Exploring Trade-offs in the Attitude towards Digital Technologies like
AAL: An Empirical Study on Conditionals for AAL Acceptance
Eva-Maria Schomakers
, Anne Kathrin Schaar
and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Technology Acceptance, Ambient Assisted Living, Ageing, Ethical Dilemmas.
Currently the digitisation entails a wide portfolio of technical solutions that are perceived to be useful for
care and support of older people in the future. In approaches like Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), different
(medical) technologies are merged to customizable concepts that offer support for an independent and safe
living at home. Based on the principles of ubiquitous computing health relevant services, e.g., measurement
of vital parameters, can be provided and take serious actions if necessary. Beside the challenge to integrate
the technological issues, the attitude of potential users is still not fully understood and far from predictable.
Especially when it comes to formation of a general attitude towards AAL technologies there is relatively little
knowledge about the trade-offs in the decision-making process. That is why this paper focuses on conditionals
and trade-offs in the acceptance process of AAL technologies. The chosen mixed-method approach consisting
of a qualitative study (n=10) and a questionnaire survey (n=177) revealed a set of influencing factors that are
related to privacy and situational and ethical conflicts.
Would you decide for you mother to use AAL
in her home if the only alternative for her is
moving to a nursing home?
Would your decision change if she is against
AAL monitoring?
What if your mother suffers from dementia
and does not comprehend the consequences
of using AAL anymore?
With these questions in mind, this introduction fo-
cuses on the consequences of digitisation as well as
social and structural change processes to motivate the
investigation of the acceptance of Ambient Assisted
Living (AAL) technologies.
Currently the fundamental digitisation of our so-
ciety leads to massive technological progress in all
spheres of life. In the context of ageing, care, and
medical support these new technological opportuni-
ties offer solutions for challenges that arise from the
demographic change. Especially in western industrial
countries where ageing societies require solutions for
a declining number of caregivers, rare places in nurs-
ing homes, and an increasing amount of people with
need for support (Abbing, 2016), this potential should
be turned into value. Besides technological aspects,
the user’s attitude towards such technologies is an in-
tegral part of a successful implementation. Especially
in the context of AAL where the associated technolo-
gies become part of their users home environment the
acceptance of potential users is essential.
Therefore, the presented research aims to inves-
tigate conditions of AAL acceptance. Research has
already gained insights into pro and contra motives
for acceptance and use of AAL technologies (for a
review, see e.g., (Peek et al., 2014)), but so far the
conditions of usage and their impact on the decision-
making process are not fully understood. To under-
stand the complex process of AAL acceptance or re-
jection, more insights into the trade-offs that are per-
formed during this process are needed. That is why
our focus is primarily on conditions that are posed for
the use of AAL, particularly conditions regarding the
circumstances of AAL use as well as ethical aspects.
A mixed-method scenario-based approach was
chosen to reveal conditions for AAL acceptance with
focus on existing moral concepts of potential users
and their influence on AAL acceptance in the future.
Thereby, the integrated interview study is executed
Schomakers, E., Schaar, A. and Ziefle, M.
Exploring Trade-offs in the Attitude towards Digital Technologies like AAL: An Empirical Study on Conditionals for AAL Acceptance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009370700690076
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 69-76
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to identify a factor space to understand trade-off de-
cisions and ethical considerations holistically. The
questionnaire study (n = 177) aims to quantify the
influence of ethical concepts on the decision-making
process for or against AAL technologies.
With more knowledge about internal and social
trade-offs, emergence of decision dilemma, and rele-
vance of acceptance parameters , scope for action can
be opened up, especially at the societal level. This
knowledge can be used to stimulate a social debate
on how to deal with data protection in different areas
of life, or with patient empowerment in a healthcare
system 4.0 (Ziefle and Schaar, 2014). Currently the
time is right to integrate scientific findings to shape a
society that is more digital and networked than ever
1.1 Technology Acceptance
Research on technology acceptance usually focuses
on the adoption or rejection of technological artefacts
with focus on a specific acceptance subject, object
and context (Lucke and Hasse, 1998). Triggered by
an increasing diffusion of information and communi-
cation technologies [ICT] in the working context in
the 1980s, the interest in predicting the acceptance of
these products increased massively. Established the-
ories are based on empirical studies that have identi-
fied perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness to
be central predictors for the behavioural intention to
use ICT as the central element of acceptance (Davis,
1989). Models such as TAM (Davis, 1989), UTAUT
(Venkatesh et al., 2003) and their extensions are still
the central scientific basis of technology acceptance
research today. With the extensions of the models,
further factors were integrated which allow a more
holistic view, also in other areas than the work con-
text. Still, these established technology acceptance
models are criticised to not fully suit to special con-
texts like health technologies and AAL (Vassli and
Farshchian, 2018; Holden and Karsh, 2010).
1.2 Acceptance-relevant Factors in the
Context of AAL Technologies
The application of findings from technology accep-
tance research to the field of AAL calls for a consid-
eration of its specific circumstances of use:
First: AAL technologies are usually conceptu-
alised for a special target group, often older adults.
Due to the special addressees it is essential to take into
account that the attitude towards technology might
change with increasing age (Niehaves and Plattfaut,
2014). Often the decrease of cognitive performance
and a lack of mental models are reasons for a decline
in willingness to use technology or learn new operat-
ing concepts. For health related technologies similar
patterns were identified (Arning and Ziefle, 2009) .
Second: Due to the special circumstances of use,
voluntariness as well as the influence of relevant
stakeholders (e.g. relatives, physicians) must be con-
sidered to include more relevant variables.
Third: At the same time we have to consider that
the attitude towards AAL or other medical related
technologies is heavily entangled with the perception
of digitisation in general and thus the whole public
debate about privacy and data security. Digital tech-
nologies, which are based on the collection, analysis,
and storage of large amounts of (personal) data, trig-
ger privacy concerns as users feel to have lost control
over their data (European Commission, 2015). More-
over for AAL, technologies are integrated into our
home environments, for many a safe haven of privacy
in our networked world. Therefore, privacy concerns
have been identified as one of the main barriers for the
acceptance of AAL (Peek et al., 2014).
Fourth: Ageing, care, and illnesses are intimate
aspects of life that touch the dignity of affected per-
sons. Besides cost savings, technological feasibility,
and the mere usability of technologies, the implemen-
tation of AAL should also place importance to the in-
dividual wishes, needs, and resentments of each se-
nior. Not enough is yet known about the conditions
regarding the circumstances and ethical dilemmas in
the adoption of AAL.
In summary, it can be said that AAL acceptance
has to be considered as a multi-factorial and multi-
criteria construct. Considering this, it is essential to
focus on the dynamics of individual, social but also
ethical influences and their interplay.
Addressing the above mentioned challenges and op-
portunities in the context of innovative medical tech-
nological approaches such as AAL, we have chosen a
two-step scenario-based empirical approach with fo-
cus on situational and ethical aspects of AAL use and
acceptability with the aim to better understand deci-
sions regarding the acceptance or rejection of AAL.
The included scenarios target trade-off decisions and
ethical questions.
First, in interviews, motives, barriers, and condi-
tions for users’ acceptance of AAL technologies are
assessed regarding AAL in general and within spe-
cific scenarios (see figure 1).
Second, this is supplemented by a quantitative as-
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 1: Scenarios Used in Interviews and Survey.
sessment of AAL acceptance in general and in the
scenarios with n = 177 participants. In the following,
both studies are presented subsequently.
This section presents the qualitative study with fo-
cus on an initial understanding of conditions of AAL
acceptance including the presentation of the method-
ological approach, the sample, and the results.
3.1 The Methodological Approach
In 10 interviews, the participants’ opinions to AAL,
in general, and specific usage scenarios (see Figure
1) were explored. The interviews were conducted us-
ing a semi-structured guideline, were audiotaped and
transcribed verbatim. In a conventional content anal-
ysis (Hsieh and Shannan, 2005), categories were de-
rived for perceived barriers, benefits, and conditions
for AAL acceptance. The interviews were conducted
in German. Selected quotes are translated to English
for publication.
The interviews started with a general explanation
of AAL technologies. A scenario-based approach was
used to set the participants in a situation of two sib-
lings who try to decide whether their mother should
use AAL technologies or not. Afterwards the par-
ticipants were asked to state their opinions and ex-
plain their reasoning. Questions targeted under which
circumstances the participants would accept AAL.
Thereafter, further scenarios were presented and eval-
uated by the participants.
Figure 2: Stated Motives and Barriers for the Acceptance of
AAL. Grey Numbers Indicate the Number of Participants
Who Mentioned This Topic.
After the interview, the participants were asked
to fill out a short questionnaire containing questions
about demographic data, experiences with technolo-
gies and care, as well as technical self-efficacy (Beier,
3.2 The Sample
The participants were acquired via the social network
of the authors with the aim to have a diverse sam-
ple regarding age, gender, and affinity for technol-
ogy. 10 participants in an age range from 24 to 72
years (M = 45.5, SD = 15.6) (50% women) were in-
terviewed. Occupation ranged from students, engi-
neers, teachers, and nurses to pensioners. All partic-
ipants are regular smartphone users. Their technical
self-efficacy varied between 3 and 6 (M = 4.4, SD =
1.1; on a scale between 1 (low) and 6 (high)). Eight
of ten participants have experienced close relatives to
have dementia – the topic of scenario 2.
3.3 The Results
This chapter presents findings about motives and bar-
riers of AAL use as well as conditions of using AAL.
3.3.1 Motives and Barriers
The participants mentioned multiple motives and bar-
riers for the acceptance of AAL, which are depicted in
Figure 2. Motives and barriers for the acceptance of
AAL have already been widely studied in qualitative
and quantitative empirical approaches (Peek et al.,
2014; Offermann-van Heek and Ziefle, 2019). There-
fore, the focus of this analysis lies on a short summary
and on the trade-off arguments between them.
Our results show again, that privacy is the most
often mentioned obstacle against AAL use. Inter-
estingly, some participants indicated not to have pri-
vacy concerns for two different reasons: Some partici-
pants stated, that there is so much data collection from
Exploring Trade-offs in the Attitude towards Digital Technologies like AAL: An Empirical Study on Conditionals for AAL Acceptance
other technologies that the additional data collection
would not matter. Another participant estimated her
own vulnerability to privacy risks as very low (the so-
called ’optimism bias’ (Baek et al., 2014)).
Most important benefits are security and support
of family caregivers. One participant just stated that
“humanity will benefit from it” (54, female) without
specifying benefits.
One main result of the analysis is that the partic-
ipants clearly weigh between the barriers they see
with privacy concerns being the most prominent one
and the benefits they perceive. The barriers and ben-
efits are not evaluated separately but in relation and
in trade-off with other relevant ones (cf. following
quotes). This privacy-utility trade-off seems to be the
key to understand AAL acceptance and has been stud-
ied in other contexts under the label ’privacy calculus’
(Dinev and Hart, 2006).
Privacy-utility trade-off: "And if I were
the one to decide, I’d think about it: What
is more important? That some outsider will
tap into the data at some point, or that my
father will be monitored every day? Then,
despite my reservations, I would opt for the
technology." (62, female)
"I see the benefits more than the negative
aspects. The benefit is higher than anything
else I think." (34, female)
"Of course, it always depends on who you
disclose your data to. But if there is a
meaningful benefit, I am not that concerned."
(36, male)
3.3.2 Conditions for AAL Acceptance
As this paper focuses on the conditions that are posed
for AAL acceptance, especially in ethical dilemmas,
the results regarding conditions for AAL acceptance
are presented in detail in the following. For an
overview, the identified categories are depicted in Fig-
ures 3 and 4. Many conditions centre around the char-
acteristics and abilities of the technology. Here, one
large cluster regards privacy. Other conditions centre
around the circumstances of the senior and AAL ap-
plication and hence show a more situational perspec-
tive on AAL acceptance. Especially in the scenarios,
the opinion of the senior becomes an important con-
Technology Centred Conditions: Nine out of ten
participants stated that it is very important for pri-
and that the patient has the choice. Important is also
one participants would accept only ’necessary’ data
to be collected; others reject videos. Another impor-
tant factor is the PURPOSE OF DATA USE. TRANS-
Figure 3: Identified Technology Centred Conditions for
AAL Acceptance (Grey Numbers Indicate the Number of
Participants Who Mentioned This Topic).
PARENCY and DATA SECURITY should be guaranteed
for AAL.
The following quotes of participants illustrate
these privacy related conditions:
Who has access to the data: "I’d be
worried that maybe strangers might have
access to the data. And I don’t think that’s
so nice. Only the children or the doctors or
someone like that should have access to it.
But no third party." (59, male)
What data is assessed: "There are no
videos of it. [...] At most I see some
physiological values [of my mother]. And
I think that’s okay. Or at what time she
went to the toilet. That’s not so bad." (36,
Purpose of data use: "But not that it’s
being used for advertising purposes." (72,
Closely related to privacy is the condition of CON-
pants want to be able to switch off functions, decide
whom to grant access to data, and when to send data.
Controllability: "Of course, with the
restriction that I still have control over
[the technology] myself: That I can switch
it off, for example. Let’s take Alexa as
an example, it should not be the way that
she always listens. That’s exactly how it
shouldn’t be with the devices. They should
not always be active, but I should have
control over when they are switched off and
when the data is passed on and when not."
(45, male)
Further technology-related conditions are the RE-
emergency situations are detected reliably. AAL tech-
nologies like fall detection are also only useful if
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 4: Identified Situation Centred Conditions for the
Acceptance of AAL (Grey Numbers Indicate the Number
of Participants Who Mentioned This Topic).
ally, a good TECHNICAL SUPPORT should facilitate
the interaction with the technology.
This technology centred perspective shows that
there are certain limits on what is acceptable, e.g., for
privacy invasions, even if the benefit is perceived to
outweigh these concerns. Still, these limits vary be-
tween individuals and are flexible dependent on other
trade-off factors.
Situation Centred Conditions: Looking from a sit-
uational perspective which was triggered by the spe-
cific scenarios, the OPINION OF THE SENIOR is im-
portant for most participants as well as NECESSITY
It varies between participants and between scenar-
ios how important the acceptance of the senior is to
the participants (hypothetically in the situation of a
child deciding for the parent). Most participants want
to go along with the consent of the senior even if
the senior’s dementia is so advanced that he/she may
not be able to fully understand the technology any-
more. For others, this depends on how much the se-
nior still comprehends (COMPREHENSION BY THE
SENIOR) and how strong resentments against AAL
are (FEELINGS OF THE SENIOR). For one participant,
the decisive argument is who is legally responsible,
e.g. as a legal guardian.
Feelings of the senior: "If it’s someone
who doesn’t mind it, then my opinion is still
positive. But if someone suffers from it and
feels unwell, one should refrain from the use
of AAL." (45, male)
Comprehension by the senior: "If she
doesn’t notice anything, she won’t mind."
(62, female)
Legal situation: "Since she then has
a legal guardian, who is not arbitrarily
decided on, I find it okay [if this guardian
decides regardless of her opinion]." (36,
If the situation makes a support by AAL technol-
ogy more necessary (c.f., scenario 3), the security of
the senior is taken into account and weighed against
his/her acceptance. Important factors are the NECES-
SITY OF SUPPORT, e.g. how dangerous living alone is
for the senior, and whether there are ALTERNATIVES
for the care of the senior. Here again, trade-off deci-
sions are made between the benefits of the technology
and the perceived barriers.
Necessity of support: "I’d rather do
it against her will and try to convince the
person than see her suffer alone or vegetate
at home." (24, female)
Available alternatives: "The mother can
no longer cope completely on her own. What
are the alternatives? Is there a nurse, can
she go into a nursing home?" (62, female)
Summing up the results, people trade-off between
perceived benefits and barriers to decide on accep-
tance of AAL and pose certain conditions that need to
be fulfilled. Most relevant benefits are the improved
security for the senior and the support for family care-
givers. As barriers, privacy concerns and the reliabil-
ity of the technologies are foreground. Using the eth-
ical dilemmas in the scenario-based approach empha-
sised not only technology centred conditions like pri-
vacy and reliability, but also a situational perspective.
The opinion of the potential senior user, the neces-
sity of support, and available alternatives are impor-
tant trade-off factors to be considered when deciding
about the use of AAL.
With the qualitative approach, we could identify
relevant factors of AAL acceptance. All participants
evaluated AAL very positively in the interviews and
most were also in favour of AAL in the scenarios. Be-
cause of the small sample size, these results need to
be confirmed using a larger sample to make a general
statement. Therefore, in a second step, AAL accep-
tance in general and in the scenarios was quantified
with a larger sample.
Based on the interview results, a short survey was de-
veloped to assess opinions regarding AAL by a larger
sample. In the following, subsections the method-
ological approach is presented.
4.1 The Questionnaire
After an introduction to the topic AAL, the question-
naire started with demographics (age, gender, and ed-
ucation level). Since the focus of the study covers
technology acceptance and privacy is one of the fore-
Exploring Trade-offs in the Attitude towards Digital Technologies like AAL: An Empirical Study on Conditionals for AAL Acceptance
ground barriers, scales for technology commitment
(Neyer et al., 2012), which represents a general atti-
tude and acceptance of technologies, and privacy dis-
position (Li, 2014) are included, which represents the
personality trait of how much one values ones privacy.
In the main part, AAL technologies were intro-
duced and acceptance of AAL in general was assessed
on a 1-item scale. In the following section of the ques-
tionnaire, the scenarios (cf., Figure 1) were presented
and participants were asked again to indicate their ac-
ceptance for each scenario. All items were measured
using 6-point Likert Scales ranging from 1 (low) to 6
(high). The reliability of the scales technology com-
mitment and privacy disposition was confirmed by
calculating Cronbach’s Alpha (α > 0.7).
4.2 The Sample
In total 177 participants completed the questionnaire.
Their age ranged between 15 and 81 years (M =
37.85, SD = 14.2). 63% were women. Participants
from all education levels were included with a major-
ity having a higher educational attainment (23.7% up-
per secondary education, 52% university education).
Our sample can be described as having an affinity
for technology with a result that is slightly higher than
the mean of the scale (M = 3.89, SD = 0.77). Addi-
tionally findings show that privacy is a relevant topic
within our sample. With M = 4.17, SD = .87 the score
for privacy disposition is rather high.
4.3 The Results
The evaluation of acceptance for AAL in general and
within the three scenarios is depicted in Figure 5. The
overall result of the study revealed a quite high ac-
ceptance of AAL. In all scenarios, at least two thirds
evaluate AAL as acceptable.
A closer look on the results shows that 87.6% of
participants accept AAL in general. With a higher
perceived necessity for support (scenario 1) accep-
tance is still higher. Only 9% of the sample reject
AAL in this case. In contrast, when the potential se-
nior user is not able to comprehend the technology
and give consent to its use (scenario 2), AAL is the
least accepted. 31.6% reject AAL in that case. With
no alternatives of care available (scenario 3), AAL is
again more accepted. In this case, more than half of
the sample fully accepts AAL with only 12.4% reject-
ing this technology support as last resort.
These results show how the special circumstances
and situational conditions change the acceptability of
AAL. Still, the results are overall positive for AAL
despite the ethical conflicts.
The fact that we are currently facing a fundamental
digitisation within all areas of life leads to the neces-
sity to explore trade-offs in users attitude towards dig-
ital services and products. This aspect of understand-
ing users acceptance of technologies is becoming in-
creasingly important, especially considering the capa-
bility of digital technologies to mitigate global mega-
challenges such as the demographic change.
AAL solutions offer the potential to adequately
support the care of elderly or frail people in times
of declining resources in the health care system.
Through the integration of sensors, medical devices
and suitable interfaces users homes can become an in-
telligent living space that can take on tasks and offer
services in a targeted manner. However, the integra-
tion of sensors, intelligent data processing, and the ex-
ploitation of ubiquitous computing principles can also
lead to barriers for the acceptance by potential users.
Derived from gaps in the understanding of technology
acceptance, this paper was focused on the investiga-
tion of conditions for the acceptance of AAL tech-
nologies. Particularly, the chosen approach focused
on ethical dilemmas in the decision for or against
AAL technologies. To understand these situation-
related aspects and ethical dilemmas which have
been mostly neglected in previous research on accep-
tance of AAL is important for a comprehension of
the complex genesis of acceptance.
Looking at the results, it can be concluded that the
chosen mixed-method design was suitable to answer
our research questions and add to the understanding
of potential users’ decision for or against AAL tech-
nologies. In the qualitative interviews, we could, on
the one hand, replicate already known findings and,
on the other hand, add to a situational understanding
of acceptance conditions. Known benefits, such as
security for the senior and the relief of relatives as
well as barriers like privacy concerns and the reliabil-
ity of the technologies were confirmed. In addition,
our study highlighted the genesis of technology ac-
ceptance: It made it possible to observe participants
trading off benefits and barriers to come to a final de-
cision for or against AAL technologies. This trade-off
process is central to the acceptance decision.
With the use of ethically sensitive dilemmas, two
types of conditions were disclosed (technology- and
situation-related). Technology-related conditions like
reliability, controllability or type of data access have
already been discussed before (e.g., (Schomakers and
Ziefle, 2019)) and are here analysed in detail. As new
stimuli in the context of AAL acceptance, this study
put the spotlight on situation-centred conditions that
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Figure 5: Acceptance of AAL: Percentage of Participants with Agreement to Each Scale Point (N = 177).
have previously been neglected in research. These are
the opinion of the potential users, the necessity for
support, and the existence of alternatives.
In order to come to an acceptance decision, the
participants weighed positive and negative aspects of
AAL use against each other. These trade-off between
different conflicting factors, e.g., the support of the
senior by AAL vs. the seniors rejection of AAL vs.
available alternatives of care, are central to accep-
tance decisions. The ability to weigh the conflicting
arguments for ethical reasoning is developed in child-
hood and throughout life (Kohlberg, 1971). Consider-
ing the ongoing digitisation and corresponding ethical
dilemmas of technology use, education should sup-
port young people in learning to make these decisions
and to reach an advanced level of ethical reasoning.
The quantitative survey approach could confirm
the positive attitude towards AAL technologies that
was also indicated by the interviews. Moreover, the
influence of situation and ethical dilemma was de-
picted by the shifts in acceptance between the sce-
narios and ethical dilemmas. Most accepted is AAL
when there is a high necessity for support. Resent-
ment by the senior using the technology reduces ac-
ceptance. But still even in this scenario, more than
two thirds of the participants would accept AAL tech-
nologies for their relatives. This result emphasises
how important a discourse about the application of
AAL in different situations and ethical dilemmas is.
Also, the relevance of available alternatives of care for
seniors highlights another aspect: for life in dignity
and according to individual standards and wishes of
each senior, the available alternatives of care should
not be reduced to technological options. It is the opin-
ion of the authors, that each senior should have alter-
natives to choose from how she wants to grow old and
be cared for. There will always be differences in what
each individual can afford. But in our opinion, seniors
with less monetary resources should still be able to
age in a self-determined and dignified way.
In addition to the discussion of the findings and
their applicability, restrictions should also be pointed
out at this point: It is obvious that the study presented
can only be understood as a first step. Future work
will have to go more into detail, consider the impact
of diversity factors, e.g., age or gender, and check
whether the trade-offs are the same in reality in con-
trast to our scenario-based approach. Additionally,
the acceptance and trade-offs regarding specific AAL
technologies in contrast to our general approach needs
to be assessed. It will also be necessary to examine to
what extent cultural differences have an influence on
the trade-off process.
All in all, we would like to use this study to
stimulate a differentiated, user-focused examination
of the acceptance process, including ethical compo-
nents which are an inherent part of people’s living en-
vironment. With the development of technologies like
AAL a discourse about the benefits and drawbacks of
technology use should be aimed at. Despite other ben-
efits, AAL should be used to improve the users quality
of life and enable seniors a life in dignity. What this
means and how this can be achieved is one task of
user-centred research. Only if we create a deep under-
standing of the acceptance genesis and the influences
and conditions for technology acceptance we will be
able to develop suitable technologies. If one has a
reliable state of knowledge on influencing factors, it
would be conceivable, for example, to advise affected
persons, relatives, but also professional stakeholders
Exploring Trade-offs in the Attitude towards Digital Technologies like AAL: An Empirical Study on Conditionals for AAL Acceptance
in the decision-making process in order to alleviate,
for example, the psychological burden on relatives as
a result of decisions.
In the context of cognitive decline or dementia,
concepts similar to those of living wills are conceiv-
able. Why should one not be allowed to decide in
advance on wishes and personal borders for the use
of digital assistive technologies? This would relieve
burdens from relatives and caregivers in times when
the senior can no longer decide on her own.
This research in the special context of AAL which
deals with intimacy, privacy, ageing and care high-
lights the importance to consider situational and eth-
ical aspects for the adoption of digital technologies.
However, this should not only be applied to AAL
technologies, but to digital technologies in general. A
constructive discourse on how to deal with new dig-
ital technologies is important to guide technological
developments and roll-outs. Profound understanding
of decision processes, influencing factors and condi-
tions is essential for this.
The authors would like to thank all participants that
participated in the survey as well as Anna Rohowsky
for her supportive performance.
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Springer International Publishing, Cham.
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health