(a) Zoomed view of the region with
fire hazard 4 values over the gener-
ated dot mask.
(b) Zoomed view of the region with
fire hazard 5 values over the gener-
ated dot mask.
Figure 15: Magnified view of each chosen region with dis-
tance measurements between each point made via QGIS.
transmitting the acquired data to the central process-
ing. As future work, the forest data will be collected
and analysed with artificial intelligent algorithm in or-
der to identify data patterns and alerts to the control
servers, triggering in the case of an ignition detection.
This work has been supported by Fundac¸
ao La Caixa
and FCT — Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e Tecnologia
within the Project Scope: UIDB/5757/2020.
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