The use of learning analytics is gaining attention as it
support teachers towards improving the learning pro-
cess of each student, by shaping the learning process
to the approach that better fits the student cognition
process. This work presents a desktop environment
setup, enhanced with a set of devices capable of per-
ceiving the student emotions, with special focus on
identifying the symptoms associated to stress.
This work presents the desktop devices along with
the purposes to which each device is intended. Special
attention has been devoted to the Galvanic Skin Re-
sponse (GSR) as it is a reliable sign to detect changes
on emotions. Two devices have been evaluated and
compared in order to capture GSR data. One is based
on mouse-like device which, a priori, looks like a
very attractive device for being an element present in
every computer-based desktop. The other implies a
more tedious setup, with electrodes tied to two fin-
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the ac-
curacy and performance of the mouse-based device
(the Mionix) using the Shimmer device as the gold
standard. Results have demonstrated that despite be-
ing an attractive device for the construction of a per-
ceptive desktop, the obtained measures are not reli-
able enough for the sought purpose. Further works
will consist in combining the data obtained from the
different devices and obtain a consistent pattern of
work-related stress singnals of individuals.
This work was supported by European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 programme under grant agreement ID
857159, project SHAPES (Smart and Healthy Age-
ing through People Engaging in Supportive Sys-
tems); Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation
and Universities under Grant PLATINO (TEC2017-
86722-C4-4-R); Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness under Grant CITISIM (TSI-102107-
2016-8 ITEA3 N
15018); Regional Government
of Castilla-La Mancha under Grant SymbIoT (SB-
PLY/17/180501/000334); Spanish Ministry of Edu-
cation, Culture and Sport under Grant FPU Program
(ref. FPU 16/06205); and Xavier del Toro Garc
has received financial support from the European Re-
gional Development Fund (Fondo Europeo de Desar-
rollo Regional, FEDER).
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education