Self-aware Pedestrians Modeling for Testing Autonomous Vehicles in
Qazi Hamza Jan, Jan Markus Arnold Kleen and Karsten Berns
Robotics Research Lab, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Pedestrian Simulation, Pedestrian Path, Autonomous-vehicles, Testing, Virtual Pedestrians.
With the rise of autonomous vehicles in the urban environment, the focus is also shifted towards autonomous
vehicles in pedestrian zones. Pedestrian safety becomes the primary concern in such zones. Autonomous
systems for these situations need thorough testing before its deployment in the real-world to ensure safety.
Therefore, developing testbeds that resemble the real-world for autonomous vehicles testing in pedestrian
zones are highly critical. The proposed work focuses on the modeling of pedestrian behaviors in a simulated
environment for realizing autonomous vehicles in the pedestrian zones. The virtual pedestrians are modeled
with the self-awareness to avoid static and dynamic obstacles when progressing towards its goal. The goal
is also to have a minimum number of parameters to generate various test scenarios with realistic behaving
pedestrians for the autonomous systems. The proposed system is evaluated using individual and group of
virtual pedestrians. It can be seen from the experiments that simulated pedestrians show trajectories which
resemble the trajectories of pedestrians in the real-world for that particular situation.
The development of autonomous commute for the
pedestrian zone is on the rise. Many companies are
producing vehicles such as Navya
and Easymile
to provide solutions for transportation in pedestrian
zones. Pedestrian zones are public areas that in-
clude vast tourist attractions, airports, university cam-
puses, and so on. Because of environmental, so-
cial, and economic aspects, transportation authori-
ties are aiming at turning existing streets into pedes-
trian zones (Di
einait-Rauktien et al., 2018). How-
ever, walking such long distances becomes tiring, es-
pecially for the elderly and disabled people. There-
fore, there is a need to develop a safe and reliable
transportation system, such as driverless shuttles, that
can carry passengers without disrupting pedestrians
in such zones. The most critical aspect of an au-
tonomous vehicle in these areas is the safety of the
pedestrian. Safe navigation becomes critical because
of the random behavior of pedestrians. Since pedestri-
ans can include juveniles, seniors, and children, there-
fore, the autonomous transportation system should
make appropriate decisions according to the type of
Proposed approaches for autonomous navigation
in the pedestrian zones should aim at guaranteeing
performance and, more importantly, safety. There-
fore, it should be tested thoroughly to drive safely
among people. Generally, researchers develop au-
tonomous transportation systems in a simulated en-
vironment to avoid any potential risks towards prop-
erty or the people. Despite the benefits of develop-
ing vehicles in simulation, virtual pedestrians hardly
represent the actual behavior of real-life people. Hu-
mans express a variety of behaviors according to their
circumstances and personalities. Some of these be-
haviors can be instinctive, e.g., avoid collisions, and
some behaviors are goal-oriented, e.g., take the short-
est path. Additionally, some behaviors are based on
social norms, such as friends or families walking right
next to each other. Hence, these real-life behaviors
associated with different situations should also be in-
corporated into the simulation to develop a realistic
scenario in simulation.
The main contribution of this paper is to gener-
ate virtual pedestrians, called characters, that depict
real-life behaviors of pedestrians in pedestrian zones.
Every character which is spawned in the environment
is given knowledge about its surrounding. From this
knowledge, the characters are capable of reaching
their goal position by avoiding obstacles and vehicles
on their path. There are some user given parameters
Jan, Q., Kleen, J. and Berns, K.
Self-aware Pedestrians Modeling for Testing Autonomous Vehicles in Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009377505770584
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 577-584
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to make the characters not to dodge the vehicles for
exceptional testing and validation of autonomous ve-
hicles themselves. The implementation is done in Un-
real Engine
In the next section, related work is presented,
which discusses similar pedestrian simulations al-
ready existing. Section 3 gives the overall architecture
of the system. In this section, the main components of
the proposed system are summarized. In section 4, the
system approach is discussed in detail. Finally, the re-
sults of the experiments are evaluated in section 5.
The study of autonomous vehicles in the pedestrian
zones is growing. Researchers are developing interac-
tion strategies to communicate with pedestrians. Jan
et al. (Jan et al., 2020) have developed interaction
modules to indicate pedestrians for avoiding colli-
sions with vehicles in advance. The authors have used
simulation to examine their results from the vehicle’s
perspective. Similarly, Rasouli and Tsotsos (Rasouli
and Tsotsos, 2019) have surveyed to identify factors
that affect the behavior of pedestrians and how to
solve interaction problems. They mention various de-
sign approaches to see the intentions of pedestrians.
For a thorough analysis of vehicle crowd interaction
in an urban environment, Yang et al. (Yang et al.,
2019) have proposed pedestrian trajectory datasets to
validate pedestrian motion models influenced by the
vehicles. The authors collect the trajectories of pedes-
trian and vehicle from a down-facing camera attached
to a drone. It particularly helps the community, which
is closely working in the interaction between pedes-
trians and vehicles.
There exists a well-known open-source simulation
environment, Carla (Dosovitskiy et al., 2017), which
is developed for autonomous driving research. Be-
sides vehicle driving and town modeling, Carla also
offers virtual pedestrians that navigate by location-
based cost. This cost encourages the pedestrian to
walk specifically on footpaths and main crossings.
However, Carla does not offer pedestrian behavior ex-
plicitly for vast pedestrian zones in which pedestrians
are not bounded by footpath like structures but can
walk freely along the stretch of the pedestrian zone
as individuals or groups. Another simulation sys-
tem specifically for representing the crowd is given
in (Kimura et al., 2019), in which the authors are us-
ing a multi-agent model for representing the crowd
in the SimTread. They have mainly analyzed evacu-
ation cases and portray behaviors in bottleneck areas.
SimTread allows user-definable pedestrians and spa-
tial models. The overhead of using SimTread for any
environment is to have a spatial model of the scene.
Many different approaches have been imple-
mented for modeling character movements. Mehdi
Moussaïd et al. (Moussaïd et al., 2011) have ad-
dressed the issue of crowd disaster and modeled the
pedestrian flow in simulation. Authors have used a
cognitive approach to adapt the walking speed and di-
rection of characters giving way to realistic modeling
of collective social behaviors. It uses vision to per-
ceive the environment, walking speed, and direction
as heuristics. A local method for collision avoidance
between characters has been done in (Karamouzas
et al., 2009), in which the collision is predicted,
and a smooth trajectory is calculated. The authors
have modeled the pedestrian as a disk on a 2D plane
with rotation. It mainly uses forces to calculate the
collision-free path until the goal position is reached.
In one of the recent work, data-driven approach has
been presented (Martin and Parisi, 2019) in which
experimental data has been collected from motion
capture sensors and fed into a generalized regression
neural networks. However, authors assume obstacle
avoidance between one pedestrian and a fixed ob-
stacle. A classical approach for avoiding collision
with other bodies is presented in (van den Berg et al.,
2011). Their approach is based on velocity obsta-
cle (Fiorini and Shiller, 1998) for the collision-free
motion for different bodies. In most recent works, Yin
et al. (Yin et al., 2019) have used this approach for vir-
tual pedestrian simulation. However, the authors have
not differentiated pedestrian behavior for the case of
vehicles moving along their path. Inspired by pedes-
trian dynamics using social force models in (Helbing
and Molnar, 1995),(Helbing et al., 2000), (Alahi et al.,
2016), and (Cosgun et al., 2016), authors of (Chao
et al., 2019) also use scalable force-based framework
for simulating pedestrians bicycle and vehicles. Their
forces are dependent on the structured environment,
such as lanes and crossings. Our system offers a so-
lution for unstructured pedestrian zones where excep-
tional vehicles can also navigate.
The architecture of the proposed system is designed to
create several characters in the environment with their
behaviors. It also generates different scenarios with
a minimal number of parameters for testing different
aspects of autonomous vehicle systems. In pedes-
trian zones, plenty of behaviors are exhibited by the
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 1: The overall architecture of the system. It consists
of three main modules in which every module defines its
pedestrians, for instance, crossing in close vicinity of
the vehicle, walking in different group sizes in which
each group member has his distinct behavior, and so
on. Producing each of these behaviors for prolonged
test cases in the simulation is cumbersome. There-
fore, the system implemented in this paper also fo-
cuses on giving the user a simple API for generating
a variety of scenarios for testing interactivity between
pedestrians and autonomous vehicles. Some of these
parameters are included in the 4.6. The system is di-
vided into three main components; Pedestrian Control
Unit (PCU), Static Waypoint (SW), and Base Char-
acter (BC). Figure 1 shows the system architecture
with three components and their respective properties.
Each component is briefly explained in the following
3.1 Pedestrian Control Unit
PCU is designed for the systematic execution of the
characters and their behaviors. PCU manages all the
characters from spawning to despawning in the envi-
ronment. PCU directly provides access to different
parameters, which can be defined by the user to gen-
erate different behaviors for characters. These param-
eters are briefly given in 4.6. PCU entirely handles all
the work, from path making to managing characters
on these paths. The process is as follows:
In the start of the simulation, PCU spawns the
characters in the environment. The spawning
could be as individual characters or group of char-
acters depending on the input from the user.
Characters get a random path assigned to it and
spawned at the first SW of the given path.
The PCU also assigns different options given by
the user, e.g., number of characters, their group
size, and their speed.
Assigning animations for each character, such as
talking on the phone, and texting.
3.2 Base Character
The entity to show the real-world pedestrians are the
BCs. BCs are the set of virtual pedestrians that move
along the path. The unreal engine includes highly-
featured Character class, which makes it walk, jump,
run, messaging, and talking on the phone. These par-
ticular set of animations plays an important role in
behavior and activity recognition of pedestrians in the
real world. A different attribute of characters such as
male/female, child/young, different complexions, and
size are included in order to fully exploit the percep-
tion system of autonomous vehicles. Each BC has its
individual movement. Obstacle avoidance is imple-
mented in BC. Therefore, each character uses its per-
ception to avoid an obstacle. Based on the available
path, it decides for its speed and direction.
3.3 Static Waypoint
The path must be defined to have a meaningful strat-
egy for every BCs. It is done by placing SWs where
the characters are intended to walk. SW is the funda-
mental component for making paths. Each BC starts
from the initial SW and traverses all the SWs in a path
until it has reached the endpoint. At this point, ei-
ther it can select a new path or despawn based on the
information from the PCU. SW can be placed any-
where in the environment. However, for testing the
algorithms in an autonomous vehicle, SWs are placed
at the same locations where the vehicle has to navi-
gate. By slightly changing the location and number of
SW, different interactions between characters and ve-
hicles can be obtained. It is because characters need
to pass through every SW once, and if placed at the
same place as the vehicle, the characters can have a
waiting behavior until the SW is available to pass.
The main idea of this work is to provide real-life
pedestrian behaviors to characters in the simula-
tion environment for testing of autonomous systems.
These behaviors include moving towards a goal on a
suitable path and avoiding obstacles or vehicles on the
same path. For this reason, there is a need to define
heuristics for every character based on user parame-
ters. The approach builds on providing the surround-
ing knowledge to every character and defining the set
of rules for speed and direction.
Self-aware Pedestrians Modeling for Testing Autonomous Vehicles in Simulation
Since the path for the characters is defined at the
start of simulation by giving SWs, the focus here is
on collision avoidance, local pathfinding, and random
behaviors. Each character possesses its behavior and
visualization so that they depict their particular be-
havior. Additionally, the characters are also modeled
as individuals and in groups and how it reacts to au-
tonomous vehicles. In this paper, every walking char-
acter gets some features for a realistic reaction to au-
tonomous vehicles. These features are awareness, di-
rection heuristics, speed heuristics, SW identification,
grouping, and can be modified by user-defined param-
eters. All these features are explained in the subsec-
tion below.
4.1 Awareness
Rationally, it is not possible to avoid obstacles with-
out perceiving the environment. For realistic trajecto-
ries of characters, every character is equipped with, at
least, the basic ability to understand the environment.
It includes the ability to know if a moving vehicle
would be crossing their current direction. Addition-
ally, characters have the knowledge if the vehicle is
moving behind them and in the same direction. This
knowledge is given by using the "LineTrace" method
in Unreal Engine, which returns first hit to an object
in the environment, as shown in figure 2. The width
of the person is also considered for obstacle avoid-
ance at every detection angle. Within already defined
resolution for the field of view, every possible walking
direction is checked. The additional direction towards
the target is considered in order to avoid the zig-zag
Figure 2: Visualization of a pedestrian c and its awareness
in simulation. α
directs towards the goal position. Green
area outlines the front of pedestrian whereas pink lines show
the rear of pedestrian, mainly, for capturing approaching ve-
hicle from behind.
4.2 Direction Heuristics
Every t seconds, a character has to re-evaluate their
direction. With the given information they can choose
between a certain, finite amount of directions. A dis-
tance value for each direction is calculated, based on
the given information and how direct the target is.
Then the direction with the smallest value is cho-
sen. This paper takes the minimization problem from
(Moussaïd et al., 2011) and modify and extends it:
d(α) = d
+ f (α)
f (α)cos(α
α) (1)
Where d is the (weighted) distance in direction α
between two end points which is shown in figure 3;
is the direction of the destination point; f (α) is
the distance to first collision in direction α; and d
is the maximal viewing distance of a character.
First, d
is removed because it does not have an
effect on which direction has the smallest value. Ex-
periments with the heuristics determined that it works
well for small objects.
Next, 2d
f (α)cos(α
α) causes the charac-
ters to only choose very direct directions, even if that
means walking against a wall. This is due to the fact
that every d(α), where (α
α) > 90
, is larger than
). But characters should be able to avoid not only
very small but also bigger obstacles. For this reason,
α is valued less and 2d
f (α)cos(α
α) is
replaced with 2d
f (α)cos(
). In experiments
x = 2 seems to work quite well. This way, directions
with (α
α) > 90
have a chance to be picked. It is
noteworthy that avoidance of small objects does not
get worse because characters still choose the most di-
rect direction. Hence, the equation 1 is modified to
equation 2.
d(α) = f (α)
f (α)cos(
) (2)
Subsequently, characters should avoid walking in
front of or crossing paths with a vehicle, so the value
for these directions is increased by adding f (α)
equation 2. In other words, the distance to the colli-
sion is valued double. The reason to double is to avoid
the vehicle in advance, which ensures that this direc-
tion is not chosen. However, if all other directions
have a terrible distance to the collision, it still can be
chosen. If such a direction is chosen, characters may
want to have a different walking speed.
4.3 Speed Heuristics
After choosing a direction, characters have to choose
their walking speed. A constant minimum time to col-
lision t
is set and used to calculate the character’s
speed. A preferred walking speed of an individual,
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 3: The law of cosines applied to character move-
pre f
, is set by the user and used as an upper bound.
Equation 3 shows the speed of the character.
v = min(v
pre f
f (α)
) (3)
Since t
is constant and positive, the characters can
never walk against any object. The next contribu-
tion of this system is that the characters of this pa-
per should also try to avoid getting hit by vehicles. If
the chosen direction crosses the current direction of a
near moving vehicle, the character waits for the vehi-
cle to pass or stop, just like pedestrians crossing a road
in real life. For directions crossing a near moving ve-
hicle, v = 0, else v is chosen according to equation 3.
4.4 SW Identification
A character constantly checks if it has reached its cur-
rent SW in the path. Reaching means the distance
to the SW is smaller than a distance ε (radius define
for every SW). When this happens, the character ei-
ther sets the next SW in its path as their current SW
or it has finished its current path. In the latter case,
the character either despawns from the environment
or queries for a suitable new path from the PCU de-
pending on given user settings in the PCU.
It is important to note that SWs should not
be placed in a way that they are blocked continu-
ously, but they can be blocked temporarily by an au-
tonomous vehicle. In this case, the simulation in-
creases the distance, ε, temporarily.
4.5 Grouping
One usual occurrence in real life is the pedestrians
walking in groups. There is no central decision-maker
for the characters in the group. Characters in a group
can still walk on their own, and they all have the same
Figure 4: The distance to group for group member 2 is ku
SW at all times, as described previously. However,
they need to stay as a group. This requirement is
fulfilled by changing the speeds of characters in one
First, the preferred walking speeds(ranging be-
tween 1.2 m/s to 3.6 m/s) for each character in the
group are equal, so without disruption, the group stays
together. It can still happen that members of the group
get so far away that it would not resemble a group
anymore. In this case, a single character needs to wait
for the rest of the group. Characters need to determine
when they should wait. Normally, people in a group
stay close together but are also comfortable with their
personal space. This concept is realized by using two
constants, a preferred and a maximum distance to the
group. Distance to a group, in this context, is mea-
sured by the difference in the personal distance to the
current SW and the maximum distance to the current
SW in the group, as shown in figure 4. Distance is
measured in this way to allow a group to split up in
order to walk around an object. This check always
guarantees that at least one member of the group is not
waiting for the group, hence, avoiding any deadlocks
caused by this functionality. If the distance between
the character and its group is greater than the thresh-
old distance, then the character waits for the group
to join by looking towards the rest of the group, sig-
naling they are waiting for them. As the distance to
the group becomes smaller or equal to the preferred
distance, they start walking at their regular speed. A
maximum distance is an upper bound to the preferred
distance to the group.
4.6 User Defined Parameters
To generate each BC with different behavior is re-
flected with the use of behavioral options that can ei-
ther apply to all or random characters. These options
are set by the PCU when spawning a BC according to
what parameters are set in the PCU.
As an example, one option that can be randomly
assigned to every character, which can be described as
irrational or “childlike”, is the ignoring of vehicles. It
can be split into two different options. First, ignor-
ing if a direction crosses the path of a vehicle when
choosing it and second, the option to not wait for ve-
hicles. The first only affects the direction, the second
Self-aware Pedestrians Modeling for Testing Autonomous Vehicles in Simulation
(a) Scenario 1 (b) Scenario 2
Figure 5: Two 2D-time plots showing the trajectory of characters. Plot(a) has two characters walking in the direction of the
vehicle. The start and end of vehicle path is shown with green dot and red cross respectively. Red asterisk shows the SW. Gray
area shows the pedestrian path. Plot(b) depicts trajectories of five characters walking in a group avoiding a static obstacle(in
only speed. It is implemented to reflect reality, where
not all characters behave rationally.
Moreover, there are a series of more technical op-
tions. These include the already mentioned maximum
group size, the delay between spawns, the distance
epsilon for reaching an SW, and if characters should
despawn on finishing a path. The rest of the param-
eters include character speed, which is a range from
walking to running, animation chance, for having ran-
dom animation upon reaching an SW.
In real-world pedestrian zones, there exists an enor-
mous number of situations where pedestrians behave
differently. This variation in behavior depends on the
number of pedestrians, their age group, their motives,
awareness level, and many more.
To exploit every behavior of pedestrians existing
in the real-world is impractical in the length of the
paper. For this reason, three particular scenarios are
included, which subsume additional behaviors occur-
ring in the pedestrian zone. The scenario consists of
a campus-like environment modeled in the simulation
where there are no specific road markings, and pedes-
trians are expected to walk anywhere on the pathway.
These scenarios are plotted using 2D time graphs of
ground truth values of characters and also, later, by
showing simulation images to prove the discernabil-
ity of the implemented system.
In the first scenario, a vehicle crossing two char-
acters is presented. The plot for this experiment is
shown in figure 5a. The two characters are given
two SWs (shown with a red asterisk) for the start and
goal position. In an ordinary situation where there is
no obstacle, the characters walk straight towards the
goal position. But as a vehicle approaches towards
them, the characters start making way for the vehicle
to pass. This behavior can be seen by inspecting the
graph from "-23" Y-position onwards. Both charac-
ters change the course of their way. It can be seen
from the vehicle trajectory with a start as a green dot
and end as a red cross that the vehicle is slightly made
to steer towards the characters. By doing so, the char-
acters have reached the end of the width of the pedes-
trian path sketched as a gray parallelogram. In this
experiment, both the vehicle and the characters are
moving with walking speed.
A group of five characters is designated by defin-
ing the parameters in the PCU for the second sce-
nario to evaluate the grouping behavior of the pro-
posed system. To justify their resemblance in their
trajectory, a static obstacle is placed between their
goal and end positions, as can be seen in figure 5b.
The plot shows the trajectory of the group avoiding
the obstacle. From the trajectories of every charac-
ter, it can be seen how closely they remain throughout
their path. This behavior defines the characteristics of
a group. At some point in the plot, the uniformity of
the group is lacking. However, considering the same
in a real-world scenario, uniformity does not always
exist. People incline in different directions within the
group. For example, if someone stops, the person be-
hind would try to cross him/her.
The final scenario is to illustrate the behavior of
the group for a crossing vehicle. It is shown by us-
ing images directly from our model in the simulation.
The environment is shown in figure 6. The trajec-
tory traversed by each character in the group clarifies
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
(a) Trajectory 1 (b) Trajectory 2
(c) Trajectory 3 (d) Trajectory 4
Figure 6: Group of six characters walking towards an approaching vehicle in a narrow pedestrian zone.
that giving way to an oncoming vehicle is more im-
portant than staying in a group. The vehicle is made
intentionally to move among the group to observe the
group’s reaction. The characters are closely grouped
when the vehicle is far away from them, as can be
seen in figure 6a. As the vehicle approaches towards
the group of characters, figure 6b shows the characters
start making space for the vehicle to pass. Since there
is no other way for the vehicle to evade the whole
group of characters from both the sideways, the group
divides in a reasonable way to avoid confusion, as can
be viewed in figure 6c. Finally, figure 6d spots that the
group integrates back once there is no other obstacle
on the way.
The system validation can be done by comparing
the trajectories from the plots in this section to real-
world pedestrians. In a real-world situation, similar
characteristics of the splitting of groups can be seen.
However, the trajectories of pedestrians may differ for
every individual. Our experiments show trajectories
similar to shown in(Appert-Rolland et al., 2018), who
have reported the study of pedestrian trajectories as
individuals and groups. They have shown pattern for-
mation of a pedestrian in a different medium of crowd
This paper proposes and implements virtual pedestri-
ans in simulation, which carry real-world pedestrian
like behavior. From the experiments, it can be in-
spected that characters for different instances show
reasonable behaviors, which is also expected in the
real-world. The plots in figure 5, demonstrate that
the characters distinguish between static and dynamic
obstacle. The characters in plot 5a constantly change
in their trajectory as the vehicle approaches them, but
the characters in plot 5b pass around the obstacle to
follow the shortest distance towards the goal. These
behaviors are normally expected in humans when they
want to cross a vehicle or wall in their path.
It is understood that humans use different gestures
for communication to find a consensus for their pref-
erence while crossing other people or vehicles. The
characters in the proposed system only use visual aid
to avoid obstacles. They can be enhanced by adding
hearing aid and signaling gestures as well in future
work. The combined effect of these aids can help in
better realizing the interaction and trajectory between
the characters and the vehicle.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems