volving specific Swagger 3.0 features.
As other future work, we propose empirical eval-
uation of the contract-first tools to the process for
contract specification (Figure 1) and investigate how
contract-last tools could also support some of that
process activities. In other words, how the tools may
speed up and improve the quality of contract specifi-
This work was a survey based on documentation
analysis; so, as future work, we intend to check our
findings by performing case studies using the tools in
Another direction of future work would be eval-
uate the documentation as a whole, and not only the
contract specification, and its use in the development
lifecycle. It would include also other tools like Post-
This project was executed under the Brazilian Na-
tional Petroleum Agency (ANP) R&D incentive reg-
ulatory framework.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems