enhanced by providing functionality for recruiters to
upload job profiles and carry out matchmaking.
LD as Common Ground to Share Assets with
Third Parties. Especially sharing engagement as-
sets outside of the iVOLUNTEER ecosystem requires a
mechanism of information manifestation, wrapping a
volunteer’s engagement assets in a machine-readable
format, without any loss of semantics. LD serves
as valuable cornerstone for volunteers to exploit their
engagement assets not only within iVOLUNTEER but
also for external parties like job recruiters.
LD as a basis for ”full integration” of External As-
sets. Importing externally earned assets is currently,
as already mentioned, supported by a light-weight,
i.e., link-based approach, only. Although this allows
the creation of a volunteer’s global view on all earned
assets, the potential typing to a different T-Box hin-
ders further internal processing, e.g., to employ this
data for semantic matchmaking when looking for suit-
able new tasks. Thus, it would be beneficial to pro-
vide some kind of ”full integration” of external assets
by migrating the external data to our engagement as-
set ontology, which would enable their further inter-
nal processing.
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