if they have more knowledge incorporated than the
similarity metrics, and if the problem instances are
difficult (as shown for the Fifteen Puzzle instances).
The InteReUse project (No. 855399) has been funded
by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, In-
novation and Technology (BMVIT) under the pro-
gram “ICT of the Future” between September 2016
and August 2019. More information can be found at
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TRA2 tool. Our implementations of Fifteen Puzzle
are based on the very efficient C code of IDA* and
A* made available by Richard Korf and an efficient
hashing schema by Jonathan Shaeffer. Ariel Felner
and Shahaf Shperberg provided us with hints about
the availability of code for the Fifteen Puzzle pattern
Last but not least, Alexander Seiler and Lukas
oer helped us with getting all the C code running
under Windows for our Fifteen Puzzle experiment.
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