A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists’ Reviews Evaluation
Evripides Christodoulou
, Andreas Gregoriades
and Savvas Papapanayides
Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
American University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Ordinal Logistic Regression, Topic Analysis, Tourists’ Reviews.
Abstract: This paper utilizes online data of tourists’ reviews from TripAdvisor to identify patterns with regards to
sentiment and topics discussed by tourists that visit Cyprus, along with the investigation of the effect of tourist
culture and purchasing power on reviews’ polarity, using logistic regression. The analysis uses natural
language processing using the LDA technique and Naïve Bayes sentiment analysis. For the data collection,
custom-made python scripts were used. Ordinal logistic regression is used to identify differences among the
types of tourists visiting Cyprus, in accordance to culture and purchasing power.
With the recent information explosion from the
proliferation of data from the web, mobile
apps, social media, and sensor networks, a new
challenge emerged for companies to discover
information patterns hidden in big data using
effective data mining (Khade, 2016). A significant
amount of data on the web relates to consumer
evaluations. This active role of consumers in
evaluating products and businesses through social
media is changing organizations reputation (Etter,
Ravasi and Colleoni, 2019) and sales (Rosario et al.,
2016) and has many practical applications in the area
of marketing. The diffusion of consumers opinions in
social media is often linked with emotions,(Berger
and Milkman, 2012)(Pfeffer, Zorbach and Carley,
2014), that can affect company reputation and
performance. Therefore, social media analytics is
becoming a mainstream activity in marketing and is
considered as a valuable tool in the evaluation and
prediction consumers’ behavior. Micro blogs are
small messages communicated via social media such
as Twitter, and gained popularity as means of
expressing peoples’ views (Chamlertwat et al., 2012).
Micro-blogs are also referred as an electronic word of
mouth (eWOM), and constitute one type of big data
with unstructured information. Companies analyze
eWOM as part of their marketing strategy (Jansen et
al., 2009) to better position their products based on
customer needs and opinions (Jung, 2008).
According to Nayab, Bilal and Shrafat (Nayab, Bilal
and Shrafat, 2016) a brand is no longer what the
company tells a customer it is - it is, rather, what
customers tell each other it is. Therefore, eWOM
plays an important role in evaluating customers’
perception of a brand or product. TripAdvisor and
other social media platforms became valuable sources
for eWOM analytics with techniques for mining
consumers’ sentiment and opinions. Several studies
investigated the use of social networks to mine
consumer-sentiment for customer behavior analysis
(Moon and Kamakura, 2017) and product or business
positioning (Lee, Rim and Lee, 2019) given evidence
that sentiment in eWOM is a strong predictor of
product success (Nguyen and Chaudhuri, 2019).
However, they fail to analyze sentiment in the context
of other parameters that have been identified as
critical to consumers’ emotion such as GDP and
Therefore, this paper investigates the effect of
culture and purchasing power of tourists on reviews
polarity. The evaluation of reviews’ sentiment is
achieved using a Naïve Bayes sentiment classifier.
The topics that each review discussed are identified
using the LDA topic modelling approach. The main
research questions addressed in this paper are:
1. How does purchasing power affects
reviews’ sentiment?
2. How does culture influence reviews’
3. How reviews’ discussion topics are linked
with sentiment?
Christodoulou, E., Gregoriades, A. and Papapanayides, S.
A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists’ Reviews Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009361000990105
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 99-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The first question is grounded on evidence that
purchasing power affects reviews’ polarity, with
consumers from countries with lower purchasing
power providing low ratings to hotels. The second
question is based on evidence that tourist cultural
values, such as power distance, individualism, and
uncertainty avoidance, significantly affect their
perception of service quality, service evaluation, and
satisfaction(Kim and Aggarwal, 2016).Their work
however used the scenarios approach and hence limit
the general is ability of their findings. Similarly other
studies used surveys, to examine how customer
power distance affects service expectations,
perceived service quality, and relationship quality
(Dash, Bruning and Acharya, 2009). Surveys
however might be biased due to the sample used.
Other similar studies highlight that in countries with
greater power distance, customers feel superior to
service providers (Kim and Aggarwal, 2016) and
expect high service quality. This is linked to evidence
that purchasing power (Schaninger, 1981)is linked
with a greater need to portray status through
consumption(Dubois and Duquesne, 1993), hence
promoting power distance. The third research
question is grounded on the importance of topics in
reviews for the classification of issues that need
attention (Nikolenko, Koltcov and Koltsova, 2017).
All these influences however are analysed
independently from each other; hence, this paper
combines topic modelling with GDP and culture
using regression to evaluate eWOM sentiment. This
overcomes the problems of surveys that can suffer
from limited sample size and sample bias.
The paper is organised as follows. The next
section addresses the literature of sentiment and topic
analysis along with literature pertaining to culture and
purchasing power. Next section elaborates on the
method followed and the results obtained. The paper
concludes with the implication of the research and
future directions.
2.1 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis (SA) and opinion mining have
been studied for more than two decades with several
techniques emerging during this time for analysing
emotions and opinions from eWOM(Martin-
Domingo, Martín and Mandsberg, 2019). SA is useful
for online opinions analysis due to its ability to
automatically measure emotion in online content
using algorithms to detect polarity in eWOM(Pang
and Lee, 2008).Three common SA approaches are:
Machine Learning (ML), Lexicon-based Methods
and Linguistic Analysis techniques. From the above
three categories, the ML techniques are considered
the most effective and simplest to use, with Naïve
Bayes and Support Vector machines being the most
popular. ML techniques can be either supervised or
unsupervised (Witten et al., 2016). As these are
supervised learning techniques, it is important to train
the classifiers prior to their use. The main difference
from unsupervised is that supervised techniques use
labelled opinions that have been pre-evaluated as
negative, positive or neutral to train models. Such
techniques include, Support Vector machines, Naïve
Bayes, Logistic regression, Multilayer perceptron, K-
Nearest Neighbours and Decision Trees(Krouska,
Troussas and Virvou, 2017).
2.2 Topic Modelling
Topic modelling constitutes a popular tool for
extracting important themes from unstructured data.
It falls under the category of unsupervised data
mining techniques employed to reveal and annotate
large documents with thematic information
(Nikolenko, Koltcov and Koltsova, 2017). Two of the
most popular techniques for topic analysis are the
Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and probabilistic
latent semantic analysis (PLSA)(Gambhir and Gupta,
2017). In LDA, a topic is a probability distribution
function over a set of word, used as a type of text
summarization. The PLSA approach expresses the
relationships between words in terms of their affinity
to certain hidden variables (topics), just as in LDA,
unlike LDA though, this relationship is expressed in
probabilities, instead of Dirichlet prior probabilities.
LDA, is a Bayesian version of PLSA and has better
generalization. Therefore, LDA is employed in this
study, with each review representing a distribution of
a finite set of topics, each one being a multinomial
distribution of the words in the corpus that is
developed from all reviews. LDA examines a
collection of reviews and learns what words tend to
be used in similar reviews to identify the main topics
in the corpus.
2.3 Culture
A key factor that differentiates tourist activities is
their culture, with studies such as Crotts and Erdmann
(2000) identifying that certain traits have significant
effect on tourist satisfaction during a visit to a
country. People of the same nationality tend to have
analogous preferences and similarities in their
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
consumer behavior(Huang and Crotts, 2019). There
are several models of culture. In this study we
adopted the model of Hofstede(2011)due to its
reputation. According to this model there are 6
different traits that form a culture: Power Distance -
The degree to which people accept and expect that
power is distributed unequally in a country.
Individualism- when people tend to take care of only
themselves and their immediate families. Masculinity
- where achievement, heroism, assertiveness, and
material rewards for success are preferred in a
society. Uncertainty Avoidance - when risk and
uncertainty tend to be avoided. Long Term
Orientation - when people prefer stability, respect for
tradition, and are future-oriented. Indulgence -when
people prefer freedom and free will.
For the purpose of this study, we have conducted
in-depth analysis based on Hofstede cross cultural
differences model, focusing on how specific traits
affect sentiment in online tourist reviews.
2.4 Purchasing Power
Another important variable that varies from country
to country and is not included in the elements of
culture, is the financial state of the tourist country of
origin in relation to that of Cyprus. Purchasing power
has been used extensively for global market analysis
(Gilboa and Mitchell, 2020). The economic
performance of a country does not only represent its
financial status but is also related to people’s
purchasing behavior either within the country or
outside. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is
one key indicator for comparing the level of
development among countries and is also used as a
socioeconomic indicator of health. It is widely
considered that human welfare and GDP per capita go
together, while increased GDP per capita is correlated
with happiness of people(Dipietro and Anoruo,
2006). At the same time in countries with low human
development index, GDP dramatically changes
quality of life(Islam, 1995). Therefore, the hypothesis
here is that tourists visiting Cyprus from countries
with lower purchasing power compared to Cyprus,
are most likely to be more demanding and hence more
likely to evaluate the hotel and its services negatively.
The main steps required to answer our research
question are the following. The first step is the
collection of tourist reviews from all hotels in Cyprus
for the period 2009-2019. The total number of
reviews was 65000 from tourists coming from 27
countries, stayed at 2 to 5 stars hotels and the
language of review was English. In this step, an
automated technique is used to collect the data based
on specific criteria.
The data collected underwent pre-processing, that
involved data cleansing, dimensionality reduction
(clustering of GDP values was performed due to
scarcity of data among 27 countries) and irrelevant
data elimination. Pre-processing is a necessary step
that improves data quality. The next step involves the
analysis of consumers’ sentiment and the topics of
eWOM through polarity detection and topic analysis.
Sentiment analysis is required to detect cases when
reviewers’ rating is neutral, but the actual text
contains negative connotations. For the sentiment
analysis, a Python algorithm was developed to train a
Naïve Bayes classifier using the “nltk” library, to
evaluate the polarity of reviews in three categories:
positive, negative and neutral. For the topic
identification the LDA approach is utilized due to its
popularity and proven results. The final step in the
method addresses the longitudinal effect of culture
and purchasing power to reviews sentiment. This is
evaluated using ordinal logistic regression.
LDA pre-processing step refers to the procedure
of cleansing and preparing reviews that are going to
be analysed. Unstructured information on the Internet
contains significant amounts of noise, such as data
that do not contain any useful information for the
analysis at hand. Filtering irrelevant information
preceded the analysis, to eliminate useless metadata
(ascii characters or URLs). The pre-processing
involved the steps of: cleansing stop-word removal,
tokenisation, stemming, lemmatisation and filtering.
Stop-word refers to words providing little or no useful
information to text analysis and can hence be
considered as noise. Common stop-words include
articles, conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, etc.
Other stop-words are those typically appearing very
often in sentences, or in specific contexts.
Tokenization refers to the transformation of a stream
of strings into a stream of processing units, referred
to as tokens. Thus, during this step reviews were
converted into a sequence of tokens, by choosing n-
grams (phrases composed by n words in length) as
tokens after removing punctuation marks and special
symbols. Stemming and lemmatization processes
involved converting a word to its root form and is
typically required in dealing with fusional languages,
like English. Lemmatization uses a vocabulary and
morphological analysis of words, to return the base-
form of a word, known as the lemma. Lemmatization,
unlike stemming, reduces the word to its lemma,
A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists’ Reviews Evaluation
ensuring that the root word belongs to the language
and context of interest. Stemming usually employs a
heuristic process that eliminates endings of words
which often results in the removal of derivational
affixes. This process is sometimes called word
normalization in NLP, and consists of reducing each
token to its stem, in order to group words having
closely related semantics. For instance, “Playing”,
“Plays” and “Played” become “Play”. Filtering
involved the removal of words(stems) considered as
irrelevant such as names of individuals. Thus, each
review is cleaned from stems not belonging to the set
of relevant stems.
The LDA model is learned using the Gibbs
sampling technique that essentially performs a
random walk in a way that reflects the characteristics
of the desired distribution, starting at a random initial
point. To improve the comprehension of the
generated model, the terms in each topic are ranked
based on their frequency. This is expressed by the
beta values that are the Dirichlet priors for tokens
over topics. Extracted topics were inspected based on
prior domain knowledge, therefore, expertise in the
field under investigation is required to make the
necessary connections. The refined number of topics
for the final LDA model was 8, after evaluating
results of various topic sizes based on the estimated
number of k. Following the learning of the LDA
model and the identification of the main topics, each
review was associated with a topic(s) based on the
trained LDA model and the result was saved in a new
datafile. To further refine the topics that emerged
from the analysis, an ontology was utilised, defined
based on domain knowledge (Dickinger and
Mazanec, 2008)that represented the main dimensions
that reviewers in the tourism industry refer to.
Therefore, this ontology was used to group certain
topics together to form sub-topics that better related
to the hospitality industry. The sub-topics that
emerged were: Location (area, shops, nearby),
Facilities (pool, water sport, bar) , Service (superb,
professional, staff), Money (price, cost, room),
Accessibility (disable, lift, room). To make this
association, a Python script was used that associated
topics that referred to words linked with each of the
dimensions and assigned one or more sub-topics to
each review in the dataset.
To analyse the effect of culture and purchasing
power on sentiment, it was imperative to augment the
dataset with relevant cultural and purchasing power
information based on the country of origin of the
author of each review. For the estimation of the
purchasing power of each reviewer, the ratio of GDP
between the visitor’s country and Cyprus was
utilised. The data for the GDP of each country was
obtained from the world momentary fund website.
Similarly, for the association of each reviewer’s
country with the relevant cultural dimensions (section
2.2), the Hofstede website was used in order to
express the cultural dimension of a country in a scale
from 0-100.
3.1 Data Collection
To extract data from TripAdvisor, an algorithm was
developed in Python that scrapped reviews of tourists
that visited Cyprus in the period 2009-2019. The data
collected included: Username, Rating of hotel, Date
of stay, Feedback date, Country of origin, Pas
Contributions, Confidence votes, Review. This work
focused on review text, county of origin and date. An
initial visualisation of the data is depicted in Figure 1,
showing the distribution of sentiment polarity with
Figure 1: Distribution of sentiment polarity and time.
The Naïve Bayes classifier was trained using the
reviewers rating of the hotel as an indication of their
sentiment. So high rating was associated with positive
sentiments and low rating with negative sentiments.
The performance of the trained model was compared
against two pre-trained models: Textblob and Vader
(Hutto and Gilbert, 2014), which are popular
alternatives with satisfactory precision and recall
scores. Textblob and Vader are based on bag of words
method, but the former also includes subjectivity
analysis estimates. The metric of subjectivity is in the
range of [0-1] with 1 referring to subjective and 0 to
objective content. Both classifiers performed
similarly to the trained model, hence were used in an
ensemble manner to improve our confidence in the
results. The developed Python algorithm
automatically utilized the Textblob and Vader models
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
along with the trained Naïve Bayes model and
averaged their results. The process was repeated for
all downloaded reviews, and their polarity and
subjectivity were saved next to the review in a new
csv datafile.
The 65000 reviews then underwent an initial
descriptive analysis revealing approximately the
following distribution of review sentiment by
polarity: 10% negative 10% neutral and 80%
positive. Additional descriptive statistics (Figure 2)
revealed that Paphos is the town with the most
reviews and the town with the most neutral and
negative sentiments in its review, while Famagusta is
the one with the most positives reviews.
Figure 2: Distribution of review frequency per town and
sentiment polarity.
4.1 Empirical Model
To examine the effect of the independent variables
(culture, purchasing power) on tourist sentiment, an
ordinal logistic regression (OLR) model was
specified with sentiment being the dependent variable
and culture/purchase power respectively the
independent variables. The OLR model aimed to
identify how well the independent variables predict
the ordinal dependent variable. The SPSS statistical
tool was used to estimate the effect of each cultural
dimension and purchasing power on reviews’
sentiment. Ordinal logistic regression takes ordinal
variables as dependent variables and scale or category
variables as independent. This technique enables the
estimation of the probability of the independent
variable affecting the dependent variable. There are
several OLR models such as proportional odds
model, two versions of the partial proportional odds
model-without restrictions and with restrictions,
continuous ratio model, and stereotype model. The
most popular model is the proportional odds model
used here.
To estimate each country’s purchasing power the
gross domestic product (GDP) was used, based on the
World Monetary Fund dataset. The original dataset
was expressed in US dollars; hence, these were
converted to Euros to enable the comparison with the
GDP of Cyprus. The results of dividing the GDP of
each country with the GDP of Cyprus, enables
comparison of the purchasing power of each tourist’s
country of origin to that of Cyprus.
The OLR analysis performed in this study used
categorical data for purchasing power (GDP) to group
countries of origin into clusters. The transformation
of the input numerical values of purchasing power
into new categories was performed based on
characteristics of the 6 main clusters that emerged
after conducting k-means clustering on all countries
purchasing power.
Therefore, the original dataset was recoded based
on these new 6 categories, based on their purchasing
power. The first category with code 1 refers to GDP
ratio to Cyprus under 0.6, category 2 [1.5 to 2.4],
category 3 [2.5 to 3.4],category 4, [3.5 to 4.4],
category 5 from 4.4+ and category 6 from [0.6 to
1.4]has been used as a reference category.
Table 1: Effect of GDP Ratio on Sentiment from OLR.
Richer countries more likely to give positive reviews
compared to poorer countries.
GDR Ratio Estimate Significance
0.221 0.00
0.453 0.00
0.261 0.012
0.101 0.628
-0.367 0.77
Reference category (Cyprus)
To answer the first research questions, the OLR
was used to find the relationship between tourists
purchasing power, on sentiment. Table 1 shows that
the model’s coefficient of certain countries
purchasing power are significant (p < 0.05), thereby
suggesting that the reviewers’ country of origin is
related to their online hotel ratings. The reviewers
with higher purchasing power tend to leave positive
To investigate the effect of cultural traits on tourists’
review sentiment, the Hofstede insights website was
used to assign each country's cultural dimension to all
reviews. Culture metrics are divided into 6 categories
on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. The traits as
mentioned before are power distance, individualism,
motivation for success and masculinity, uncertainty
avoidance, long term orientation and lastly
A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists’ Reviews Evaluation
indulgence. Results from the effect of culture on
sentiment are depicted in Table 2.
Table 2: Effect of Culture on Sentiment from OLR. Power
distance and uncertainty avoidance having a negative effect
on sentiment, while individualism having a positive effect.
Cultural trade Estimate Significance
-0.002 0.069
-0.004 0.001
0.004 0.015
0.001 0.522
0 0.848
-0.007 0
Finally, to investigate which topics had significant
effect on sentiment, we utilised the results of the LDA
model from previous step and combined subtopics in
all possible permutations. The combinations of sub-
topics that yielded significant results is depicted in
Table 3.
Table 3: Effect of Sub-Topic combinations on Sentiment
from OLR.
Estimate Significance
0.718 .024
0.797 .013
1.566 .000
1.536 .000
0.888 .006
1.264 .001
1.566 .000
1.536 .000
0.827 .014
1.566 .000
1.536 .000
0.888 .000
1.264 .002
The used subtopics refer to: locations (1), facilities
(2), service (3), money (4), accessibility (5).
Combinations of these were used as the predictors of
sentiment in the OLR model. Results highlighted that,
the topics that are the most influential to positive
sentiment, by the reviewers, were the ones that
included the following combinations of subtopics:
location of the hotel, the level of service and the
accessibility of the venue. Therefore, if the hotel is at
a good location, is easily accessible and provides
good service, the likelihood that it will be evaluated
positively is increased.
This study investigated the influences of culture
dimensions and purchasing power on online hotel
reviews, from TripAdvisor. Four critical findings are
obtained. First, consumers from countries with lower
purchasing power provide low ratings to hotels; this
finding is consistent with similar studies that evaluate
the power distance difference of tourist from different
countries and how it affects online reviews. This is
based on theory highlighting that in countries with
high power distance, inequalities are generally
accepted by individuals (Hofstede, 2011)and
consumers often feel superior to service providers in
the social hierarchy (Kim and Aggarwal, 2016),and
expect high service quality while they tend to give
low service evaluations.
Results from this work extends above findings
with evidence that other cultural traits from Hofstede,
such as individualism and uncertainty avoidance, tend
to affect tourist review sentiment, while the topics
that are associated with highest sentiment are those
associated with service, location and accessibility of
the hotel, indicating that the facilities of hotels in
Cyprus are perceived by tourists as satisfactory and
hence are evaluated with positive sentiment.
Limitations of this work resides in the quality of
the data collected and issues pertaining fake reviews
that might affect the results. Our future work aims to
filter out these reviews and examine if the effect of
the variables is altered.
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A Data Analytics Approach to Online Tourists’ Reviews Evaluation