The primary result of this paper is a formal system
formulation to a programming language, where the
program (constrained by states) is algebraic expres-
sions, applicable to analysis, and expected to design
of complex AI. The language may contain state con-
straint programming and monitoring facilities. The
implementations (accompanying state transitions) are
globally captured with star semiring structure. The
system realizes abstract state machine with:
(a) Compact and formal description of state con-
straint programs,
(b) Model theories of algebraic expressions as pro-
grams, and
(c) State transitions to represent processing se-
quences (associated with models).
From the views of AI and software technologies
to complex systems with human, this idea based on
abstract state machine may allow human computer in-
teraction (HCI) to determine state transitions. The in-
teraction can be involved in the program containing
some expressions at states to the language system of
this paper with some algebraic elements.
As a logical framework, this paper gives a theoret-
ical basis with compact description, but its practical
aspects or applications are to be examined for further
studies. A complex AI to be interactive with cogni-
tive facilities should be examined. As a software tech-
nology, semantics for implementation of programs of
this language system is to be made clearer even in 3-
valued logic, with respect to object-oriented program-
ming (where the object class may be regarded as a
state). Compared with sophisticated works on logi-
cal frameworks in logic and computation possibly for
AI, there are concepts and ideas on knowledge. “Dis-
tributed knowledge” is discussed (Naumov and Tao,
2019), with quantified variables of quantifies ranging
over the set of agents. Concerning applications of
the second-order predicates to knowledge, the paper
(Kooi, 2016) contains the concept of knowing. Dis-
tributive knowledge processing is of more complexity
even for the state constrained programs.
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Theoretical Basis of Language System with State Constraints