Ambler proposes (Ambler, 2005) several guide-
lines addressing both general and UML-specific mod-
elling issues, with the aim of improving the effective-
ness of the produced models. Some of these guidelines
can be applied even in Node-RED, since they use very
general terms and descriptions. For what concerns
UML, we focused on activity diagrams since they rep-
resent sequences of actions similarly to Node-RED
flows. The guidelines suggest, for instance, to avoid
black-hole and miracle nodes (i.e., nodes without a
leaving/entering line), that may indicate a missing in-
teraction, and to check that the guards within decision
points are always complete.
In this paper, we have proposed a preliminary set of
guidelines, addressing some common Node-RED com-
prehensibility issues, which may help the Node-RED
developers in producing flows that are easier to com-
prehend and suitable for future maintenance and test-
ing activities. To evaluate the guidelines, we have con-
ducted an experiment involving ten master students.
The results have shown that the adoption of the
guidelines increased the overall efficiency in Node-
RED flows comprehension, by reducing the number
of errors and the time required to complete compre-
hension tasks over some provided Node-RED flows.
In addition to supporting the Node-RED developers in
flows development, the proposed guidelines pinpoint
some Node-RED comprehensibility issues that might
be solved in future releases of the tool, by adding fea-
tures like: (i) nodes resizing in height and width, to
highlight the most important nodes and make long
names more readable, (ii) general warnings, to no-
tify e.g., the presence of unused variables, incomplete
conditions within switch nodes, and loops, and (iii)
graphical jumps between wires, to handle colliding
The proposed guidelines are just a preliminary set
of those that we are planning to address further Node-
RED comprehensibility issues that did not emerge
from the Node-RED systems we chose; for instance,
how to avoid loops by transforming graph-based flows
into tree-based ones. As future work, we intend to
involve a larger participants pool in the experimen-
tal evaluation of the guidelines, including Node-RED
designers, and to implement a checker tool to auto-
matically detect the comprehensibility issues from the
Node-RED flows failing our guidelines, and fix them
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A Set of Empirically Validated Development Guidelines for Improving Node-RED Flows Comprehension