Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating
Mohammad Alhaj
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, AAU, Amman, Jordan
Keywords: Standard Operating Procedure, Model-Driven Engineering, Requirement Engineering, Goal Model, Scenario
Model, GRL, UCM.
Abstract: Standard Operating Procedures are essential for organizations that want to maintain an efficient and organized
local tasks. They are used develop the activities important for completing their internal operations in
accordance with industry regulations and business standards. A growing interest and investment have been
taken regarding developing and assessing the SOPs. It is desirable to detect any deficiencies in the SOPs that
contradict with the policies and regulations and do not allow achieving the business goals early in the process
when corrective actions can be more easily made. This paper proposes a model-based approach that generates
goal and scenario models for the standard operating procedures, augmented with quantitative indicators. The
generated models allow to model the behaviour of the standard operating procedures in a formal way and
evaluate their performance measures.
Many organizations are using standard operating
procedures (SOPs) to develop the activities essential
for completing their local tasks in accordance with
industry regulations and business standards. SOPs are
a set of instructions and guidelines that formalize the
business processes in an organization. They define
the blueprint of the actions, templates and forms
necessary to complete an organization workflow.
Organizations are using SOPs to improve the
productivity, formalize the communication and
responsibilities between the working teams and
maintain the consistency and quality of the business
process in a timely manner.
A periodic process of developing and maintaining
the SOPs is described in figure 1. The business goals
describe the expected accomplishments of an
organizations in the near future and support the
performance chart to measure the organization
situation. The business goals are used to outline the
organization’s guidelines that governs its actions in a
form of policies and regulations. They also are used
to identify the measures of the organization’s
abilities and behaviour quality in a form of
performance metrics. The policies and regulations
consist of the formal statements, consents that are
defined to achieve the business goals. They are also
defined to achieve the main principle of creating and
maintaining the SOPs continuously. The performance
metrics and feedback are used to evaluate the SOPs
which are augmented back to the business goal for
further improvements.
Figure 1: Periodic process of developing and maintaining
the SOPs.
A growing interest and investment have been taken
regarding developing and assessing the SOPs.
However, the typical approaches of the development
often neglect the assessment procedure that supposed
to be realized with respect to the defined regulations,
Alhaj, M.
Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating Procedures.
DOI: 10.5220/0009388903590364
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 359-364
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
policies and business goals. It is desirable to detect
any deficiencies in the SOPs that contradict with the
policies and regulations and do not allow achieving
the business goals early in the process when
corrective actions can be more easily made.
In this paper, we present the exploration of a
model-based approach where we model the
evaluation process of the SOPs using User
Requirement Notation (URN). URN supports two
modelling languages: the Goal-oriented Requirement
Language (GRL) which models business goals with
stakeholders, behaviours, and key performance
indicators (KPIs) represent performance metrics; and
the Use Case Map language (UCM) that models
business scenarios with sub-scenarios, actions and
artifacts. The new approach aims to evaluate the
SOPs at the early phases of the development and
provide and formalized way of assessment. The paper
is organized as follows: section 2 presents the
background and related work; Section 3 an overview
of our model-based approach; Section 4 A case study
of evaluation modelling and analysis followed by
conclusions and future work in Section 5.
The user requirement modelling is used to model the
notion of organization hierarchy and its relationship
with the stakeholders; also model the behaviour of
different constituents within the organization. It is
used in recent literature researches such as quality
assurance (Alhaj, 2019) and business process
management (Weiss and Amyot, 2005). User
requirement modelling allows modellers to identify
requirements for the target system and validate their
compliance with the user demand. It combines
between the requirement’s objectives and behaviour;
and bridge the gap between the informal presentation
of the user requirements and the formal one.
User requirement notation (URN) (ITU-T, 2018)
is an international standard notation for the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) that
models graphically the requirement’s goals and
scenarios. URN supports the elicitation, specification,
analysis, and evaluation of requirements. URN
modelling is used to discover and describe
requirements for a proposed system or process and
analyze any kind of responsive structure. URN
language supports two graphical modelling
languages: a) the GRL that describes business goals
and allows the modelers to describe intentions (e.g.,
goals, tasks, indicators) their decomposition structure
(e.g., sub goals, stubs), link types (e.g., dependencies,
contribution) and the corresponding stakeholders
(actors, agents, teams); b) the Use case Map (UCM)
that describes business scenarios and models
scenarios as a sequence of actions (responsibilities)
and sub-scenarios (stubs) synchronized by timers
(Timers and waiting places) and controlled by
concurrencies and branches (And/Or Fork, And/Or
Join). The workflow of the scenario can be owned by
different components, such as actor, team, process,
object and agent. The goal models and scenario
models are created using an open source graphical
editor called jUCMNav (jUCMNav, 2016).
jUCMNav supports generating and managing GRL
and UCM models and provides features to utilize
strategies using various analysis algorithms. Other
examples of goal languages such as i star (i*) that
models both as-is and to-be situations (Ayala, 2005)
and KAOS (Darimont, 1997) that allows building
requirements models and used capture user
requirements at the problem domain. Different
modelling languages are also used to describe
behaviours and scenarios such as Business Process
Management (BPM) (OMG, 2011) and UML
Activity diagram (OMG, 2017).
Different researches and case studies have been
conducted for designing and evaluating SOPs. In (
Federal Emergency Management Agency United
States Fire Administration, 1999) authors provide a
guide that explains how SOPs can be developed, lists
topic areas that should be covered, and describes
various styles and formats. While in (Community
Workers, 2014) researchers outline a process to assist
with the development of workplace-specific Safe
Operating Procedures for plant, hardware, chemicals,
work tasks and processes that have the potential to
cause harm to workers, plant, material or the
environment as identified from risk assessments.
Roza_Albareta in (Roza Albareta and Mursanto,
2019) used the scrum method to design a standard
operating procedure in software development based
on three steps: Initiation, Development, and Iteration
Planning. de Ferluc in (de Ferluc, 2018) propose a
new approach to formalize the test and procedure
activities using the open-source Capella modelling
tool and its associated methodology Arcadia. de
Freitas (Freitas, 2016) propose an evaluation for three
standard operational procedures (SOPs) using an
application of a questionnaire and to verify whether
the SOPs are effective and assess the necessity for
In summary, it is learned that the above proposed
works are paper-based describing the process of
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
developing and evaluating SOPs with respect to the
industry regulations and business standards. The
major advantage of our proposed approach compared
to the others is that it is model-based that uses URN
notations for SOPs evaluation.
3.1 The Development Process of SOP
Constituencies in organizations are using SOPs at
different levels of management to facilitate and
organize their regularly recurring work. The SOPs
describe step by step details of the work instructions
that conduct the operations correctly and always in
the same routine. They are supported by different
organization forms and templates which can be
presented as paper-based or web-based. Many
constituencies at are participating in the process of
developing and validating the SOP. Ideally, all
constituencies need to participate actively at all
levels, however, it is recognized that this ideal
approach may not be achieved with ease and become
consistent all the times. The SOP development
process is an end to end activities that is used to build
an efficient and reliable work instruction to meet the
organization goals and comply with the internal
policies and regulations.
Figure 2: The Development Process of SOP.
Figure 2 describes the periodic process of SOP
1. Planning phase: it clearly identifies the initial
definitions of the SOP such as the purpose of the
development, the scope and limitations, the
related policies and regulations, the performance
metrics that will impact the organization goals.
Also, it specifies the involved constituencies, the
target audience, their expected skills and
2. Implementation phase: it focuses on the template
format and writing style of the SOP based on
whether it is a new or an existing. In many cases,
the layout of the implemented SOP is built from
a pre-existing one.
3. Assessment phase: the implemented SOPs are
evaluated and reviewed using different kinds of
assessment methods and feedback, such as
surveys, periodic progress reports and log files.
Target audience are involved in assessing and
adjusting the SOPs under test.
4. Utilization phase: SOPs are distributed as paper-
based or web-based in this phase. Training
session could be provided, if needed, to elevate
the audience skills. Also, feedback from
audience is documented for future SOP update
and enhancement.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are
written documents or work instructions that detail all
of the steps involved in a procedure or process. The
SOP development services include end-to-end level
mapping of processes and formatting SOPs to the
template and organization structures. In this section,
we propose a model-based approach that can be used
to review systematically the measures of the SOPs
with respect to the goals and objectives of an
organization. Our proposed approach provides two
levels of modelling:
a. The Goal model which describes the objectives
and goals of an organization. These goals
represent what the organization expects to
accomplish over the next years. The objectives
and goals can be achieved by a multiple of tasks
with the ability to assessed by different
performance metrics. Each Task represents an
SOP in the organization which can be realized as
operation behaviour described in the underlying
scenario models. Different kinds of
constituencies are also involved as active actors
and stakeholders.
b. A group of scenario models to describe activities
of the underlying SOPs. A Scenario is a
collection of procedures and steps owned by
different stakeholders and executed in a certain
order based on multiple rules and constraints.
The performance of SOPs can be measured using
different performance quality metrics. These
measures are added to the goal model and scenario
model of the SOPs, such as:
Processing time: the expected completion time of
an SOP.
Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating Procedures
Efficiency: the ratio between the active time and
the waiting time during the processing time of
an SOP.
Usability: the ease of use and learnability.
Throughput: the number of completed SOPs per
The number of constituencies involved in
completing the SOP.
3.2 The Model-based Approach
In our proposed approach, we introduce the user
requirement notation (URN) to describe two level of
modelling as in figure 3. The proposed approach is
supported by jUCMNav, an open source eclipse
plugin. jUCMNav is a graphical editor that is used to
improve the goal and scenario modelling through rich
graphical formatting features. The coloring scheme is
one of these features. It measures and monitor the
achievement degree of the model elements using
three main levels and different shades for values in
between: unsatisfied (red), neutral (yellow), and
satisfied (green).
We use GRL modelling to build a hierarchical
goal model. The organization mission defines the
high-level goals (softgoal) while the SOPs define the
tasks. The contribution relationship describes how an
element participate to the other elements in GRL
model; the contribution impact can be within a range
of +100% (positive) to -100% (negative). The
performance metrics are also defined in the goal
model as key performance indicators (KPIs). KPI
defines the performance quality metrics that
contributes to different SOPs in the model. A KPI has
an evaluation value that measures the current
situation. It ranges between the +100% (positive),
+0% (neutral) or -100% negative values.
Stakeholders are represented as actors to define their
ownership and responsibility in the goal model.
There is also a group of usecase map models
(UCM) that describe the behaviour of each SOP
where components represent actors and artifacts,
responsibilities represent actions, stubs represent sub-
maps and workflow is modelled using starting points,
ending points, and sequential, alternative and
concurrent flows.
Figure 3: An arbitrary SOP goal model and Scenario model.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
In this section, we introduce a sample of our SOP
evaluation modelling approach (figure 4). The sample
is a goal model and scenario model developed at the
Admission and Registration department in Al-
Ahliyya Amman University (2019) as a part of an on-
going project. The project aims to monitor and
improve of the Standard Operating Procedures at Al-
Ahliyya Amman University to obtain the best quality
of service. The values of performance metrics defined
in the SOP model are extracted from several
admission and registration reports. These reports are
issued weekly, biweekly and monthly. They contain
the number of the new applications, the day and time
of submission/completion, the names and roles of the
involved constituencies, the delay time and cause of
the delay, …etc. These values are used in evaluating
the performance of the SOPs with respect to the target
Figure 4 describes the GRL goal model where the
Admission and Registration Department represents
the actor. The top-level goal is the University Mission
as defined in (Al-Ahliyya Amman University, 2019).
A sample of three SOPs: College Admission,
Semester Registration and Course Withdraw,
contributes to the university mission by 25%. The
goal model also defines three key performance
indicators (KPIs): processing time, throughput and
efficiency. Each one of them contributes to the SOPs
in a range of 10% to 75%. The evaluation values of
these KPIs are calculated using the underlying UCM
scenario models. These values are: Processing
time=14, Efficiency= 85 and Throughout= 28. The
goal model shows that the performance of the College
Admission (evaluation value= 23) and the Course
Withdraw (evaluation value= 49) are relatively weak
this is due to long processing time and throughput.
The performance of the Semester Registration is
acceptable (evaluation value= 77). The overall
performance of the University Mission is weakly
acceptable (evaluation value= 35).
Figure 5 describe is a sample of College
Admission SOP. In this scenario two actors are
involved: the New Applicant and the Admission
Office. The scenario begins when a new applicant
performs a preliminary preparations which may
include, accrediting of high school degree and
language test. The new applicant can either applies an
online or paper-based admission application. The
admission office is then review the application and
the waiting time depends on the queue of new
applications. The admission office is then check for
the completion of the required documents and contact
the new applicant if it is not complete. When the
admission application is complete, it creates an
admission file for a new application. During the daily
meeting of the admission committee, a decision is
made regarding accepting or rejecting the new
applications. The new applicant is then contacted and
informed of the status of his application. If the
application is accepted, the new applicant is informed
with the pre-approved admission and requested to pay
the admission fees. If the applicant is rejected, he will
be informed with reason of the rejection.
Figure 4: Case study goal model.
Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating Procedures
Figure 5: Scenario model of College Admission SOP.
The paper proposes a new model-based approach that
allows the SOPs to be modelled using GRL language
for goal modelling and UCM language for scenario
modelling. In our approach, we use GRL models at
the validation and verification phase to describe the
organization goals, associated with the SOPs, while
the UCM models are used to describe the behaviour
of the SOPs using branching, concurrency and
conditional workflows. Our proposed approach
describes the performance metrics in GRL models as
KPIs, to measure the quality of the SOPs and their
compliance with the organization goals. The UCM
model can be used for performance analysis in order
to calculate the throughput, branching delays and the
overall delay. Stakeholders are represented as actors
to define their ownership and responsibility in the
goal model and scenario model.
As future work, we are planning to extend the model-
based approach to include the industry regulations
and business standards in the GRL model and extend
the performance metrics. Also, we are planning to use
our approach to model more complex case studies.
Our thanks to Al-Ahliyya Amman University for the
help and support they provide during the evaluation
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering