tions. Section 3 overviews the problem definition and
formulation for nurses allocation, and Section 3 de-
scribes the general real data collection implemented
in the case study. Section 4 presents the population-
based algorithm applied and coded to solve the opti-
mization problem. Section 5 will present and discuss
the obtained results and compared with is currently
being performed. Finally, Section 5 rounds up the pa-
per with the conclusions and future work.
Many countries, such as Portugal, face a growing
elderly population, which increases the pressure on
institutions and professionals to provide social and
medical care in the most cost-effective way.
In this sense, a small literature review was car-
ried out to determine the state of the art involved
in keywords such as ”Home Health Care”, ”Alloca-
tion”, ”Optimization” and ”Scheduling”. The same
search was performed on the Scopus database which
enabled the results of 94 documents from different
sources such as journals, books and conference pro-
ceedings. With the bibliographic database collected,
it was organized to enable the use of the Bibliometrix
R-package (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017). It is impor-
tant to refer that today Bibliometrix is more than just
a statistical tool, which includes all the main biblio-
metric methods of analysis, but we use it especially
for science mapping and networks and not for mea-
suring science, scientists, or scientific productivity. In
this purpose, it was used the shiny interface for Bib-
liometrix, called Biblioshiny. It supports in a easy
way of use the main features of Bibliometrix, like for
example, data importing and conversion to data frame
collection, data filtering, analytics and plots for three
different level metrics (sources, authors, documents)
and analysis of three structures of knowledge (con-
ceptual structure, intellectual structure, social struc-
ture). In this sense, after analyzing the obtaining in-
formation, it is possible to observe that the annual
scientific production in the field of applications and
Home Health Care study has grown exponentially in
the last 5 years. Figure 1 illustrates the extreme im-
portance of studies and works that enhance the opti-
mization of health logistics, such as primary care ser-
vices and their decision support in this scientific envi-
Another analysis, more related to the scientific
mapping and its conceptual structure, it was pos-
sible to collect the networks of conceptual words,
which makes it possible to discover links and con-
cepts through co-occurrences of terms. The concep-
Figure 1: Annual Scientific Production related to Home
Health Care and its applications.
tual framework is often used to understand the top-
ics covered by scholars (called the research front) and
identify which are the most important and most recent
questions. Thus, the co-word analysis through cor-
respondence analysis was collected, according to the
dendrogram topic, which enables the iconic represen-
tation that organizes the particular links. This analysis
employs a quantitative method that leads to groupings
and their ascending hierarchical order (similar to the
branches of a tree).
The analysis and representation obtained can be
visualized in Figure 2. In this figure, it is possible
to highlight, from the top, the two large clusters that
group the co-word analysis of the literature review
performed. The weights vary depending on a spe-
cific co-word or its grouping, however it was possi-
ble to create connections already existing in the lit-
erature, with the work developed here. With a blue
rectangle, you can focus on the terms nursing, home
care services, workload balancing and decision mak-
ing. In a smaller rectangle, scheduling algorithms and
swarm optimization using particle swarm optimiza-
tion (PSO) are referred to. Thus, it is easy to identify
the importance of the literature involved, its health
context and how the solution will be obtained in terms
of an automatic nurse allocation system in a Health
Unit. Moreover, it is expected to enhance the growth
of this co-words in the future.
With this literature review, we sought to under-
stand the domains that influence Home health care,
such as its continuity of care and consistency, the staff
involved, their competence and of course, the quality
of this increasingly common practice, especially in re-
gions of the interior of Portugal. The use of a biblio-
metric analysis made possible the optimized identifi-
cation of relevant documents, according to, for exam-
ple, the citation analysis as a quantitative evaluation
of the main works in the area. From the obtained re-
sults and after its analysis, there is a steady growth of
applications and studies on the home health care prob-
lem, and it is possible to highlight some works such
ND2A 2020 - Special Session on Nonlinear Data Analysis and Applications