with positive feedback, improvement points,
benchmark with market solutions and system
OKIoT was created based on:
Elderaid Project architecture had redundancies for
critical communication paths. The system was
intended for elderly care, but had few developments
on fault tolerance (Hayashi, 2016);
Hedwig Capstone Project main deliverable was a
proof of concept of a fault-tolerant smart home
architecture, with three levels of functionality: direct
to module, local and internet (Hayashi, 2017);
By 2018, Hedwig was put into practice by
continuous development and deployment on a real
smart home, which enabled it to start domus open
data smart home repository (Hayashi, 2019);
A study on open architecture for smart speakers,
further extended Hedwig Project, integrating it with
conversational interface (Garcia et al, 2019). A short
course was also supported (Hayashi, 2019b).
Figure 1: IoT Projects Timeline: past developments were
the basis for OKIoT.
Smart speaker market leaders like Google and
Amazon (Statista, 2017) make voice interfaces
available on more than 200 million devices (Canalys,
2019). Though natural language commands become
accessible through these commercial products, the
imposition of a closed architecture limits user
interaction. Compulsory use of pre-set wake word
(e.g. “Alexa”) raises problems for users whose names
resemble the wake word (e.g. “Alex”). On
developer ́s side, lock-in is clear: backend services
and natural language understanding modules are
attached to vendor platform. Portability becomes a
challenge, as the assistants would be duplicated on
different platforms and could have different
responses for similar questions. with only cloud-
based solutions available, other common concern
regards privacy: an American Alexa user reported
that the smart speaker recorded a conversation
without consent and sent it to another user, present on
contact ́s list (The Guardian, 2018).
Some projects were created to address mentioned
existing smart speaker limitations:
SpeechRecognition (Zhang, 2019) library makes it
easy to use different speech recognition services. It is
possible to choose, by command-line interface, which
service the developer would like to use for speech
recognition. Snowboy (Chen, 2019) is an open
alternative for wake word creation, and “An Open
Voice Command Interface Kit” (Ansari,
Sathyamurthy, & Balasubramanyam, 2016)
developed a low cost hardware and used
PocketSphinx for speech recognition process. Alias
Project (Karmann & Knudsen, 2019) created a
hardware that blocks what existing smart speakers
listen to with a white noise. When a personalized
wake-word is called, the additional hardware then
stops the white noise, triggers the interaction with the
commercial smart speaker by playing vendor ́s wake
word and letting the user complete the query. How to
integrate these projects in order to create a smart
speaker with an open architecture (and additionally
perform a performance evaluation analysis) still
remains an open question.
On a broad IoT perspective, there are several
commercial platforms (Amazon, 2019; IBM, 2019;
Oracle, 2019) with support to cloud computing,
machine learning and big data services, easy
integration with voice interfaces like chatbots on
smartphones and smart speakers like Alexa. They
share a common drawback: vendor lock-in.
Developers (and systems, by consequence) tend to
have low flexibility on the system architecture.
Some open IoT platforms have also been
launched, such as DeviceHive, Mainflux,
ThingsBoard, WSO2, Sitewhere, ThingSpeak, Zetta,
Helix Sandbox and KnoT (DeviceHive, 2018; Helix
Sandbox, 2018; KnoT, 2019; Mainflux, 2018;
Thingsboard, 2018; ThingSpeak, 2010; Sitewhere,
2018; WSO2, 2017; Zetta, 2015), just to name a few.
They provide integration based on Representational
State Transfer API (REST API), websockets and
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), also
support Big Data and Machine Learning services;
different hardware platforms (Arduino, Raspberry Pi,
Intel Edison, ESP8266); programming languages like
C/C++, JavaScript and python; security mechanisms
and personalized dashboards. They focus entirely on
development skills for system development. Besides
the open aspect of these platforms, developers face
the great challenge of discontinued support for some
low-engagement platforms, as there is no unified
platform to date.
Some institutions create their own tools for
educational purposes, like IoTaaP and Copernicus
(MVT Solutions, 2019; Szydlo & Brzoz-Woch,