less communication networks (Shintani et al., 2011).
The framework makes the multiple mobile robots
indirectly cooperate one another and accomplishes
highly coordinated actions. The core of the frame-
work consists of two kinds of mobile software agents,
namely pheromone agents and ant agents. The idea of
pheromone agents is inspired by the behaviors of so-
cial insects, i.e. ants. In the algorithm, agents mimic
the behaviors of ants communicating with each other
by an indirect communication mediated by modifica-
tions of the environment called stigmergy. The behav-
ioral scientists Goss et al. found that ants exchanged
information by laying down a trail of a chemical sub-
stance called pheromone that is followed by other ants
(Goss et al., 1989). Dorigo et al. abstracted the behav-
iors of ants and applied the extracted algorithm to de-
rive a quasi-optimal solution for NP-complete prob-
lems (Dorigo et al., 1996). Later, Dorigo et al. suc-
cessfully applied the idea to control and coordinate
swarm robots (Dorigo, 2005). Their SWARM-BOTS
project is today considered as the pinnacles of many
multi-robot projects. There are also studies that aim to
compose a circle formation in a two dimensional or-
thogonal coordinate system using mobile agents and
their sensors (Yang and Wang, 2019), (Song et al.,
Kambayashi et al. presented capturing single
intruder strategy using vector value between robots
(Kambayashi et al., 2020). We improved this strategy
more effectively and adapted for multiple intruders.
We aim to capture intruders using vector values that
points mobile agents on multiple robots and intruders.
Captor robots are small mobile robots. They do not
attack an intruder violently. They quietly chase and
drive him or her into the designated capture loca-
tion. Kambayashi’s system (Kambayashi et al., 2020)
consists of robots and two kinds of mobile software
agents, namely ant agents and pheromone agents.
All the controls for the mobile robots are achieved
through ant agents. Each mobile robot has Wi-Fi ca-
pability. They are connected through wireless LAN.
Each ant agent can freely move among the herd of
mobile robots. Since the ant agents control the robots,
captor robots without ant agents just sit and sense the
environments quietly, while ant agents are hopping
from a robot to another robot to patrol the sensing area
by checking the quietly sitting robots’ sensors. We
assume the captor robots have enough sensors such
as optical cameras and ultrasonic sensors to detect an
Once an ant agent arrives at a captor robot who
senses an intruder, it drives the robot to hunt down
the suspect and simultaneously dispatches pheromone
agents to rally nearby robots to bring the intruders to
the bay. We describe the ant agents and pheromone
agents in the following sections.
3.1 Ant Agent
The ant agent (AA) has the following six capabilities.
1) It drives a robot on which it resides depending on
the specific state they can take. 2) It can migrate from
a robot to another robot through wireless LAN. 3) It
has the IP addresses of all the participating robots. 4)
It creates pheromone agents that attract other mobile
robots. 5) It can have four states and changes its state
as the situation changes. 6) It can acts depending on
the current state.
Without AAs, mobile robots cannot even move;
they are just sitting quietly. Therefore, at the initial
phase, we make a number of AA migrate into the herd
of the mobile robots. Each AA looks for an idle robot
(a robot without AA) that it can drive. Once an AA
arrives on a robot, it is in the “search” state. After
that, AA changes its state depending on the environ-
mental conditions. The idea of changing state to make
AA perform different kinds of tasks is inspired from
(Takahashi et al., 2014).
Initially, the AA is in the “search” state. In this
state, the AA makes the robot randomly walk to find
a suspect. The robot has basic capability for colli-
sion avoidance by ultrasonic sensors and electronic
circuit. Each robot has basic capabilities to survive by
on-board controller without AA’s interference. The
robot’s visual sensor can sense objects in the fan-
shaped area with 45 degrees to the right and left from
its driving direction. When the AA finds an intruder
in its fan-shaped sensing area through robot’s visual
sensor, it changes its state to “chase.”
In the “chase” state, the AA drives its robot to-
ward the intruder while it gives intimidation by warn-
ing sound and flashing light, and tries to drive the
intruders to the designated capture location. Since
the mobile robots are not as agile as human intruder,
it cannot capture or drive the intruders into the cap-
ture location alone. It needs fellow robots to drive
the intruders in cooperation with them. In order to
obtain the cooperation from other robots that do not
sense the intruders, the chasing robot changes its state
into “attract” temporarily, and creates and dispatches
pheromone agents.
In the “attract” state, AA creates and dispatches
pheromone agents as many as it can find other AAs in
Capture of Multi Intruders by Cooperative Multiple Robots using Mobile Agents