greater impact on the accuracy values compared to the
drowsy sequences, where blink intervals are longer.
Nevertheless, the overall accuracy is higher than other
results reported in related state-of-the-art methods.
Finally, the presented results suggest that in-
cluding our method in more complex blink de-
tection pipelines within Driver Monitoring Systems
(DMS) improves the overall detection accuracy with-
out adding significant computational overhead.
In this paper we have presented a method to obtain
an eyelid aperture signal, based on online amplitude
analysis, which enables driver-adaptive normalisation
of eye amplitudes obtained with face alignment meth-
ods. Its parameters have been trained using manually
labelled sequences and a proposed cost function with
minimisation mechanisms. The method has been im-
plemented within the framework of a Driver Monitor-
ing System (DMS) library. Experimental results show
real-time performance in different platforms used in
automation applications, which make it feasible for
integration in complex ADAS systems without signif-
icant computational overhead.
The method was evaluated using the proposed cost
function, which makes use of manually labelled data
samples. Comparison with simple baseline methods
was provided showing lower error cost. In addition,
the results of the classification problem for open and
closed eyes show higher accuracy and adaptability
to driver-specific visual features compared to other
state-of-the-art methods.
Our method can be incorporated into blink de-
tection pipelines to improve the estimation of blink
parameters while it also produces adaptive eyelid
aperture estimates valuable for subsequent driver’s
arousal state analysis. Future work include the valida-
tion of the method under a wide variety of use cases
and conditions, extending our current database.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme
(grant agreement n
690772, project VI-DAS).
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