Design Thinking Use in Agile Software Projects: Software Developers’
Edna Dias Canedo
1 a
, Ana Carolina Dos Santos Pergentino
, Angelica Toffano Seidel Calazans
Frederico Viana Almeida
, Pedro Henrique Teixeira Costa
and Fernanda Lima
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia (UnB), P.O. Box 4466, Bras
ılia – DF, CEP 70910-900, Brazil
University Center – UniCEUB, Bras
ılia – DF, Brazil
Design Thinking, Agile Teams, Requirement Engineering, Software Development Process, Software
Developers’ Perception.
Only recently the application of the Design Thinking (DT) in agile development has begun to be researched.
Thus, this research aims to analyze information collected from agile software developers concerning their
perceptions about applying DT methods and tools in agile development. An online survey was submitted to
agile teams from Brazilian software organizations and a total of 59 answers were obtained. Results reveal
that the most commonly used techniques during the development process are brainstorming and prototyping.
In requirement elicitation, the techniques most used by the practitioners are interviews with users and proto-
typing. The study concludes that practitioners are already using many DT techniques, tools and methods in
software development activities. Furthermore, they acknowledge that DT practice in requirement elicitation
could contribute to delivering product quality to the end-user since design thinking techniques could prevent
failure to understand requirements prior to implementation.
Requirement engineering (RE) has developed new
approaches through recent years regarding system
needs. It is acknowledged that there are many man-
uals and reference guides concerning how to manage
requirements in the process of software development.
Although, according to Femmer and Vogelsang (Fem-
mer and Vogelsang, 2019) it is perceptible in the prac-
tical field that there are some problems in following
normative rules, such as no contextualization, lack
of solutions (incompleteness) or not being clear why
certain criteria do not fit in the good quality ranking.
Dealing with guidance insufficiencies, there are sim-
ple workarounds to manage a lack of applicability of
overall normative rules. It is very common to solve
problems quickly using face-to-face communication,
which also facilitates the understanding of needs in
real-time. But these are not possible methods in all
software development processes (Femmer and Vogel-
sang, 2019).
According to Knauss (Knauss, 2019), in a wide
project, with multiple agile teams, it is noticeable that
there are no means of integration and synchroniza-
tion enough to suppress all problems that may ap-
pear during development. Iteration, although helped
substantially the performance enhancement in prod-
uct delivery, also causes constant changing features,
which influences in original system requirement. Sys-
tem requirements are detailed and could be modified
over development. Agile development is dynamic and
demands flexibility during all process, which leads
many developers to criticize or ignore requirements
(Knauss, 2019), (Masood et al., 2017),(Kusters et al.,
When requirements are not followed, and there are
constant changes during development, it becomes dif-
ficult to maintain also the knowledge about the code.
And so, the challenge of passing this knowledge en-
ters the list of difficulties that may delay develop-
ing (Knauss, 2019). But even recognizing that there
are eventually problems through continuous develop-
ment, how do programmers work and feel using the
methodology? Are they satisfied with the hierarchy
that was supposed to be more horizontal but can ap-
pear as the same vertical pressure as always? Which
Canedo, E., Pergentino, A., Calazans, A., Almeida, F., Costa, P. and Lima, F.
Design Thinking Use in Agile Software Projects: Software Developers’ Perception.
DOI: 10.5220/0009387502170224
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 217-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are the workarounds daily used to deal with the fast
movement of needs in a project?
The Design Thinking practiced nowadays has be-
gun in business to improve business innovative pro-
cesses. DT is a multidisciplinary and human cen-
tered methodology that focuses on a target group’s
needs. It is possible because this approach is de-
sign oriented. Consequently, DT looks forward to
the people’s experience and well-being (Hehn et al.,
2019). Just as innovation itself, the DT approach can
be applied in multiple sectors because of its great ef-
fectiveness and adaptability and also its high poten-
tial. Nevertheless, only recently, this methodology is
being widely employed in software products devel-
oping with a global scope (Hehn and Uebernickel,
2018). However the same fact is not a completely
valid affirmation in Brazil since initiatives in this area
have been slowly promoted in universities and mar-
ket (de Carvalho Souza and Silva, 2015),(de Almeida
et al., 2018). Design Thinking has high adaptability,
and Software Engineering can seize it especially dur-
ing software requirements elicitation, which is part of
the software development process as well as the DT
(de Carvalho Souza and Silva, 2015).
In this paper, we examined how agile software de-
velopment teams use DT techniques during develop-
ment process activities and which benefits and facili-
ties were discovered over activity execution with DT.
Besides, we collected the perception of agile teams’
practitioners, regarding their satisfaction over DT use
along stages of the development process. Thus, the
main contributions of the paper are: 1. Identification
of the Design Thinking phase most used by agile soft-
ware development teams; 2. Identification of most
used techniques in requirements elicitation; 3. Per-
ception of agile teams regarding the advantages of us-
ing DT along with software development projects; 4.
Evaluation of the use of the requirement specification
document during functionalities implementation.
To examine difficulties related to the methodology,
we must recapture the concept of Design Thinking
(DT). DT was formulated to develop innovative so-
lutions with a human-centered approach (Brown and
Katz, 2009). DT has an iterative profile and intends
to develop and test potential solutions, until attain-
ing the ideal solution. DT is a methodology indi-
cated when complex problems that cannot be properly
defined need to be solved, seeking to understand hu-
man needs bonded to the problem, placing the ques-
tion from a human point of view, conceiving ideas
through brainstorming and applying them in proto-
types and tests. As a more practical approach, it is
possible to save development resources, because the
project is planned and tested before the implementa-
tion so that efficiently it will not result in unnecessary
rework (Plattner et al., 2009).
Constant iteration in the Design Thinking process
follows the agile development concept of acting in
feedback cycles to increase efficiency. The delivered
product after each phase will not be necessarily done,
the team must comprehend the product impact and
proceed to develop it cyclically. The intention is to
reach the ideal, a product closest to the need of the
final user.
In order to reach it there will be many changes in
what was first defined: empathy will increase due to
what is observed in interaction between user and sys-
tem, problems will be reframed to include new dis-
covers in empathic comprehension, ideas will adapt
to solve those new problems, prototypes will readapt
to verify if those new ideas indeed are functional,
and tests will point out efficiency from all process
that will renew themselves consecutively (Pereira and
de FSM Russo, 2018). According to Liedtka and
Ogilvie (Liedtka and Ogilvie, 2011), DT is associable
with 4 basic questions: 1. What is? - explores reality
in present; 2. What if? - looks toward the future; 3.
What wows? - what impresses helps decision mak-
ing; 4. What works? - what inserts us into the market.
There are 10 essential tools to answer these questions,
that are necessary to create new possibilities and re-
duce risks while having to handle uncertainty from
growth and innovation (Liedtka and Ogilvie, 2011),
(Moggridge, 2007):
1. Visualization: trying to set the situation from a
visual perspective, to naturally materialize possi-
2. Journey Mapping: perform navigation from the
consumer’s point of view;
3. Value Chain Analysis: a chain value is a set of
activities to be executed to deliver a valuable prod-
uct to the market(Urbig and Verlage, 2003). It is
essential to evaluate the user’s chain value to de-
fine if the product is valuable;
4. Mind Mapping: a tool to envision thoughts, that
can be the problem or ideas, and their connec-
tions. It starts with a core term and the associa-
tion of ideas connected to that term (Moggridge,
5. Brainstorming: session of solution creation, it
occurs in the ideation phase, where diverse ideas
rise to solve the problem defined;
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
6. Concept Development: attach an alternative so-
lution compatible with the innovation compo-
7. Assumption Testing: isolating and testing the
key assumptions that will drive the success or fail-
ure of a concept;
8. Rapid Prototyping: expressing a new concept in
a tangible form for exploration, testing, and re-
9. Customer Co-creation: enrolling customers to
participate in creating the solution that best meets
their needs;
10. Learning Launch: creating an affordable exper-
iment that lets customers experience the new so-
lution over an extended period of time, to test key
assumptions with market data.
Complementing the list, we present some of the tools
most applied nowadays when employing the DT ap-
proach. The human-centered perspective is widely
seen in all tools, it is noticeable the search to cap-
ture the whole story, creating a product that fits in
the user’s context, not only delivers functionality but
brings facilities to the practical experience as a whole.
The tools are (Schwaber, 2005; Bitner et al., 2008;
Morelli and Tollestrup, 2006; Long, 2009; Bittner and
Shoury, 2019; Bitner et al., 2008):
1. Sprint: originated in Scrum, an Agile Develop-
ment methodology in which the project is sepa-
rated into cycles. Each cycle is a Sprint, that rep-
resents a period throughout which a set of activi-
ties should be executed. It is also the time interval
defined to iteration: at the end of each Sprint, a
meeting occurs intending to set feedback and plan
the next Sprint (Schwaber, 2005).
2. Blueprint Service: is a graphic way to describe
the service processes. It is a tool composed of
all sub-process that define interactions and it de-
scribes characteristics of the service so detailed
that is possible to implement and maintain it (Bit-
ner et al., 2008).
3. Story Telling: is about understanding all ways to
execute an action or service to be built. It is an
analytical phase that allows a realistic event nar-
ration, highlighting main problems, interaction er-
rors and emotional factors regarding the system
(Morelli and Tollestrup, 2006).
4. Storyboard: is about representing use cases
through a sequential narrative, allowing better vi-
sualization of a story, as a visual tool to support
5. Personas: refer to a technique of profiling po-
tential users through observation. Fictional char-
acters are created to represent an existing social
group, and so their point of view builds a story-
telling (Long, 2009).
6. Empathy Map: is a creativity method useful
to summarize all staff considerations, recognize
clients’ needs and receive new customers percep-
tions (Bittner and Shoury, 2019).
7. Insight Cards: after immersion insights appear.
Cards are used to describe data collected in the
research, during these insights.
8. Pitch: is a fast presentation of the business propo-
sition to the potential customer or partner, quickly
made in 2 to 3 minutes. It is a common way to
connect investors and entrepreneurs.
9. CSD Matrix: composed by Certainties, Supposi-
tion, and Doubts, the CSD matrix gathers all dif-
ferent team members’ perspectives, by organizing
in these three sections important data to develop,
avoiding discussion and centering all possible ob-
10. Prototype: is not only a tool but considered a
whole stage in the Design Thinking process. Pro-
jecting a visual preview of systems and their inter-
actions allows visualization, essential to the De-
sign Thinking process.
2.1 Design Thinking Methods in
Requirement Elicitation
The software community noticed over the past years
how the world is constantly changing, quickly devel-
oping and demanding a growing value in acquisitions,
and how this scenario applies to the software field.
Traditional requirement engineering, that in its ma-
jority includes requirements elicitation, analyses and
negotiation, specification and validation stages, is al-
ready not enough to suppress these demands. Now a
context immersion is required (Vetterli et al., 2013a).
A conflict exists regarding the way Requirement En-
gineering and agile software development define the
involvement among the user.
The agile software development tends to a signif-
icant effort in the software implementation phase, de-
mands user involvement along the development pro-
cess instead of having rigorous documentation, that
is how requirement engineering intends to decrease
this involvement after the initial mapping. Despite the
agile development oriented by users’ descriptions, its
capture is from a perspective of functional and non-
functional requirements, even with user’s orientation
Design Thinking Use in Agile Software Projects: Software Developers’ Perception
and qualified professionals in team, it is, however,
complex to capture what is necessary entirely. Con-
fronted with this dilemma, the search to discover a
form to bring agile features inside the requirement
engineering universe, which includes the elicitation
phase, besides suppressing the own challenges that al-
ready exist in the methodology (Vetterli et al., 2013a).
Some researches denote ways to solve this
methodology use problem: Design Thinking with an
initial practice in requirement engineering, elicitation
and prototyping, and support user engagement, as ag-
ile methodology defends (Vetterli et al., 2013a).The
connection between DT and agile methodology is so
evident, that literature highlights their similarity, as
in (Higuchi and Nakano, 2017). A project manage-
ment model that covers the whole software develop-
ment process, through the Design Thinking and ag-
ile methodology approach combination can be used
as a requirement elicitation method in agile method-
ology, mainly in applications that require creativity
(Higuchi and Nakano, 2017). Both Design Think-
ing and agile software development methodology of-
fer competitive advantages, in product differentiation
and cost estimative efficiency (Higuchi and Nakano,
2017). Besides, both approaches contain common-
alities, that reinforce their use jointly (Higuchi and
Nakano, 2017).
Hehn et al. (Hehn et al., 2018) present a tutorial to
create an understanding about what Design Thinking
is and how it can be integrated with existing Require-
ments Engineering practices. Hehn et al. (Hehn et al.,
2019) suggest three approaches for tailoring and inte-
grating Design Thinking and Requirements Engineer-
ing with complementary synergies. Canedo and da
Costa (Canedo and da Costa, 2018) present an expe-
rience report using the technique of Design Thinking
applied in the modernization of two real systems.
The main goal of this research is to build a broad
comprehension of how practitioners use the design
thinking tools, as well as to characterize how they no-
tice their significance along the software development
process. Here we focus on both public and private or-
ganizations. We conducted a study to investigate the
following research questions:
RQ.1: What are the Design Thinking techniques used
by the organization during the software devel-
opment process?
RQ.2: What are the Design Thinking techniques used
in requirement elicitation in a software devel-
opment project?
RQ.3: What phase in Design Thinking is widely
adopted in organizations along the develop-
ment process?
RQ.4: What tools are mostly used by practitioners in
the software development process?
RQ.5: What are the obtained results with design
thinking use inside organizations as a support
method in real software development projects?
3.1 Developer Survey
To answer these research questions, we used a sur-
vey approach, composed of 33 closed questions and
01 open question, aimed to collect information from
practitioners concerning their perceptions about ap-
plying Design Thinking methods and tools in their
work environment. Besides, we collected data re-
garding the practitioner’s time of experience, what
function they executed inside the development pro-
cess using Design Thinking methodology, and which
DT phases they actively participated.
The survey also contained a question section ad-
dressed to developers to collect data related to De-
sign Thinking employed in requirement elicitation
and how the developer keeps up with methodology’s
iteration. The questionnaire was available through the
Google Forms tool, within the period of 01/08/2019 to
20/11/2019. It was distributed to both public and pri-
vate Information Technology (IT) companies . A total
of 59 answers was obtained. And that was considered
the research scope. Section 4 presents the results ob-
tained with the survey and a discussion thereof.
In this section we present the main findings of our re-
search, answering the general research questions we
investigate and we expose a discussion of the obtained
results. Regarding the practitioners’ profile in the or-
ganizations, including age, degree, and experience in
software development projects, 25.4% of practition-
ers are in the age range of 31 to 36 years old, 18.6%
are between 26 to 30 years old, 22% are within 37
to 42 years old, 15.3% between 42 to 47 years old,
and 8.5% are between 42 to 47 years old. Beyond
this, 22% of the respondents are graduated, 25.4%
have a specialization degree, 28.8% are master stu-
dents, 10.2% are PhD students, 5.1% are masters and
6.8% are undergraduate students.
Regarding the professional experience time in the
Information Technology field, 23.7% of the practi-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tioners have between 7 and 10 years of experience,
18.6% work longer than 21 years in the area, 15.3%
have between 11 and 15 years of practice, 13.6% be-
tween 16 and 20 years, 11.9% have between four and
six years and just 8.5% have less than a year of ex-
perience. Among these results, it is possible to con-
clude that the majority of the responders that use the
Design Thinking methodology is composed of expe-
rienced professionals, relatively young, mostly under
50 years old.
Regarding participation in software development
projects with an agile team, 76.3% from the practi-
tioners affirmed to be currently in a project, 15.3%
asserted that are not participating currently, but al-
ready joined, and only 8.5% declared to know the
agile methods but never been in a project using ag-
ile methodology. Concerning the organization’s per-
formance context in which the professional partici-
pated/participates in software development projects in
agile teams, 42.1% from practitioners works in private
organizations, 43.9% in research project, 31.6% work
in Federal Public Administration (FPA), 19.3% work
in public companies (State-owned enterprises), 8.8%
in open-source software projects.
4.1 RQ.1
Related to the question RQ.1 we identified that 80.8%
of practitioners applied prototyping, 53.8% Brain-
storming, and 42.3% interviews. With lower par-
ticipation are the methods CSD matrix (7.7%) and
Moodboard (3.8%), as presented in Table 1. This
ratifies partial findings from authors as Souza et al
(Souza et al., 2017) that recognized Brainstorming
as the most cited technique. Correia et al. (Correa
et al., 2018) classified prototyping, brainstorming, in-
terview and other methods used in the development
process. From these results, it is perceptible that the
DT techniques applied during the software develop-
ment process are used as a group in the same DT
4.2 RQ.2
Concerning the question RQ.2, it was observed that
73.1% utilize prototyping, 61.5% Interviews, and
50% Brainstorming. The lower use rates belong to
CSD Matrix (7.7%) and Blueprint Service (7.7%), as
represented in the table’s second column 1. Authors
as Lira and Silva (Lira de Carvalho Souza and Silva,
2015) and Vetterli et al. (Vetterli et al., 2013a) identi-
fied prototyping as a main Design Thinking method
in requirement elicitation. Canedo and da Costa
(Canedo and da Costa, 2018) presents an experience
report about prototyping use in two software develop-
ment projects and effectiveness in using the prototyp-
ing technique in requirements elicitation and systems
interface elaboration.
4.3 RQ.3
Related to the question RQ.3 were presented in the
survey, the phases as presented by Plattner et al. (Plat-
tner et al., 2009) and it was observed that all identified
phases (Immersion, Empathy, Definition, Ideation,
Prototyping, and Tests) are utilized in a representative
way at organizations responding. Figure 1 presents
the identified percentages, which shows that Prototyp-
ing (75%) and Empathy (64.3%) are the most repre-
sentative. Important to reinforce that the other phases
were also adopted: Immersion (57.1%), Definition
(60.7%), Ideation (57.1%), and Tests (53.6%).
Figure 1: Design Thinking Phases Adopted in Software De-
velopment Projects.
4.4 RQ.4
There were few answers to question RQ.4. We
present in the survey a list of tools used in the soft-
ware development process (Schwaber, 2005),(Bitner
et al., 2008),(Morelli and Tollestrup, 2006),(Long,
2009),(Bittner and Shoury, 2019),(Bitner et al., 2008).
Only 6 from the 59 respondents identified any tools
used. These are the ones mentioned: Adobe XD (2
respondent), Quant-UX, Kanban Virtual, Mind Map
Free, Ms-Word, Bizagi, Sketch, Axure, BonitaSoft,
and Pencil, as shown in Figure 2. From the tools
mentioned only Axure is cited in Souza et al. (Souza
et al., 2017) systematic review. This allows us to infer
that industrial practice identifies different tools than
the academy.
Figure 2: Design Thinking Tools Used by Practitioners in
Software Development Projects.
Design Thinking Use in Agile Software Projects: Software Developers’ Perception
Table 1: Design Thinking Methods and Tools Applied in Software Development Process versus Applied in Requirement
Techniques Percentage in Software Development Percentage in Requirement Elicitation
Prototyping 80.8% 73.1%
Brainstorming 53.8% 50.0%
Interview 42.3% 61.5%
Mind Map 38.5% 38.5%
Personas 38.5% 38.5%
Story Telling 34.6% 15.5%
Storyboard 30.8% 30.8%
Customer Journey Map 19.2% 26.9%
Insight Cards 15.4% 19.2%
Role Sprint 15.4% 11.5%
Empathy Map 15.4% 23.1%
Pitch 15.4% 15.4%
Blueprint Service 11.5% 7.7%
CSD Matrix 7.7% 7.7%
Moodboard 3.8% 0%
Interesting to mark that, according to Chasanidou et
al. (Chasanidou et al., 2015), a large number of de-
sign techniques and tools facilitate the DT innovation
process. Selecting correct methods is essential mainly
during the initial phases. Comprehending which and
how are applied those DT methods and tools in Soft-
ware Engineering provide the recognition that alterna-
tives apply in the software development process. The
results found show that there are still not a large num-
ber of software tools supporting assist DT methodol-
ogy use along the software development process.
4.5 RQ.5
Regarding question RQ.5 we identified the following
aspects, all represented in Figure 3: Regarding soft-
ware development:
Had a Designer in the team during all DT phases
increases the development team efficiency (95%
of the developers) (Q21);
DT methodology use increases the developed
product quality (88% of the developers) (Q24);
DT enables the creation of a friendly interface
(82% of the practitioners) (Q16);
DT improves the information flow definition
(79% of the practitioners) (Q15);
Interaction inside the development team during
the project was satisfying (79% of the developers)
DT use supports the entire development process
(75% of the practitioners) (Q20);
DT allows a suitable architectural definition (58%
of the developers) (Q17).
Regarding requirements:
From prototypes it is possible to identify mistakes
in requirement understanding (89% of the practi-
tioners) (Q18);
DT improves the system’s requirements elicita-
tion (86% of the respondents) (Q14).
Regarding Tools:
Recognize as Positive the experience of using pro-
totypes to support project functionalities develop-
ment (96% of the developers) (Q22);
Recognize as positive the visualization of the sys-
tem’s components, buttons, and screens through
prototypes regarding the efficiency of their
project’s deliveries (91% of the developers)
DT facilitates implementation activities, once that
prototypes are validated with the customer (88%
of the practitioners) (Q19).
The survey also enabled the identification of the
following results about the advantages of using the
methodology Design Thinking in an agile software
development project. The practitioners mentioned
in the open question that Design Thinking enables:
”Allow previous planning of what needs to be devel-
oped”,”Improve customer reliability”, ”Improve end-
user participation (active product participant)”, ”Re-
duce risk and investment in unnecessary product or
service”; ”Promote the validation and verification of
new customer experiences, especially for the user ex-
perience (UX) and user interface (UI) area”. These
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Developers’ Perception about Applying Design
Thinking in Software Development Projects.
findings confirm the research results performed by
Pereira (Pereira, 2018) and Vetterli et al. (Vetterli
et al., 2013b).
Regarding the internal validity of the survey, we con-
ducted a review of the questionnaire questions in or-
der to mitigate the threats (Wainer, 2007). In addition,
three other researchers validated the survey questions.
Regarding external validity, the survey participants
might not be representative of the general population
of software developers, the generalizability of our sur-
vey results might be limited. To mitigate this risk, we
advertised our survey through various channels to a
large audience. Having gathered data from software
developers from various organizations, and with dif-
ferent levels of software development experience, we
believe that our sample is fairly representative of soft-
ware developers of agile teams and that it provides an
interesting perspective. Participants could freely de-
cide whether to participate in the study or not (self-
selection). They were informed about the survey’s
topics and an estimated duration for the participation.
This could have biased the selection of participants as
only participants who could spare enough time might
have participated. We tried to mitigate this risk by
advertising through various channels.
Regarding the validity of conclusion, according to
Travassos and Amaral (Travassos and Amaral, 2002)
is related to the ability to reach a correct conclusion
about the relationships between treatment and the re-
sult of the research. To mitigate this risk the results
presented were analyzed by three researchers. We
recognize that there is no way to fully mitigate this
threat by considering only the number of survey par-
ticipants, but we consider that results that have been
partially ratified by other research could be consid-
ered as indicative of practitioners’ perception of DT.
In the future, we will conduct the survey with a larger
population of participants to ratify these findings.
Design Thinking techniques and supporting tools
used along the agile software project development
have been widely adopted by professionals in the soft-
ware industry. However, there are not many practical
examples of the technique applied in the literature, by
using real software projects, and also not many em-
pirical studies that validate the results of using DT in
real software systems.
This work investigates Design Thinking practice
applied to real projects, and which are its benefits
according to the perception of practitioners in some
software development companies. 76.3% of the sur-
vey participants work or already worked in agile soft-
ware development projects applying DT methodology
or DT tools and the most used technique is prototyp-
ing followed by brainstorming.
In requirement elicitation, the most used tech-
nique is also prototyping, followed by users’ inter-
views. Besides, professionals reported that prototyp-
ing allows mistakes identification in requirements un-
derstanding before implementation, which prevents
possible problems among project stakeholders.
The benefits observed in DT methodology ap-
plied to software development use are: 1. Enhanc-
ing the requirement elicitation process; 2. Allowing
errors identification in requirements understanding
from prototyping; 3. Easying implementation once
that prototypes are validated directly with clients. Al-
though agile team developers do not sympathize with
documentation, according to the survey participants,
practitioners still use requirement specification doc-
uments to implement software functionalities, even
when using DT techniques in requirement elicitation.
As future work, it is intended to investigate and
monitor the main challenges faced by practitioners
in software development teams when using Design
Thinking, as well as which are their suggestions to
adopt the methodology widely in real contexts.
This research work has the support of the Research
Support Foundation of the Federal District (FAPDF)
research grant 05/2018.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems