that increases the dependability of the system during
and after the software rollout in comparison to the
current state-of-the-art.
We evaluated a set of existing customer-grade IoT
tools that seemed to be promising for application
lifecycle management in IIoT use cases, but unfor-
tunately not all of the desired functions can be im-
plemented using these tools. We thus proposed an
OSGi deployment process fulfilling the defined re-
quirements and implementing the defined tasks. It
has been successfully tested in a small lab setup and
further tests in a real world large scale co-simulation
testbed are currently undertaken. Nonetheless, fur-
ther development must be carried out to enable an
automated deployment. This involves guidelines for
application development using this approach, signing
of bundles, software versioning and the overall inte-
gration into a CI/CD pipeline. On the target side,
the rollback mechanism is currently limited to fail-
ures thrown by the OSGi framework which occur dur-
ing the installation phase of a new update. Rollbacks
on errors or wrong application behaviour during run-
time caused by a faulty update (or even by an attack)
are not supported yet. However, this is a crucial fea-
ture since the BEMS controls large devices like heat
pumps and charging stations. On large scale, wrong
application behaviour could cause serious problems
in the low voltage grid. Therefore, further work is
necessary to enhance the rollback mechanism.
Dependency management implemented by state-
of-the-art software deployment tools is limited to
the software domain. To be able to include knowl-
edge about the setup of the CPS, its physical prop-
erties, overall state etc. the KBSM framework was
presented. This additional management layer uses
knowledge represented in graphs to derive and exe-
cute software deployment schedules. By using this
backend, dependencies on all layers from device level
(software requires sensor, software requires service
on same device, etc.) via the system level (soft-
ware needs service on other device, software us-
age excludes usage of specific other software, etc.)
up to the domain level (software on device is the
only entity that controls setpoint, etc.) can be re-
solved. The KBSM framework is currently still in
active development and is currently being tested us-
ing the iSSN Application Lifecycle Management and
the OSGi deployment process as underlying deploy-
ment tools in a Smart Grid scenario using a large scale
co-simulation/emulation approach.
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project, funded by the joint programming initiative
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus with support from the Eu-
ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme. On national level, the work was funded
and supported by the Austrian Climate and Energy
Fund (KLIEN, ref. 857570), and by German BMWi
(FKZ 0350012A).
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IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security