measurement and monitoring, through the derived
indices of vegetation like the NDVI- and its
derivatives including TNDVI, ARVI, IRECI,
TSAVI and more as well as the biophysical indices,
such as LAI and the fraction of vegetation cover
(FVC), (Wang, et al. 2018). These indices provide a
bird’s eye view snapshot urgently needed to monitor
these vast areas, while contributing to the global
biodiversity conservation and monitoring agenda,
especially needed in achieving the Aichi
Conservation Targets (2011-2020), in developing
essential biodiversity variables (EBV) from RS data
(Alleaume, et al., 2018; Skidmore, et al., 2015).
Different spectral bands combination derived from
Sentinel-2 sensors, ranging from the Visible, Red-
Edge, Near and Short Infra-red spectra, important
for biodiversity monitoring will provide data from
consistent images of time series indices like NDVI
and its derivatives for rigorous analyses in
biodiversity monitoring of the park and its
surrounding ecosystems.
In order to overcome limitations from accessing
enough continuous image data from scenes that are
cloud free, caused by the nature of the cloud forests,
like in the Kilimanjaro Mountain ecosystems, the
developed data-model protocols provide for
automation of step by step in the selection of
available scenes and enhancement techniques
needed to obtain the final products for further
analyses. Further work in this study would explore
the variances in the ratios obtained for the different
indices’ derived here in relation to each of the
research plots/sampled sites, along the elevation and
across the different land cover/use types gradients in
the study area.
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Foundation (DFG), through the KiLi1-Project
(2010-2018), as part of the post-project synthesis
phase for monitoring key biodiversity aspects in the
Kilimanjaro Mountain Ecosystems. F. Msoffe’s time
at Marburg was supported through the Katholischer
Akademischer Auslander Dienst (KAAD)-
Stipendiatum (Scholarship) between 2018 and 2020
as a Post-doc Researcher at the department of
Physical Geography, Umwelti-informatik, Philipps
University, Marburg, Germany.
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