Keyword Extraction in German: Information-theory vs. Deep Learning
Max K
, Yuki Kyogoku, J. Nathanael Philipp
, Michael Richter
, Clemens Rietdorf
and Tariq Yousef
Institute of Computer Science, NLP Group, Universit
at Leipzig, Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Keyword Extraction, Information Theory, Topic Model, Recurrent Neural Network.
This paper reports the results of a study on automatic keyword extraction in German. We employed in gen-
eral two types of methods: (A) an unsupervised method based on information theory (Shannon, 1948). We
employed (i) a bigram model, (ii) a probabilistic parser model (Hale, 2001) and (iii) an innovative model
which utilises topics as extra-sentential contexts for the calculation of the information content of the words,
and (B) a supervised method employing a recurrent neural network (RNN). As baselines, we employed Tex-
tRank and the TF-IDF ranking function. The topic model (A)(iii) outperformed clearly all remaining models,
even TextRank and TF-IDF. In contrast, RNN performed poorly. We take the results as first evidence, that
(i) information content can be employed for keyword extraction tasks and has thus a clear correspondence to
semantics of natural language’s, and (ii) that - as a cognitive principle - the information content of words is
determined from extra-sentential contexts, that is to say, from the discourse of words.
How can the content of a document be captured in a
few words? Keyword extraction can be an answer to
this research question and is, due to the rapidly in-
creasing quantity and availability of digital texts and
since the pioneering work of (Witten et al., 2005),
a vital field of research on applications such as au-
tomatic summarisation (Pal et al., 2013), text cate-
gorisation (
ur et al., 2005), information retrieval
(Marujo et al., 2013; Yang and Nyberg, 2015) and
question answering (Liu and Nyberg, 2013). Method-
ically, they are two general lines of research: super-
vised and unsupervised approaches. In this study, we
propose an innovative unsupervised approach to key-
word extraction that utilises Shannon information the-
ory (Shannon, 1948).
In previous studies, it came to light that Shannon
Information can provide an explanatory source of nat-
ural language phenomena such as sentence compre-
hension and verbal morphology (Hale, 2001; Jaeger
and Levy, 2007; Levy, 2008; Jaeger, 2010). Based
on these observations, we hypothesise that above-
average informative words capture the meaning of a
text and can be taken as keyword-candidates.
In well-known linguistic approaches to informa-
tion structure of sentences, new information is con-
sidered the relevant one. New information is part
of the common opposite pairs given - new or topic
- comment, respectively. Within sentences, new in-
formation - after the setting of something given - can
be said to form the message, i.e. the new informa-
tion that the human language processor is awaiting.
Within alternative semantics (Rooth, 1985; Rooth,
1992), the focus-position is filled by that new infor-
mation: ”Focus indicates the presence of alternatives
that are relevant for the interpretation of linguistic ex-
pressions” (Krifka, 2008). That is to say, the more
alternatives there are, the higher the relevance of the
actually occurring word is, and this relationship, in
fact, meets Shannon definition of information (Shan-
non and Weaver, 1948). High relevant words are ac-
cordingly be at the same time high informative.
We will compare our information theory-based,
unsupervised approach against a supervised deep-
learning approach that employs a recurrent neural net-
work (RNN). We focus on the German language. The
research question is whether keyword extraction us-
ing our simple information theory-based approach is
able to compete with a state of the art deep-learning
Kölbl, M., Kyogoku, Y., Philipp, J., Richter, M., Rietdorf, C. and Yousef, T.
Keyword Extraction in German: Information-theory vs. Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009374704590464
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 459-464
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In contrast, in the deep learning approach, there is
no explicit hypothesis w.r.t. the semantics of words.
In order to avoid the RNN to perform keyword gener-
ation instead of keyword extraction, the algorithm is
solely trained on document-keyword-pairs.
Two baseline methods are used in order to evalu-
ate the quality of the aforementioned approaches: (1)
TF-IDF-measure (Salton and Buckley, 1988; Witten
et al., 2005;
ur et al., 2005) and (2) TextRank (Mi-
halcea and Tarau, 2004). We chose the latter since it
is a highly influential graph-based-ranking-approach
on keyword extraction.
We utilise Shannon’s definition of information
(given in (1)): Shannon information content (SI) in
bits is the negative logarithm of the probability of a
sign w in its context(Shannon, 1948).
) = log
|context)) (1)
The amount of surprisal that a word causes is
equivalent to its SI and proportional to the difficulty
when that word is mentally processed (Hale, 2001;
Levy, 2008): a sign is more informative if it is more
surprising, i.e. if its probability in a given context is
smaller. The definition of contexts of target words
is a conditio sine qua non in the determination of
their SI. Contexts can be n-grams of terminal sym-
bols, n-grams of part-of-speech tags (Horch and Re-
ich, 2016), but also the syntactic context(Celano et al.,
2018; Richter et al., 2019b; Richter et al., 2019a).
Furthermore, contexts can be limited to the sentence
with the target word, but can also be extra–sentential
i.e. they can also include preceding and subsequent
sentences and even complete documents the target
words occur in. Unlike n-gram models, probabilis-
tic parser models (Hale, 2001) calculate the informa-
tion content of a word by determining the change in
probability of a parse tree when that word is added to
the sentence. Probabilistic parser models are based on
statistical frequencies in corpora and are formed from
phrase structure rules or dependency rules to which
probabilities are assigned (Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008).
The information theory-based approach to keyword
extraction put forward in this study employs three
models with different context definitions:
1. a bigram model that has yielded promising re-
sults in a previous pilot study (Rietdorf et al., 2019),
henceforth referred to as ’bigram model’,
2. a probabilistic parser model based on phrase
structures, for which (Hale, 2001) claims psycholin-
guistic plausibility, henceforth referred to as ’parser
3. an innovative extra-sentential topic model
based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei
et al., 2003) that defines as contexts the topics in doc-
uments that contain the target words, henceforth re-
ferred to as ’topic model’.
The idea of topic contexts is to determine how
informative / surprising a word w is, given the top-
ics within all its discourses, i.e. the documents, in
which w occurs. Let’s assume that w is ’polar bear’
and occurs in two documents of a corpus within the
context of three topics in total: document d
has two
topics, that we might interpret as something like ’cli-
mate change’ and ’health’, and document d
has only
one topic, which we might interpret as something like
as ’Arctic’ or ’Antarctic’. An interpretation of which
topics are involved is necessary since a topic model
like LDA just outputs abstract topics, i.e. the strength
of assignment of words to non-labelled topics.
The measure we apply to calculate average SI of
’polar bear’ is Average Information Content (Pianta-
dosi et al., 2011), see formula 3 below. In the above
of the ws topics occur in d
in d
Applying (1), SI(w) in d
is log
and in d
it is
and SI is the mean of SI(w) in d
and d
A topic model thus aims to extract a concrete key-
word, in other words a concrete topic, extracted from
a context of abstract topics.
To the best of our knowledge, information theory
has rarely been utilised for keyword extraction so
far. Mutual information has been used by (Kaimal
et al., 2012) and by (Huo and Liu, 2014) for ab-
stractive summarisations. However, the calculation
of mutual information does not take extended and
extra-sentential contexts of target words into account,
as, in contrast, our approach does (see above). In
general, pioneering work in supervised approaches
to keyphrase extractions comes from (Witten et al.,
2005) who introduced the KEA-algorithm that is
based on the features ’TF-IDF’ and ’First Occurrence’
of key phrases, and employs a Bayesian-classifier.
Nowadays, graph-based approaches such as TextRank
(TR) (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) are state of the art.
TR is based on co-occurrences of words, that is, as
directed graph, on the amount of incoming and out-
going links to neighbors to both sides of the target
words. A highly effective graph-based approach is in-
troduced by (Tixier et al., 2016) who utilise k–trusses
(Cohen, 2008) within k–degenerate graphs for key-
word extraction. The authors propose that TR is not
optimal for keyword extraction since it fails to detect
dense substructures’ or, in other words, ’influential
spreaders’ / ’influential’ nodes (Tixier et al., 2016)
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
within the graph. The idea is to decompose a graph
of words with maximum density to the core (Hulth,
We collected 100,673 texts in German language from and split them into a training set containing
90,000 texts and a validation set with 10,673 texts.
For each text we have the headline and the text body,
for 56,444 texts we also have the lead text of which
50,000 are in the training set. The number of charac-
ters of each text varies between 250 and 5,000 char-
acters. The keywords were extracted from the asso-
ciated meta-tag. There are 50,590 keywords in total.
For this paper, we focused on the keywords that can
be found in the headline, the lead and the text, result-
ing in 38,633 keywords. The corpus contains a total
of 1, 340, 512 word types when splitting on blanks and
622, 366 when filtering using the regex [\w-]+ with
unicode support.
The frequency of the keywords varies extremely.
The three most common keywords are Apple, Google
and Microsoft with a frequency of 7,202, 5,361 and
4,464 respectably. On the other hand 24,245 key-
words only occur once. 25,582 keywords are single
words and the longest keyword is ’Bundesanstalt f
den Digitalfunk der Beh
orden und Organisationen mit
4.1 Baseline
The first baseline approach we employed is TextRank
(Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004). For keyword extractions,
the TextRank-algorithm builds a (directed) graph with
words (or even sentences) for nodes within a text of a
paragraph. The weight of a word is determined within
a sliding context window and results essentially from
the number of outgoing links of the words directly
preceding the target word.
The second baseline we utilised, was the TF-IDF-
ranking function of words (Sparck Jones, 1972). This
measure is the product of the frequency of a term
within a specific document and the log of the quotient
of the total number of documents in our universe and
the number of documents that contain that term.
4.2 Information Theory based Methods
(I) Bigram Model. We determine the probability of
a word on the basis of the probability that it occurs in
the context of the preceding word. We have chosen
a bigram model, because the chosen corpus contains
many technical words, which occur only rarely. This
leads to the undesired fact that when calculating with
3-grams (or higher) many of the calculated probabili-
ties are 1 and consequently the information content of
these words is 0. Thus we calculate the information
content of a word with:
) = log
)) (2)
For the calculation, all bigrams from the headings,
leads, and texts of the corpus were extracted and pre-
processed. Then their frequency within the corpus
was counted. During the preprocessing, the words
were lowercased in order not to distinguish between
upper and lower case forms of the same words. Fur-
thermore, punctuation and special characters were re-
moved. A calculation of the information content of
these signs would not be meaningful, since they are
not suitable as candidates for keywords. Digits were
also replaced by a special character (’$’) in order
not to distinguish between individual numbers (e.g.
1234 and 1243) in the information calculation, which
would lead to a disproportionately high information
content due to their rarity. All keyword occurrences
where the keyword consists of more than a word were
combined into a single token.
The five most informative words of each text were
chosen as keywords.
(II) Parser Model. Another method we used is based
on (Hale, 2001). Hale points out that n-gram mod-
els do not have any notion of hierarchical syntactic
structure. Stolcke’s probabilistic Earley parser which
Hale examines in his paper, on the other hand, cov-
ers the shortcomings of n-gram models by taking into
consideration hierarchical structures in form of parse
trees. The idea is that the model measures the change
of the parse tree of a sentence when another word is
added. Specifically, that means that given a sen-
tence s = w
. . . w
with w
being words – a parse tree
is made for every subsentence w
. . . w
with m n.
Then, a probability (the prefix probability) is assigned
to every parse tree. Finally, to compute the informa-
tion content of a word w
in s, the prefix probability of
. . . w
is divided by the one of w
. . . w
. A prefix
probability is computed from probabilities of the indi-
vidual rules of the associated parse tree, which come
from the frequency of these rules in the training cor-
pus. We used the de core news md language model
from spaCy to create the parse trees. Then, we filtered
out punctuation marks, some irrelevant words using a
Keyword Extraction in German: Information-theory vs. Deep Learning
stoplist, and words which consist mostly of non-letter
symbols, like dates or IP addresses. From the remain-
ing words, we extracted the keywords of a given text
by choosing the words with the highest information
which together make 3% of the total information in
the text.
(III) Topic Model. The model defines the context as
a topic and calculates the average SI for each word
depending on the contexts / topics in which it oc-
curs within the discourse of the complete set of texts.
Three main steps are taken, starting with preprocess-
ing to clean and prepare the dataset for the next step
which is LDA and finally calculating the SI for each
word and extracting the word with the highest SI in
each document as a predicted keyword. The prepro-
cessing consists of removing non-alphabetical tokens,
stopwords, verbs, adjectives, and prepositions. Then
we have carried out topic modelling using the LDA
algorithm with different numbers of topics. The ac-
curacy of the model depends on the number of topics
/ contexts we use. We experimented with different
number of topics and we got the best results when we
used 500 topics. Then we calculated the SI for every
word using the formula 3 where n is the number of
contexts the word w occurs in and t is a topic:
SI(w) =
) (3)
Then for each token in the document a score is calcu-
lated by multiplying the SI with the word frequency
in the document (see 4), where c
(w) is the frequency
of word w in document d.
) = SI(w) · c
(w) (4)
The words with the highest scores are taken as key-
4.3 Neural Network
To be in line with the other methods, the neural net-
work also tries to follow the extractive approach. Sim-
ilar to the approach of (Zhang et al., 2016) the neural
network predicts if a word in the input sequence is a
keyword or not. Instead of working on word level we
chose the characterwise approach. Hence the neural
network is fairly small because the amount of word
types is in German is significantly larger.
The network architecture is straightforward. The
network has three inputs and outputs, one for each
part of a text e.g. headline, lead and text. First comes
an embedding layer and then a bidirectional GRU,
these two are shared over all three inputs. The out-
put layers are dense layers where the number of units
corresponds to the maximum length of each part, e.g.
141, 438 and 5,001.
For the training all characters that have an oc-
currence of less than 80 in the whole dataset where
treated as the same character. The network was
trained for three epochs.
headline lead
Bidirectional GRU
headline lead
1110. . . 0 0. . . 0
00001110. . . 0
Figure 1: Schematic RNN network architecture.
4.4 Evaluation Method
As evaluation measures we used 1. Precision (Prec),
Recall (Rec) and F1, and 2. accuracy. We determined
the latter as follows: accuracy 1 (A1) is the percent-
age of the model generated keyword sets for which
there is at least an intersection of one word with the
respective keyword set from the dataset. For A2 and
A3 we require at least two and three intersections, re-
The performances of the respective models are given
in table (1) and table (2). The topic model clearly
outperforms all remaining models in all measures that
we applied. The two baseline models TextRank and
TF-IDF perform considerably better than the bigram-
and the parser model. The results of the RNN are of
poor quality. It is striking that all models yield low
precision, recall, and F1-scores.
In this study we compared two methods in general,
that is, a supervised method, i.e. a recurrent net-
work, and an unsupervised method based on informa-
tion theory. In order to estimate the quality of the
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Precision (Prec), recall (Rec), F1 of the employed
Prec Rec F1
TextRank 6.99% 6.78% 7.35%
TF-IDF 3.3% 3.2% 3.2%
RNN 0.92% 0.92% 0.92%
Bigram model 3% 17% 5.1%
Parser model 3.4% 3.2% 3.3%
Topic model (50) 17.39% 17.42% 17.39%
Topic model (100) 19.35% 19.30% 19.71%
Topic model (300) 20.65% 20.59% 20.62%
Topic model (500) 21.48% 21.42% 21.45%
Table 2: The three accuracy–values (a1 a3) of the em-
ployed methods.
a1 a2 a3
TextRank 22.15% 1.97% 0.12%
TF-IDF 18.54% 2.54% 0.26%
RNN 1.10% 0.10% 0.10%
Bigram model 11% 3.2% 0.7%
Parser model 8.23% 0.57% 0.04%
Topic model (50) 54.5% 16.2% 2.88%
Topic model (100) 57.3% 18.6% 3.66%
Topic model (300) 59.25% 19.85% 4.15%
Topic model (500) 60.89% 21.15% 4.58%
results, we utilised as baselines TextRank and the TF-
IDF ranking function.
An n-gram model, a probabilistic parser model (Hale,
2001) and an innovative model based on the topics
in the respective document, i.e. an extra-sentential
model, were used as methods based on information
It turned out that the topic model yielded by far the
best results. The bigram and the probabilistic parser
model, on the other hand, performed poorly, and the
supervised RNN model was the taillight. Interest-
ingly, our Topic model also outperformed the two
baseline models, TextRank and TF-IDF. TextRank
performed poorly in comparison, for example, to the
results in (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004).
These results have first of all a cognitive impli-
cation: Our study provides first evidence that when
determining information of words it seems that extra-
sentential contexts are superior, in this case the com-
plete document. In particular the documents’ top-
ics contexts are exploited. The outcome indicates
that topic-contexts yield a promising approximation
to human keyword extraction. This raises the ques-
tion whether we can consider it a plausible cognitive
In our study, two additional information theory-
based models, i.e. probabilistic parser model inspired
by (Hale, 2001) and an n-gram model did not provide
convincing evidence of cognitive plausibility: the bi-
gram model does not seem to be able to model the
information content of words because the contexts is
simply too small.
The probabilistic parser model, though it captures
syntactic intricacies very well, does not seem to be
fit for tasks involving semantics alone in the syntac-
tically homogeneous discourse which is technology
news. Apart from that, for long sentences with more
than 80 tokens the probabilities of the prefix trees
were rounded down to 0 which rendered them unus-
The poor results of the two baseline models, on the
other hand, are more difficult to explain. One possi-
ble reason is that German has different features com-
pared to English, in which they have achieve good re-
sults. German is morphologically more complex than
the English language and has a considerably larger
number of possible tokens. Which might have in-
fluence on the information distribution in sentences.
Secondly the possibility of combining words with
hyphens is used much more frequently in German
than in English, for example in combinations such as
Ebay–Konzern and PDF–files.
The bad results could also be due to a corpus bias:
the long keywords are characteristic for texts on tech-
nologic topics.
The poor performance of the neural network is
partly due to the choice that the network works char-
acterwise. In some cases the neural network predicted
that for example FDP is a keyword. Since the
whitespaces are not part of the keyword the network
predicted a wrong keyword. In contrast if the net-
work would work on tokens this would not happend,
but the network would be significantly larger. Addi-
tionally there was very little time to test various hyper
Whether these or other features influence the per-
formance of the models, is a topic of future research.
This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation),
project number: 357550571.
The training of the neural network was done on
the High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster of
the Zentrum f
ur Informationsdienste und Hochleis-
tungsrechnen (ZIH) of the Technische Universit
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