tory virus (Cohen, 1985, page 84), (Cohen, 1987a).
Only a dynamic analysis (into a virtual environment)
can enable the analyst to guess (step by step) program
S ’s actions. But in this case (detection of virtual en-
vironment) program S performs only benign actions
due to the communication with the server under the
attacker’s control. Hence the result.
The same antiviral experiments were performed
on this armoured version. None of the tests are posi-
The use of k-ary codes in which a program is no
longer a solo binary object but a k-set of files work-
ing to yield a final payload constituted the base of this
work with the outsourcing of each part to IPFS. In
this context, a serial mode operation vector is used,
so the execution is done part by part and for each part
instruction by instruction (block by block for IPFS).
In fact each instruction is deciphered on the fly and
then re-encrypted (or emptied of memory depending
on the version). For some instructions, they are gener-
ated directly from other encrypted instructions before
being decrypted and executed according to the pre-
vious principle. Therefore, the analyst or the antivi-
ral solution has a compact interpretation on the entire
code only because the interaction is performed with a
partial subcategory of this k-set. All codes are pulled
to repository of P2P source code version control sys-
tem where each version can be maintained updated
and upgraded. Data operations will be recoded to the
P2P distributed file system and are tracked. In case of
codes’ improvement or change, an update can be sub-
mitted for fix and later pushed to the target machines.
In conclusion, the potential of the blockchain
technology and decentralized storage is increasing.
The combination of the blockchain and IPFS is con-
sidered to be the future of the distributed internet. Be-
sides, the Interplanetary File System have many po-
tential to host different types of Dapps and is able to
connect many blockchains and content directly. Ad-
ditionally, some of the blockchain security challenges
have been exposed revealing the urgent necessity to
be sheltered from many assumption reasons of mali-
cious applicability, and which, if remained undevel-
oped will be exploited. Blockchain has been subject
to unique speculation and as we have perceived, it
has been advantageous in many domains. However,
this backbone that is enabling and protecting several
transactions, may drives motives for potential misuses
(Moubarak et al., 2017b). Thus, the next step can be
to dig further and explore the feasibly of embedding
the new malware into Dapps applications.
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ForSE 2020 - 4th International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering