Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review
Ana Patrícia Magalhães
1,3 a
, Rita Suzana P. Maciel
2 b
and Aline Andrade
2 c
State University of Bahia, Department of Exact Sciences and Earth, 2555 Silveira Martins St. Cabula, Bahia, Brazil
Federal University of Bahia, Computer Science Department, Bahia, Brazil
Salvador University, Post Graduate Program in Computing and Systems, Bahia, Brazil
Keywords: Model Transformation, Development Strategies, Development Process, Modeling Language.
Abstract: Model Driven Development is an approach that makes use of models instead of code in software development.
At its core, there is a transformation chain responsible for the (semi) automation of the development process
converting models into models until code. The development of transformations has been a challenge as there
is an inherent complexity of the transformation domain in addition to the complexity of the software being
constructed using these transformations. In order to assist this development as well as improve transformation
quality, it is important to adopt software engineering facilities such as processes, languages and other
techniques. This paper presents a systematic literature review of strategies currently proposed to develop
model transformations. We aim to investigate development processes or any other strategies used to guide
transformation development, the phases of software development life cycle considered, modeling languages
adopted for specification and also the level of automation provided. The study selected and analyzed 23 papers
to identify which aspects are addressed by research and any gaps in this area. We identified four different
strategies in guiding transformation development and perceived the lack of a modeling language standard.
Model Driven Development (MDD) (Mellor,
2004) is a software development paradigm that
makes intensive use of models to represent
systems at different levels of abstraction. At the
core of MDD is a transformation chain which
converts models into other models (model
transformations - MT) and model into text
(program transformation) in order to generate
application code (Stahl, 2010). In this study we
are initially interested in MT development.
The specification of a MT is defined between
metamodels of source and target languages, which
define application domains (Brambilla, 2012). Any
models that are instances of the metamodels can be
processed by the transformation. In general,
developers are used to manipulating models for
software documentation, but they are not used to
working with metamodels, which require
specification at higher abstraction levels than in
models. Moreover, the environments, for both
metamodel implementation and model specification
according to the metamodel, should be adopted to
support MT development. Additionally, model
transformations are usually written in specific
languages, e.g. ATL (Atlas Transformation
Language), which are appropriate for model
manipulation, instead of coded in common program
languages such as C and Java. Therefore, the
development of MT involves expertise in new
languages, the adoption of development
environments customized for these languages and
engines to execute the transformations.
In summary, model transformation development
involves elements that are not common in traditional
software development and this increases its
complexity, such as domain specific modeling
languages, and specific programming languages as
well as comprising metamodel definition and
manipulation. In addition, software, in general, has
become increasingly complex due to the need to work
Magalhães, A., Maciel, R. and Andrade, A.
Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009380100800089
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 80-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with wide domains, integration with other software,
among others, which may also reflect in the size and
complexity of the MT used in its construction.
Therefore, the development of MT requires software
engineering facilities, for example, development
processes, modeling languages, and automation to
achieve quality and improve maintenance and
evolution (Guerra, 2010), (Bollati, 2013).
Initially, MT were usually specified in natural
language and implemented directly in code (Guerra,
2010), (Bollati, 2013). As a consequence, this
hindered the adoption of best practices in software
engineering, such as reuse, which might compromise
its evolution and maintenance. This scenario is
changing and some proposals consider other phases
of the software development life cycle, instead of
only codification. For example, there are works that
focus on design and implementation phases (Del
Fabro, 2009), (Bollati, 2013), (Tavac, 2013), while
others concern formal specification (Sani, 2011).
As there is still no consensus about which
methods and techniques are more appropriate, it is
necessary to understand what strategies are being
used to develop MT in order to obtain a better
understanding and comprehension of current trends in
this area. In this direction, this paper provides a
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the strategies
used to guide MT development, i.e. analysis, design
and implementation of MT. SLRs aim to aggregate
knowledge about a software engineering topic or
research technique using a rigorously methodology
review of resource results. They are important to
collect evidence on a particular topic of interest and
support practitioners in developing appropriate
solutions for specific context (Kitchenham, 2004).
This definition and the protocol of Kitchenham are
adopted in our work. Therefore, our review aims to
know how the community is developing MT, i.e.
identify which methods have been used and collect
evidence of its use. The SLR covers the period from
2003 to 2019, including research databases of most
publications related to MDD. We selected and
analyzed 23 works and significant results were
obtained, which are important for both developers
and researchers in need of support in developing
transformation chains e.g. this SLR can help to make
easier the identification of the most used strategies
when a software architect is proposing a new model
transformation approach.
The text is organized as follows: Section 2
introduces some background about MDD; Section 3,
4 and 5 respectively present the research method used
to guide this SLR, its execution and the results
obtained; Section 6 analyzes related works about MT
development. Section 7, discusses the results of the
review identifying some current gaps in MT
development; Section 8 discuss some threats to our
review; and, Section 9 presents our conclusions.
In MDD, models at high abstraction levels are
converted, through a transformation chain, into
models at a low abstraction level until the application
code is generated. MDD comprises two main
elements: models, which are the artifacts that
represent application at different abstraction levels
and transformations, the software responsible for the
automation of the development (Brambilla, 2012).
Models are abstract representations of a system,
which comprise the structure and behavior (Mellor,
2004). MDD models are not mere documentation of
software, they are the artifacts used as input of the
transformations to generate other models or code.
Thus, they must be defined in modeling languages
with a well-defined syntax and semantic. MDD
usually uses Domain Specific Modeling Languages
(DSML) for model specification. In MDD, the
abstract syntax and the static semantics of a modeling
language are expressed in metamodels. Thus, models
are designed conforming to metamodels. UML, a
general purpose language, can be customized to
specific domains through the definition of UML
profiles to be used as a modeling language in MDD.
In MDD, transformations can be classified
according to the artifact produced as output from
model transformation, when generate models as
output; or program transformation when generates
code as output. A transformation can be seen from
two different viewpoints, as a function that maps
models between domains or as a terminating
algorithm that applies structural and/or semantic
changes to models (Ma, 2016). This work focuses on
the first viewpoint called relational transformation.
Therefore, a MT comprises a set of rules that
describes how models, instances of source
metamodels, are converted into models, instances of
target metamodels (Mens, 2006).
The SLR reported in this paper follows the guidelines
presented in (Kitchenham, 2004). The Start tool
(Start, 2013) was used to support the process. The
review was performed by three researchers, a Ph.d.
Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review
student, and her two supervisors. Extra information
about this SLR can be accessed at
3.1 Planning the Review
The goal of our study was specified according to the
GQM template (Solingen, 2002), shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Goal of the SLR according to GQM template.
For this review, we formulated the following
hypothesis and research questions (RQ).
Hypothesis 1: The development of model
transformations is a trend and different strategies
have been proposed in literature to support it.
However, there is still no well-defined strategy that
can be widely used by the community. We considered
as a well-defined strategy the proposal that: (i)
comprises the necessary elements, e.g. tasks and
artifacts, well organized to be followed as a guide,
such as development processes or tools; and (ii) is
stable enough, i.e. has been extensible tested, to be
widely used. This hypothesis motivated us to
construct the following research questions: RQ01:
What are the current strategies used to guide the
development of model transformations? In this
question, we want to identify the kinds of methods
that have been used in model transformation
development. RQ02: Which phases of software
development life cycle have been considered in
model transformations development? When
adopting a development strategy it is important to
consider the level of coverage of it concerning
software development life cycle, e.g. analysis, design,
implementation. RQ03: How automated is the
proposed strategy? Automation is an important
issue in any kind of software development because it
can promote better productivity as well as makes the
use of the approach easier. We are also interested in
strategies that generate the code of the MT. RQ04:
Which validated methods have been used to
evaluate the current proposals? We aim to evaluate
the feasibility of the approach, investigating how the
proposals were validated. RQ05: How many
examples of model transformations are tested in
each validation? We want to know if the strategy
was sufficiently tested to be considered stable for use.
Hypothesis 2: In MT specification, there is no
consensus on a notation to be adopted as a standard.
During a software development life cycle there are
some phases where the adoption of specific notations
is necessary, such as in software analysis and design.
Therefore, we wanted to map which modeling
languages have been used in each phase of
transformation development. This hypothesis led us
to construct the following research question. RQ06:
Which languages/notations have been used for
model transformations specification? The goal of
this research question is to identify if there is a
modeling language that could be considered a
standard for the model transformation domain.
To perform the review, we considered four
important research databases of Software
Engineering, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Library,
Science Direct and Springer where we selected works
using the following search string:
(MDE or MDD or MDA or Model Driven
Development) and (model transformation) and
(specification or development or approach or
strategy or framework or systematic or process
or methodology or method or life cycle)
This search string was applied to title, abstract and
key words. Besides the search string, we analyzed the
references of the selected papers and used the snow
balling method to find other relevant works.
Our research included works written in English
published between 2003 to 2019. The studies selected
from the automatic search were refined manually
according to the following inclusion/exclusion
criteria: Inclusion Criteria 1: the study identifies and
organizes the activities to develop MT. Rationale: the
focus of our research is on the strategies to guide
development; Exclusion Criteria 1: the study
presents a strategy to develop program
transformations. Rationale: program transformation
involves different activities and programming
languages from MT transformation; Exclusion
Criteria 2: the study focuses on non-relational
transformations. Rationale: these studies involve
other approaches of development (e.g. graph
transformations). We focus on relational-
transformation; Exclusion Criteria 3: the study is
about MT for a specific domain (e.g. transformations
for embedded systems). Rationale: These studies do
not focus on MT development, but support the
development of software in specific domains.
Exclusion Criteria 4: the study is about bidirectional
MT. Rationale: we focus on unidirectional MT. They
have different purposes. In order to evaluate the
quality of the selected articles we defined five quality
assessment criteria: Is there a proper introduction to
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Features defined to evaluate selected works.
What is the strategy used to guide development?
1 - development process 2 tool
3 - systematic approach 4 - other (specify)
Does the study consider requirements specification
1 no 2 - yes, informally described
3 - yes, described in detail 4 - not mentioned
Does the study consider design phase independent of
1 no 2 - yes, informally described
3 - yes, described in detail 4 - not mentioned
Does the study provide instructions to map
requirements specification into design?
1 no 2 - yes, but not automated
3 - yes, automated
Does the study consider design phase for specific
1 no 2 - yes, informally described
3 - yes, described in detail 4 - not mentioned
Does the study provide instructions to map models
(design independent) into models (in specific platform)?
1 no 2 - yes, but not automated
3 - yes, and automates it
Does the study consider implementation phase?
1 - no 2 yes 3 - not mentioned
Does the study provide instructions for code generation
in specific languages?
1 - no 2 yes 3 - not mentioned
Which are the methods used to validate/verify model
1 - test case 2 - formal method
3 - other 4 - not mentioned
Are validation/verification activities automated?
1 - no 2 yes 3 - not mentioned
Does the study use MDD approach?
1 - no 2 yes
Which are the modeling language adopted?
1 - natural language 2 - UML/light extension of UML
3 - heavy extension of UML 4 - proprietary notation
5 - formal language 6 - not mentioned
Does the study provide a tool?
1 no 2 - yes, proprietary
3 - yes, open source 4 - not mentioned
What are the methods used to validate the proposal
1 none 2 - example/proof of concept
3 - case study 4 - experiment
5 - other (specify)
the article? Does the introduction have a clear idea of
the research objectives? Is there a clear statement of
the results? Does it clearly describe the contributions?
Is the strategy validated? All the selected works fulfil
these criteria.
In order to help in the analysis of the articles we
defined certain features, based on the development
life cycle of model transformations (Table 1). The
first and second columns present, respectively, the Id
and a brief description of each feature. The third
column shows what was observed in the study in
order to analyze each feature and the last column
identifies the desired research question that we
wanted to answer with this feature. It is important to
highlight that some research questions may be related
to more than one feature.
Table 2 shows the records returned according to each
research database.
The first column shows the research database, and
the others present the following results: number of
records identified after the search string application in
each database (column Initial); papers selected after
scanning titles (column Title); papers selected after
reading the abstract (column Abstract); papers
Table 2: Summary of the works.
selected after reading the introduction (column
Introd); and papers whose full text was analyzed
(column Final). The row Others refers to the papers
added from other sources, after analyzing the
references of the previously selected papers.
This section presents the results of the SLR. We used
R Software (RSoftware, 2019) to perform the
statistical analysis and generate graphics.
Figure 2 shows a timescale with the papers
selected after applying the inclusion / exclusion
criteria of our protocol. As can be seen, the number
of articles increased from 2003 until 2019. From 2005
(when the first paper was published) on, the number
of articles fluctuated until 2016 when an increasing
number of articles were published. This increase may
Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review
indicate the community effort to establish effective
methods to aid the development of model
transformation. After that, we could perceive a
decrease in the number of works, which may indicate
that the proposals are becoming more stable.
Table 3 lists the Selected Papers (SP) in
chronological order with an id for each, their
publication year, title and the database where we
found them. These works were analyzed based on the
features defined in Table 1 in order to
confirm/refused the hypothesis formulated in Section
3, according to the research questions.
Figure 2: Distribution of articles along the years.
Concerning RQ01: What are the current
strategies used to guide the development of model
transformations? from the 23 studies considered
relevant we identified four different strategies to
guide MT development: (i) systematic approach,
which comprises a description of steps, written in
natural language, to be followed by developers; (ii)
algorithm, with steps described in natural language
and organized using control structures such as
conditionals and loops; (iii) software tools with an
embedded methodology to drive development; and
(iv) development process in a Process Modeling
Language (PML) with the relevant elements of a
process and their relationships (Figure 3).
As can be seen in Figure 3, systematic approaches are
the most commonly used strategy for MT
development (15 articles, 65%). In general, they were
the first initiatives in systematizing the tasks related
to MT development. Two works (9%) proposed
algorithms to organize the activities of development
in programming structures. Using these structures,
algorithms reduce the level of ambiguity that exists in
systematic approaches, although in these works they
were not implemented and had to be followed
manually. More recently, tools have been proposed (5
works, 22%) to improve MT development. In this
case, activities to support development are
encapsulated in proprietary environments. One work
proposes a development process, specified in a PML,
suitable for a MT domain.
Table 3: Selected Studies.
Search Base
A systematic approach to design model transformation (Kuster, 2005)
Towards Model Transformation Generation By-Example (Wimmer, 2007)
Transformation have to be developed ReST assured (Siikarla, 2008)
Model Transformation by Demonstration (Sun, 2009)
Towards the efficient development of model transformations using model weaving and
matching transformation (Del Fabro, 2009)
Method of constructing model transformation rule based on reusable pattern (Li, 2010)
Model transformation specification for automated formal verification (Sani, 2011)
A model based development approach for model transformation (Kolahdouz-Rahimi, 2012)
Engineering model transformation with transML (Guerra, 2013)
Applying MDE to the (semi-) automatic development of model transformation (Bollati, 2013)
Science Direct
The general algorithm for the MDA transfomation models (Tavac, 2013)
Specifying model transformation by direct manipulation using concrete visual notation and
interactive recommendation (Avazpour, 2015)
Science Direct
Requirements engineering in model transformation development:a technique suitability
framework for Model Transformation Applications (Tehrani, 2016)
Multi-Step learning and adaptative search for learning complex model transformations from
examples (Baki, 2016)
Design pattern oriented development of model transformation (Ergin, 2016)
Science Direct
Model-based M2M transformations based on drag-and-drop actions: Approach and
implementation (Skersys, 2016)
Science Direct
A Model-Driven approach for model transformation (Ma, 2016)
Designing and describing QVTo model transformation (Tikhonova, 2016)
Formal concept analysis for specification of model transformation (Berranla, 2017)
EVL-Strace: a novel bidirectional model transformation approach (Semimi-Dehkordi, 2018)
Science Direct
A generic approach to model generation operation (Kleiner, 2018)
Science Direct
Model driven transformation development (MDTD): An approach for developing model to
model transformation (Magalhaes, 2019)
Sciene Direct
Applying a Data-centric framework for Developing Model Transformations (Camargo, 2019)
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Strategies to develop model transformations.
As well as the approach used in development, we
also identified the adoption of a wide number of
techniques to support development, such as
transformations by examples, transformation by
demonstration, weaving models, patterns, formal
methods, MDD, requirements engineering and
mathematical methods as illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Techniques used in transformation development.
Related to RQ02: Which phases of software
development life cycle have been considered for
model transformations development? Following
(Magalhaes, 2016) we considered that a MT
development life cycle comprises at least four phases:
Requirements, Design (and Design for a specific
platform), Implementation and Validation/
Verification. Figure 5 shows which of these phases
were considered in the papers analyzed. Features F2,
F3, F5, F7 and F9 were used to analyze data.
As shown in Figure 5, Requirements phase is
considered in 43% of the proposals (10 works), but
only 22% (not shown in the graph) of these works
detail how to perform the tasks. The others only
describe what might be specified. Most of the
proposals focus on Design, regardless of and/or
specific to a platform (78%) and Implementation
phases (18 works, 78%). The Validation/
Verification, a crucial phase for any software, is
considered in 39% (9 works). The method used in
Validation/ Verification (not showed in this article)
for those who considered this phase, 3% use test cases
(3 works), 56% (5 works) apply formal methods, and
11% (1 work) use other techniques. Moreover, 40%
of them (4 works) use automatic techniques to
perform validation.
Figure 5: Phases of model transformation development life
To answer RQ03: How automated is the
proposed strategy? we analyzed the level of
automation between the phases of software
development life cycle (features F4, F6 and F8), for
example, supporting the map between requirements
specification and design phases and automation in
code generation. Four works provide automation
through modeling phases, while 13 works support
code generation. This shows that despite the change
in focus promoted by MDD from code to model,
transformation development still does not follow this
same direction. However, according to the percentage
of support for code generation, we can assume that
this scenario is beginning to change. The level of
abstraction is gradually increasing because some
years ago transformations used to be developed
manually directly in code.
Related to RQ04: What methods have been
used to validate the strategies? some methods have
been used to validate the selected proposals (feature
F14), according to Figure 6, 35% of the works (8
works) were validated using examples.
Figure 6: Validation methods used.
This method is important for obtaining initial results.
However, empirical methods are required nowadays
in order to provide more reliable results. We therefore
found an increase in the number of works using case
studies (26%, 6 works) and controlled experiments
(39%, 9 works), particularly in more recent works.
Related to the notations used in specification
stated in RQ06: What languages/notations have
been used in model transformations specification?
As shown in Figure 7 there are some options of
Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review
notation available in literature. Two works (9%)
adopt UML or a lightweight extension of this (called
UML profiles). There are also two works (9%) that
use a heavyweight extension of UML. In this case,
UML semantics is modified making the use of
existing tools difficult. Thus, specific tools should be
used. Formal languages are still used in six works
(26%). Most works (10, which represent 43%)
propose new languages specific for transformation
domain (shown as a Proprietary language in the
graph). There is also one work that uses natural
languages. The others did not mention which
language was adopted.
Figure 7: Modeling languages.
Figure 8 synthesizes the results of our review
according to each RQ and the features used to answer
them in order to analyze the hypothesis.
Figure 8: Summarizing the selected studies.
For each research question, the figure shows the
related features and maps the articles (using its Id)
that provide the feature. For example, concerning the
strategy used to guide MT development (RQ01), the
first initiatives, called systematic approaches, were
proposed by SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP7, SP8, SP9,
SP15, SP17, SP18, SP19 , SP21 and SP23. Other
works detail the necessary activities in steps
structured as algorithms (SP6 and SP11) or
encapsulate them in a tool (SP5, SP10, SP12, SP16,
SP20). The formalization of a process using PMLs
has recently been proposed, in SP22.
Summarizing these data, regarding hypothesis 1 -
The development of model transformations is a trend
and different strategies have been proposed in
literature to support it, but there is still no well-
defined strategy that can be widely used by the
community. We found four different strategies
presented in RQ1. However, we perceive that
although the number of works has been increasing,
they focus on specific aspects of development and do
not cover the entire life cycle (RQ2) and that
automation support also focuses on specific tasks,
usually in code generation (RQ3). There are
processes for the domain of model transformation
development, e.g. (Magalhaes, 2016), and tools, e.g.
(Bollati, 2013) and (Avazpour, 2015), however, we
perceive that they are not validated enough to be
widely used. As shown in RQ4, we observed the use
of different validation methods, but none of the
proposals have been exhaustively tested (RQ5). As a
result, we come to the conclusion that there is a lack
of a well-defined strategy, confirming hypothesis 1.
Finally, we come to the same conclusion for
hypothesis 2 - In model transformation specification,
there is no consensus on a notation to be adopted as a
standard, where in general, a proprietary language is
adopted in most works.
Different strategies of software development have
been used to produce model transformations.
The survey presented in (Silva, 2015) discusses
the concepts that surround MDD, such as model,
metamodel and platform. Despite the importance of
this work for the community, its focus on the
definition of concepts, it does not discuss how to
develop transformations as we do in this paper.
Similar to our work, (Berranla, 2017) first
discusses the problem statement concerning MT
generation, i.e. proficiency in programming
languages and knowledge in metamodels. Then it
reports proposals to automate the development of
model transformations considering some dimensions,
such as the transformation inputs, outputs and
algorithm as the main elements to define a
development approach. The main difference between
our review and this is the viewpoint adopted to
classify the works as we use as reference the phases
of a software development life cycle. Moreover, we
also provide a quantitative result using graphics.
In (Bollati, 2013) the author carries out a SLR, the
main goal of which is to find proposals that use MDD
to develop model transformations. The review was
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
performed in five digital libraries and selected six
approaches. Compared to our literature review, she
includes works that use the MDA approach, from
PIM to code, while we cover any strategy related to
MT development life cycle. In addition, modeling
languages as well as methods used in proposal
validation are not mapped. Apart from these points,
the review dates from 2011 and there have been new
proposals since.
In the same direction as our work (Silva, 2014)
presents a literature review of MT development
approaches divided into three main groups: (a) MT
foundations, that identify which concepts of model
transformation are considered in each proposal (b)
features implemented in the approaches, e.g. which
phases of life cycle are considered; and (c) the
applicability of approaches. The review was
performed in the IEEE digital library and eight
approaches were selected. This review analyzes MT
foundations, which we do not. With regards to life
cycle, the review briefly defines some phases of
software development in order to evaluate the
proposals, e.g. modeling source and target
metamodels. In this, the concepts of phase and
activity are placed at the same level of abstraction,
which makes comparison with other works difficult.
In our review, in order to guide the analysis of the
proposals, we consider the main aspects of the life
cycle of software development processes presented in
the literature (Magalhaes, 2016), e.g. phases,
activities, and artifacts. Unlike (Silva, 2014), we also
explore the kind of modeling language adopted, e.g.
UML, proprietary and natural language, as well as
resources of automation. Furthermore, (Silva, 2014)
only use works in the IEEE database while we
consider four data sources.
In summary, we considered the review of (Bollati,
2013) included in our work, as we use a wider scope
in terms of goals and items analyzed in each proposal.
Moreover, we can say that the reviews of (Berranla,
2017) and (Silva, 2014) are complementary to our
work. The former uses a different viewpoint to
analyze the approaches and it interferes in the set of
selected works. In the second review, certain aspects
of MT foundations are analyzed that we did not take
into consideration. On the other hand, we analyzed
aspects such as automation and languages, which
were not covered in the work.
In this section, we discuss some of the issues
addressed in the selected papers and identify the
strengths and gaps in this research area.
It is well known that the quality of a product is
influenced by the process used to produce it
(Sommerville, 2011). Through our review we
observed an increasing number of proposals
concerning systematized methods in transformation
development. This might indicate that the community
is worried about improving transformation quality.
These proposals differ from each other in three
aspects mainly: (i) the level of specification
granularity; (ii) the level of formalism used in method
specification; and (iii) the coverage of phases
concerning to development life cycle.
According to (Sommerville, 2011), a software
development process must define what should be
done, how to perform it, when and by whom. Most
proposals analyzed focus on the definition of what
should be performed, i.e. identify and organize the
necessary tasks, but they do not detail how to perform
them. We perceived that this scenario is directly
related to the level of formalism used to specify the
proposed method. The first initiatives, e.g. (Kuster,
2005), (Wimmer, 2007), (Siikarla, 2008), (Sun,
2009), provide a description of the method in natural
language, what we call in our review a systematic
approach. Over the years proposals have become
more formal e.g. algorithms have been used to
structure the method, as in (Li, 2010) and in (Tavac,
2013), giving better support. Recently, some tools
have been proposed as in (Bollati, 2013) and in
(Avazpour, 2015) as well as a development process
specified in PMLs such as SPEM, e.g. (Magalhaes,
2019), providing resources for automation and
enactment that facilitate the adoption of the proposal
by others. Improving the strategies towards a well-
defined process is important to enable its replication.
Concerning the development life cycle, we
perceive that works usually focus on specific phases
but do not cover an entire life cycle. For example,
(Del Fabro, 2009) focus on design and
implementation, but do not support the requirements
specification phase, and (Sani, 2011) focus on formal
specification in order to enable transformation
verification. This feature may lead to the need to
adopt more than one method to cover all the
development. Consequently, problems, such as
selection of tools and document interchange, may
occur. Leaving the responsibility to solve this to the
Software Engineer may lead them to adopt ad-hoc
methods. Therefore, strategies should be specified to
Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review
cover the entire development cycle of model
The specification of transformations, as in other
software, requires the adoption of modeling
languages to produce the necessary documentation.
This is also essential for model refinement and code
generation. We found no consensus on the adoption
of a modeling language suitable for model
transformation development. As a result, different
proprietary modeling languages (and also UML
profiles and heavyweight extensions of UML) have
been used which may hamper communication and
interchange of documents between tools. QVT
(Query/View/Transformation), proposed by OMG as
a standard is in fact not widely adopted. As a result,
the definition of a modeling language which can be
used for both industry and academia, as there is in
programming languages (e.g. Java), is still required.
Finally, the development of model transformation
involves different elements, e.g. development
processes, modeling languages, modeling
environments, formal languages and automation, and
the current strategies usually do not cover all of these
aspects. Thus, developers have a hard job choosing
and integrating them. Therefore, integrated
approaches are also required in order to reduce the
complexity of the development.
This section discusses some threats to the validity of
our review according to the guidelines of
wohlin(2012). Considering construction validity, to
decrease bias of the reviewers we established a
protocol for how the reviews should be conducted.
Related to internal validity, to reduce the chance of
relevant papers being excluded we defined features to
be observed in each study analyzed in our review.
Concerning external validity, we considered studies
in four major research databases however, we may
have missed some relevant studies. There is,
therefore, a threat to validity related to the
generalization of the conclusions of the study which
is minimized if we consider that the selected
databases contain the main publications in MDD.
Finally, in order to enable future replications of our
review, we used the Start tool. Thus all the
definitions, i.e. goal, research questions and the
protocol information, as well as the metadata of the
analyzed works in each stage, e.g. identification,
selection and extraction, are stored and can be used
by other researchers.
Over the last decade, many proposals have emerged
to reduce transformation development complexity as
well as improve transformation quality. Motivated by
the lack of consensus about which techniques and
methods are more appropriate, this paper presented a
SLR in an attempt to investigate the strategies
currently used in model transformation development.
This systematic review not only identified the
strategies most frequently used in transformation
development but also analyzed relevant issues to
support this development such as development
phases, modeling languages and the level of
automation provided.
Four strategies have been used to conduct
transformation development, systematic approaches,
algorithms, development processes, and tools. All of
them identify the main activities and organize them in
a structure to support development. In this direction,
different approaches to software development are
adopted, such as incremental and iterative process
model, MDD, transformation patterns or a
combination of these. Depending on the main goal,
specific phases of development life cycle are
considered. With regard to modeling languages, we
also found a wide range of proprietary languages
adopted in specification phases. Moreover,
automation techniques to improve productivity have
also been considered in more recent proposals.
In summary, we observed that much effort has
gone into reducing the level of complexity that
surrounds model transformation development.
Developers have been very busy experimenting,
however, there remains a lack of a stable strategy, one
which is well tested, i.e. in real scenarios, to be
replicated on a larger scale.
To conclude, it is well known that the definition
and validation of new development approaches,
which involve methods, languages and tools, are very
challenging and should be done gradually. We can
say that it has been almost fifteen years since MDD
was introduced in software construction, however,
transformation development practices are still in their
infancy. Defining an integrated approach, i.e. which
comprises method, languages and automation, that
covers the entire life cycle, and that is well-tested in
real scenarios remains a challenge. Understanding the
specificities of transformation development can
contribute to the widespread adoption of MDD.
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Developing Model Transformations: A Systematic Literature Review