data. At the same time it is easily and quickly de-
ployable. This work identified requirements needed
to be considered during designing such an architec-
ture comprising e.g. a well-defined data handling, an
infrastructure management or scalability. Our archi-
tecture is scalable both horizontally and vertically.
A possibility of improving the architecture in the
future would be to switch the container orchestration
from using Docker Swarm to using Kubernetes. It of-
fers a more robust solution and better fine tuning. It
would allow the utilization of a lightweight operating
distribution as opposed to the Ubuntu distribution that
is currently used, which would free up a non-trivial
part of the clusters resources and would reduce man-
agement efforts. Another desirable improvement of
the architecture would be a more extensive focus on
load balancing, synchronization between the cluster’s
machines and the ensuring of service and data con-
sistency within the cluster. Problems with synchro-
nization and consistency are handled on a code level
and should optimally get shifted towards the cluster
management as well, wherever applicable.
In conclusion, our architecture allows to easily
handle all the aforementioned challenges which have
been laid out under Section 4. In addition to that, it is
completely made up by open-source solutions, allow-
ing for more freedom in terms of budget allocation.
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IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security