with the standard and obligatory Algorithm and Data
Structure course using pdf slides.
While our colleagues from our university or even
abroad (including Stasko (2019)) are also quite en-
thusiastic with the way visualization of algorithms
and their background ideas makes learning easier and
more efficient, when confronted with an offer to use
the visualization in their standard course, it seems that
they don’t hear a friendly offer, but they feel to be said
in a harsh voice “Hey, throw your stupid slides out of
window; what we offer is much better that you would
ever be able to do by yourself”.
Well, this is highly exaggerated, but if we try
to understand the point of view of an experienced
teacher with carefully prepared slides, who success-
fully teaches Algorithms and Data Structures already
for many years, we understand that it is in fact very
impolite and aggressive to try to make him or her to
throw away all his or her experience and to switch to
a completely different method.
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a small publishing house, specialized in fine typeset-
ting of mathematical books and journals. The pub-
lisher asked Knuth not to disseminate T
because the system was destroying his tool of making
money to live. We are afraid that the reason why we
work so hard and they are not using it is very similar.
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Cognitive and Social Aspects of Visualization in Algorithm Learning