About the readability of the constraints, although
the generated code is meant to be executed by an
optimisation engine, the selection operators could
be stated in more user-friendly form, e.g. using
isSelected(alt) rather than ”alt?! == 0. Operators for
checking other states can also be introduced.
The current mapping is limited to the selection of
a single alternative which is usual for goal refinements
but not for the dual of goals, i.e. obstacles. In this
case, making sure an obstacle is managed may require
to select multiple OR-refinements. The current map-
ping cannot cope with this but could be adapted, e.g.
an array of CPBoolVar, and specific constraints for
imposing no, one or some alternatives. This results in
the generation of far larger design spaces which also
raises the need for better guidance.
In this paper, we developed an approach to deal with
the exploration of the design space at requirements
engineering time. As multiple qualities need to be
assessed simultaneously, a multi-objective approach
computing a Pareto front was used to provide the an-
alyst with a candidate set of solutions which can then
be reviewed more carefully. Our translation from the
KAOS notation to the OscaR.CP was tested on the
meeting scheduler benchmark.
Our work is still quite in early phase. Our next
steps are to cover the different extensions identi-
fied such as better language primitives, dealing with
shared goals and allowing the selection of multiple
alternatives. We also plan to improve usability and to
validate on larger models and with external analysts.
Thanks to Respect-IT for giving access to the Objec-
tiver tool and to the OscaR team for its Open Source
optimisation library.
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ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems