Experimental results showed that there are quantita-
tive, temporal, and density relationship between train-
ing data and performance, i.e., with more records for
training, the supervised learning techniques can better
adjust the learning bias, providing better predictions.
As strengths of this article, we highlight: i) we
used heterogeneous data sources, official and unoffi-
cial crime records, to predict crimes; ii) we provided
a complementarity analysis showing the feasibility of
using different data sources by combining them into
a single and bigger dataset; iii) we proposed a predic-
tive approach capable of predicting the tendency and
occurrence of different types of crimes in different ge-
ographic regions; iv) we evaluated four different ma-
chine learning techniques used by our crime predic-
tion approach; v) the authorities can use our approach
to plan crime preventive actions, such deciding where
to perform street lighting and police patrol.
Contrasting the predictive techniques presented
in this article and other recent crime prediction ap-
proaches reported in the literature, we observed that
there is still room for further improvements. There-
fore, for future work we plan to evaluate other learn-
ing techniques, such as latent factor models and neu-
ral networks for crime prediction. Also, we want to
exploit different geographic properties of crimes as
features within our predictive approach, and extend
the datasets to cover more types of crimes. Finally,
we also intent to use more sources of heterogeneous
data, specially crime records with judgment data.
The present work was carried out with the support
of the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal
de N
ııvel Superior - Brazil (CAPES) - Financing
Code 001. The authors thank CNPq, FAPEMIG,
PUC Minas and SESP-MG (Secretaria de Estado de
Seguranc¸a P
ublica de Minas Gerais) for the partial
support in the execution of this work.
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Predicting Crime by Exploiting Supervised Learning on Heterogeneous Data