second evaluation aspect, we modeled differ-
ent processes by incrementally using all the BPMN
elements implemented in each BPMS, as identified
according to Section 4.1.
After modeled the process, we followed a proce-
dure for obtaining a quantitative assessment for the
following groups of elements: activities, events, gate-
ways, data, connection objects, swimlanes and arti-
facts. This procedure allowed a systematic evaluation
of the implementation of the BPMN elements and a
homogeneous comparison between the BPMSs.
The procedure for evaluating the implemented
BPMN elements consists of: Element score: we as-
signed 0, 1 or 2 points to each BPMN element, con-
sidering that 0 points means that the BPMS does not
implement the BPMN element, 1 point means that the
BPMN element is partially implemented considering
the BPMN specification and 2 points means that the
BPMN element is fully implemented considering the
BPMN specification. For example, considering the
part of the definition of the XOR split-gateway ele-
ment that states “The first condition that evaluates to
true determines the sequence the token is sent to and
no more conditions are henceforth evaluated”: if the
BPMS does not implement this part of the definition,
it receives a maximum of 1 point; but if the BPMS
implements this part of the definition, it can receive
2 points, depending on whether or not the rest of the
definition of this element is implemented.
Element group score: for each group of BPMN el-
ements, we calculated (cf. Equation 1) a Group Score
(GS) by summing the individual scores of all BPMN
elements for the group and dividing the result by the
number of elements in the group. In Equation 1, n
represents the number of elements in the group and S
represents the individual score of the element.
GS =
Normalized group score: for all element group scores
previously calculated (cf. Equation 1), we calculated
(cf. Equation 2) a Normalized Group Score (GS
in the 0-10 range, dividing each group score by the
highest score obtained by all element groups, and then
multiplying the result by 10. In Equation 2, n repre-
sents the number of element groups, GS represents
the group score and max(GS) represents the highest
among the group scores.
Evaluating Support for Implementing BPMN 2.0 Elements in Business Process Management Systems
Table 3: Summary of BPMS Evaluation.
BPMN element group Bonita BPM Web Ratio BPM Camunda BPM jBPM
Activities 8.33 5.00 8.89 7.78
Events 7.04 7.41 6.67 6.48
Gateways 7.00 9.00 7.00 7.00
Connection objects 8.00 4.00 6.00 4.00
Artifacts 10.00 7.50 10.00 5.00
Swimlanes 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
8.40 7.15 8.09 6.71
9 9
7.78 7.78
2.94 2.94 2.94
10 10
7.14 7.14 7.14
10 10 10 10
4.17 4.17
4.17 4.17 4.17
Start Events
End Events
Intermediate Events
Connection Objects
Percentage implemented
Bonita BPM
Camunda BPM
WebRatio BPM
Figure 2: Percentage of Implemented BPMN Elements by Element Group and by BPMS.
x10, i 1..n (2)
BPMS score: for each BPMS, we calculated (cf.
Equation 3) the BPMS
by summing all the group
scores for the BPMS and dividing the result by the
number of element groups. In Equation 3, n rep-
resents the number of BPMN element groups and
represents the normalized group score.
Table 3 summarizes the evaluation results. Each row
represents a group score (cf. Equation 1), for the
evaluations of the BPMN elements of the correspond-
ing group. For example, row Activities” depicts the
scores for this group of BPMN elements, for each
BPMS evaluated. The BPMS
(cf. Equation 3)
row depicts the final scores obtained by BPMS, con-
sidering the six groups above.
Our study found that support for BPMN elements in
BPMSs is limited considering the four BPMSs evalu-
ated. Of the 79 elements evaluated, only 27 are imple-
mented by at least one of the BPMSs (corresponding
to 34.18%). We also identified that different BPMSs
usually implement the same set of BPMN elements.
For example, in terms of gateways, BPMSs usually
implement AND, XOR and OR gateways while the
event-based gateway is not implemented. One hy-
pothesis is that only the BPMN elements most often
used by practitioners are implemented in BPMSs.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Bonita BPM Camunda BPM jBPM WebRatio BPM
Number of elements
Figure 3: Number of Implemented BPMN Elements by BPMS.
Fig. 2 presents more information about the results ob-
tained by each group of BPMN elements. We split
events into three groups to allow a more precise result
analysis: start events, intermediate events and end
events. As a result, one can observe that “start events”
is the element group with the fewest elements im-
plemented (average of 30.88%). In contrast, “swim-
lanes” is the element group with the most elements
implemented (average of 100%) followed by “arti-
facts” (average of 62.5%). One hypothesis for the
higher level of implementation of these two groups is
their possible ease of implementation as both groups
represent simpler elements in terms of behavior rules
according to the BPMN specification.
Fig. 3 depicts the results grouped by BPMS, con-
sidering the elements that there are an implementa-
tion in the BPMS. We present an analysis showing
the number of elements fully implemented, partially
implemented and not implemented according to the
BPMN specification. From this data, one can con-
clude that Bonita BPM is the BPMS with the largest
number of BPMN elements fully implemented, con-
sidering the BPMN specification. From 50 elements,
35 are fully implemented (42.17%), 6 are partially im-
plemented (7.23%) and 9 not implemented (10.84%).
Regarding the scope of implementation, we can
conclude that although the BPMS implements few
elements, not all BPMS perform as defined in the
BPMN specification. While Bonita BPM obtained the
highest score (about 8.40), jBPM obtained the low-
est score (6.71). This means that Bonita BPM offers
higher support to BPMN, compared to another tool.
About the evaluated groups, we can observe that
BPMSs in general support swimlanes (all scored 10)
and artifacts (Bonita and Camunda scored 10; We-
bRatio 7.5 and jBPM 5). In opposition, activities,
events and gateways are weakly supported.
In this paper, we presented an evaluation of the cur-
rent state of the support of the BPMN elements in
available BPMS. To achieve this aim, we focused on
a protocol that allows us to investigate the BPMS.
With the information about the implementation, we
can identify the elements that need to be implemented
and hence investigate how to do it.
According to our evaluation of related works, the
available investigations are focused on verifying re-
source aspects of the BPMS. Our research can help
to determine the limits of support, considering the
BPMS. With this, one can develop strategies to im-
plement the remained unimplemented elements. With
these elements implemented, it is possible to incre-
ment the number of element offers.
Our main contribution is an approach to evaluate
the support of elements on a set of selected BPMS.
Following the steps proposed in this paper, it is possi-
ble to identify limitations on a BPMS in development
and plan a way to implement the remaining elements
that there is no existent implementation. Applying the
protocol, we obtained a set of 27 elements that there
is at least one BPMS that implements it. With the 27
elements, we verified the implementation, revealing
that there are elements that the implementation does
Evaluating Support for Implementing BPMN 2.0 Elements in Business Process Management Systems
not follow the BPMN specification.
We identified that the BPMS evaluated in this re-
search does not cover all BPMN elements. For exam-
ple, this protocol may be applied to Choreographies
and Conversations. About the selection of BPMSs,
considering many BPMSs are a not-free license, this
condition reduced our number of BPMS evaluated.
We cannot assure if these BPMSs provide support to
the elements that there is no implementation.
As future work, we suggest: (i) analyze the lack
of semantics with the elements that there is no im-
plementation; (ii) analyze if the missing elements
will increase the difficulty to understand the process
model, (iii) analyze the relation about modeling errors
with the lack of elements and (iv) propose pseudo-
algorithm to the missing elements, aiming to facilitate
the development of these elements.
e Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira receive support from
CNPq by grants 301425/2018-3 and 400954/2016-8;
Carlos Francisco Habekost dos Santos is a scholarship
holder from CNPq; this study was financed in part by
the CAPES - Brazil - Finance Code 001.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems