considered experiment this can be translated into the
1E f f
, H
and H
defined in Section 5. Ac-
cording to (Juzgado and Moreno, 2001; Wohlin et al.,
2012), we can apply the Paired T-Test to formally ver-
ify the Null Hypothesis with the confidence level of
95%. This choice was a natural consequence of the
type of design adopted, i.e., the paired comparison.
Therefore, following the standard best practices, we
can accept a probability of 5% of committing a Type-
1-Error (Juzgado and Moreno, 2001; Wohlin et al.,
2012), i.e., the Null Hypothesis is rejected if the com-
puted p-value is less or equal to 0,05 (alpha = 0.05).
In this paper we presented a family of controlled ex-
periments in the context of AC testing. The idea was
to define a set of standardized guidelines for correctly
and systematically performing the testing process in
order to avoid errors and improve the effectiveness of
the validation. The proposal relies on a characteriza-
tion of the first three steps of the experiment process
(i.e., Scoping, Planning and Operation) by leverag-
ing the Goal-Question-Metric template. Thus, we de-
tailed the activities necessary for performing the first
three steps of the experiment process (i.e., Scoping,
Planning and Operation). The example of the testing
of the Sun PDP engine is taken as a reference for bet-
ter explaining the three phases.
It was out of the scope of the paper providing the
complete list of testing goals or the realization of all
the possible testing frameworks. The example pro-
vided in the paper wanted to highlight the peculiar-
ity of the Controlled Experiments and the potentiality
they represent for the testing activity.
As a future work we intent to provide other im-
plementations of the Controlled Experiments for dif-
ferent testing purposes, so as to demonstrate its flex-
ibility and adaptability. We want also to apply the
proposed Controlled Experiment in real environments
so as to collect testing results and perform statistical
This work is partially supported by CyberSec4Europe
Grant agreement ID: 830929.
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