Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures
through Proxies
Angelo Furfaro
1 a
and Giuseppe de Marco
2 b
DIMES, University of Calabria, P. Bucci 42C, Rende (CS), Italy
ICT Centre, University of Calabria, P. Bucci 22B, Rende (CS), Italy
AAI, Single Sign-on, SAML2, OIDC, OAuth2, Digital Identity, Proxy.
The ever increasing diffusion of digital services offered by institutional organizations and the need of interop-
erability among them have made crucial the role of Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAIs).
Numerous formats and technologies for data exchange have been developed in recent years and some of them
have become very popular. This paper discusses the main challenges an organization has to face in making its
services seamlessly available to end-users and client systems across multiple AAIs. An effective solution, re-
lying on Authentication and Authorization Proxies, like SATOSA, which allows the interoperability of hybrid
types of service providers and consumers, is described. In particular, a scenario is considered which envisages
the support of heterogeneous (public) digital identity technologies for access to digital services on a university
During the last few years, many digital services, of-
fered by both private and public organizations, got
linked through Authentication and Authorization In-
frastructures (AAIs) in order to support interactions
across organization boundaries. Functionalities of-
fered by AAIs are achieved thanks to the adoption of
open protocols and standard data interchange formats,
e.g. SAML2 (Cantor et al., 2005) based XML and
OIDC (OpenID Foundation, 2014), or its underlying
protocol called OAuth2 (IETF, 2012), based on JSON
Web Token (JWT).
In the context of a SAML2 based AAI, we can
distinguish these main roles: i) the Service Provider
(SP), which is a system offering a digital service to
its clients, in terms of functions and/or resources, ii)
the Identity Provider (IdP) or Authorization and Au-
thentication endpoint, which is in charge of transfer-
ring to the relevant SP suitable information to de-
termine the identity and also the authorization pro-
file of the requesting entity if available, and iii) the
Attribute Authority which release attributes. A SP
may exploit a Discovery service (IETF, 2014b) al-
lowing the user to choose the IdP though which to
authenticate. Analogous roles are present in other
AAIs with some little differences in their responsibil-
ities. For example, in OIDC contexts SPs are called
Relying-Parties (RPs) and IdPs are known as OpenID
Providers (OPs). In OAuth2 they are referred to as
Clients and Authorization Servers (ASs), respectively.
Moreover, in OIDC/OAuth2 contexts the authoriza-
tion decision is taken by the OP/AS while in SAML2
this is done by the SP on the basis of what received by
the IdP. Functionalities of SAML2 Attribute Author-
ities can be implemented in OAuth2 by resorting to
Resource Servers which implements a more general
and distributed approach to resource management.
These settings allow users to register and authenti-
cate once, across several different trusted authentica-
tion endpoints hosted by different organizations, and
then access various resources made available by dig-
ital services through such AAIs (Lenz and Zwatten-
dorfer, 2016; Jensen, 2012).
Because of these obvious benefits induced by the
evolution of identity management technologies and
by the possibility of outsourcing such role to trusted
actors, e.g. governments, AAIs have experienced a
rapid rise and a wide adoption (TechVision, 2018).
The European Union has recently introduced eI-
DAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and
trust Services) (Bender, 2015) which is a regulation
on a set of standards for electronic identification and
Furfaro, A. and de Marco, G.
Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures through Proxies.
DOI: 10.5220/0009392401240131
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 124-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
trust services for electronic transactions. The mem-
ber States developed their own Identity Provider sys-
tem accordingly, an example of which is the Ital-
ian Public System for Digital Identity called SPID
(AgID - Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, 2017). The Na-
tional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
also introduced its own digital identity model in June
2017 (Grassi et al., 2017). Some recent studies eval-
uate the use of AAIs in conjunction with blockchain
technologies to develop an infrastructure supporting
service accountability across organizations (Furfaro
et al., 2019). An approach to retrieve and transport
new attributes through the eIDAS infrastructure in the
context of academic services has been described in
(Berbecaru et al., 2019).
In addition to the aforementioned public systems
for digital identities and Research and Scholarship
Institutions, the global scenario includes also other
AAIs under the control of free-market players like
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and several
others. Each AAI operates by relying on its own
and homogeneous federation mechanisms with uni-
fied data processing and privacy policies in strict com-
pliance with national and corporative regulations.
Nowadays, the consequent emergence of differ-
ent protocols and data interchange formats and also
the implementation of these in autonomous federative
contexts make developers of digital services to face a
new kind of boundaries due to the diversity of tech-
nologies adopted by different federations. This has
made necessary to devise solutions that can enable
the fruition of services, traditionally confined into the
protocol borders of a specific organization, in the con-
text of more AAIs despite the existence of different
protocols. This has led to the development of AAI
Gateways and Proxies that mediate the interactions
between heterogeneous AAI actors, e.g. SAML2 SPs
and IdPs needing to cooperate with OIDC/OAuth2
entities, handling protocol and data exchange format
differences and thus enabling interoperability.
This paper describes a technologically sustainable
solution aimed at integrating different formats and
data exchange protocols through the adoption of the
SATOSA proxy. It presents some examples and case
studies that involve the adoption of AAI proxies, and
finally a real use case developed within a European
University Campus. Section 2 describes some of the
leading technologies in Federated Identity Manage-
ment contexts. An overview of the usage of proxy
systems in computer networks and of their adoption
in AAI contexts is given in Section 3. Section 4 de-
scribes the solution, based on SATOSA, adopted at
University of Calabria. Finally, Section 5 concludes
the paper.
The typical form of identity federation involving
higher education institutions is the so called multilat-
eral federation, which relies upon a trusted 3rd party
in charge of securely register and reliably publish all
entities metadata (Trust Registry) in order to enable
trusted interoperation between all IdPs and a SPs. Ex-
ample of such federations, in the field Research and
Education community, are InCommon (https://www.
incommon.org/) and EduGAIN (https://edugain.org/).
Federation management processes require the use
of a set of tools for the validation of the entities
requesting to participate. Such processes and tools
highly depend on the specific technology adopted in
the relevant federation.
For example, in the case of SAML2-based feder-
ations, entities’ metadata are collected and validated
by a federation operator office and then they get ag-
gregated into a single file which is digitally signed.
Each entity needs to periodically download an up-
dated copy of this metadata file, whose size conse-
quently increases with the growth of the federation,
in order to ensure synchronization within the fed-
eration so as to allow all the entities to recognize
each other. To overcome the issues due to the han-
dling of this type of registers, the Metadata Query
Protocol (MDP) (Young, 2019a; Young, 2019b) has
been recently introduced for enabling the dynamic
and trusted retrieval of metadata about named entities.
Figure 1 shows a common SAML2 authentica-
tion session: i) a user-agent connects to a SP; ii) the
SP redirects the user to a Discovery Service which
allows to choose the relevant IdP; iii) the Discov-
ery Service redirects the user-agent back to the SP
which gets a reference (entityID) to the chosen IdP;
iv) the SP issues a authentication request to the IdP
and redirects the user-agent to it; v) the user-agent
submits the user’s credentials to the IdP; vi) the IdP
produces a SAML response, regarding the outcome
of authentication request; vii) the user-agent transfers
the achieved SAML response to the SP.
OAuth2 federations have a similar approach re-
garding the management of internal trust registry and
tools, but they offer additional features enabling var-
ious federation strategies. This way, alternative fed-
erative mechanisms adopted on top of WebFinger
and Discovery Metadata Registry (OAuth Working
Group, 2016; IETF, 2018), Dynamic Client Regis-
tration resources (IETF, 2015) and other kind of re-
sources (called endpoints), allows federation opera-
tors to implement additional features, security checks
and introspections functionalities, that handle client
authentication requests and token validations on top
Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures through Proxies
Figure 1: Sequence Diagram of a SAML2 Authentication in a Federative Context with HTTP Redirect or POST Bindings.
of more articulated methods. In OIDC federations,
where some of the OAuth2 core endpoints are in-
volved, it would be nowadays possible to apply a fur-
ther federation API that improves the federation ar-
chitecture and strategies in a very significant manner
(Roland Hedberg, 2019). It is also important to con-
sider that to date there is no federative standards in the
field of SAML2, the birth of the federations based on
this protocol are based on good practices developed
over time, otherwise in OIDC context the determina-
tion of OIDC Federation 1.0 (Roland Hedberg, 2019)
is introducing an innovative approach to AAI federa-
Despite what technological innovations may be
introduced, the federative mechanisms would only
adopt the rigid approach to guarantee the bonds of
trust towards and from every members, data privacy
and integrity through the exchange channels. Once a
federation adopts a technology and a shareable regu-
lation, all of its members must in turn adhere to them
in order to be able to join. Authorization and Au-
thentication federation can be confined into a single
organization (local federation), between two organi-
zations (bilateral-federation), or can be a wider and
more complex infrastructure built on top of the rela-
tionship between many organizations. More federa-
tions can join together by sharing the compliance to
a same set of technological and administrative proto-
cols (multi-lateral federation). In these latter cases,
thousands of entities are involved in a federation of
daily use. If we were to think about introducing a
new federative mechanism or any other adjustment
based on a different federative technology, in a legacy
context, we should think about how to introduce this
changes for all the involved services paying atten-
tion to the continuity of all them and also taking
care of the cost-effectiveness of these actions. Let us
consider the following scenarios requiring an adapta-
tion/hybridization of the involved entities:
An organization, whose digital services rely on a
legacy infrastructure which is part of a SAML2
federation, need to add the support to OIDC to its
SPs and IdP;
An organization which has a solid infrastructure,
built over the years above OAuth2, which needs to
join also another federation using only SAML2;
An organization which has to include for instance
Microsoft ADFS IdPs in eduGAIN/InCommon
federations. Many federations have problems
with enforcing common policies, like releasing at-
tributes dependent on entity category. There is the
need to augment the set of attributes released by
a non-compliant IdP with attributes from another
source (AA or any other data store).
An organization that would like to introduce the
Identities Level of Assurance (Refeds, 2018) of-
fered by the National Digital Identity Federation
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(AgID - Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, 2017) in its
Credentials Provisioning systems in order to ver-
ify remotely the identity linked to the accounts.
This would require a hybridization of the Cre-
dential Provisioning with another authentication
layer to let the users to choice whether to authenti-
cate with the legacy IdP or with a National Digital
Identity Provider.
All the above scenarios fairly give the idea of the in-
volved technological constraints and the perception
that a systematic adaptation of an entire infrastructure
can determine costs in time and resources. As dis-
cussed by the following sections AAI proxies are an
effective solution allowing to overcome such issues.
In the field of computer networks, a proxy is a server
application acting as an intermediary between two
network endpoints, e.g. between an HTTP user-agent
and a web server. A proxy behaves like a server,
gathering the incoming requests from the clients, and
plays the client role with respect to the actual target
servers handling the entire session with correspond-
ing requests and responses in between the two end-
points. A proxy can work in a transparent operat-
ing mode, i.e. it does not modify or masquerade in
any way requests or responses (IETF, 2014a), or can
be setup in other operational modes which enforce
some kind of translation or data processing and ma-
nipulation. For example, proxies can be employed to
add structure and encapsulation to systems or to carry
out data security checks. The adoption of proxies
would also allow to prevent security issues (Kobata
and Gagne, 2006), protecting destination endpoints or
translating a data transmission protocol from one to
another, or to enable partitioning and load balancing
of HTTP services across multiple machines.
In AAI contexts, proxies are used to aggregate
many entities behind a single one. Some common use
cases are the following:
A proxy can be exploited to hide the presence of
more digital services, all of which are under the
control of a given organization, allowing them to
appear like a single SP with respect to an IdP. All
the SPs are federated to the the proxy, which acts
as an IdP for them, through a registration process
which is internal to the organization. The proxy
masquerades all the authentication and authoriza-
tion requests from many SP in a way that it would
act as a single SP with respect the destination IdP.
This implies that only the proxy must be regis-
tered as a SP in the target federation context.
A proxy can be used as a gateway (or reverse
proxy) which retrieves resources on behalf of a
client from one or more servers. Gateways are
often used to encapsulate legacy or untrusted in-
formation services. In AAI context, a gateway can
be used to expose transparently more SPs behind
In order to understand how the adoption of proxies
in AAI contexts allows to overcome the boundaries,
due protocols and data exchange formats, to inter-
connect endpoints belonging to different federations,
some potential scenarios are described in the follow-
Let us consider a made-up organization
TheCampus, e.g. a University, that has its own
authentication infrastructure based on SAML2.
Suppose that TheCampus wants to adopt a free
market e-mail service provider, ThatMail.com,
which supports only OAuth2. To handle this issue,
a Proxy can be properly configured to behave as
an OAuth2 Authorization Service endpoint with
respect to ThatMail.com service and, at the same
time, as a SAML2 SP federated to the TheCampus
IdP. A user belonging to TheCampus, which wants
to access ThatMail.com service (OAuth2 client),
gets first redirected to the Proxy which, in turn
redirects her/him to the TheCampus IdP. After the
user is correctly authenticated, her/his attributes are
transferred to the Proxy. Then, the Proxy builds from
these attributes the proper OAuth2 Authorization
which is sent to the ThatMail.com service.
Suppose that TheCampus joined, through its IdP, a
Research and Scholarship Federation for allowing its
users to access bibliographic resources provided by
a third-party by means of a SAML2 SP. In addition,
TheCampus would like to enable the users to authen-
ticate also via a public OIDC Provider (IdP). Usually,
such type of SAML2 SP is configured to exploit a Dis-
covery Service or a where are you from (WAYF) web
resource to let users to choice the relevant IdP. To sup-
port this scenario, TheCampus configures the Proxy
to assume the role of the official SAML2 IdP in the
Research and Scholarship Federation and to behave
like a Relying-Party (SP) with respect to the OIDC
provider. This way, TheCampus users accessing the
bibliographic SP are first routed to the Proxy by the
SP which then redirects them again to the TheCampus
Discovery Service through which they can choose be-
tween the public OIDC provider or the local SAML2
IdP. In this case, the Proxy should be configured to
handle an internal routing to manage which configu-
Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures through Proxies
ration to be used regarding the actual authentication
endpoint. Even more, two different Authentication
endpoints could have different configurations, even if
both are based on SAML2, meaning that the Proxy
should adopt different configurations depending by
the target entity to deal with. In addition, the Proxy
can work also as an account linking service, if it has to
link the identity of the authenticated user to the cor-
responding TheCampus account, on the basis of the
matching of the attributes returned by OIDC Provider
(claims) with those received by Attribute Authorities
or any other data sources.
SP 2
SAML2 oAuth2
Saml2 R&S
Saml2 eGov
free market
free market
Figure 2: SAML2 Service Providers, OIDC Relying-Parties
and OAuth2 Clients behind the Proxy Backends Reach the
Entities Masqueraded by the Proxy Frontends.
A Proxy can translate different data exchange for-
mats, add or modify attributes and rewrite all data
managed along the transaction. It can recover the at-
tributes needed in a Research and Scholarship Service
Provider (e.g. the schacPersonalUniqueID) from
what returned by the National public provider (e.g.
the Taxpayer Identification Number) applying rules of
text manipulation, even more it can fetch additional
attributes from other sources, e.g. LDAP, RDBMS or
even a custom API or Attribute Authorities, owned by
the TheCampus.
Figure 2, illustrates a more general scenario
where the AAI Proxy enables the interoperation
among the following assets used by TheCampus:
a number of SAML2 SPs belonging to the
some OAuth2 SPs (Clients) external to the
TheCampus corresponding to external services
owned by third parties;
some OIDC SPs (Relying-Party) belonging to
a public IdP working with SAML2 but having
custom rules;
the above public IdP working with a growing
brand new OIDC infrastructure;
a European IdP (eIDAS) based on SAML2 but
with custom rules;
a free market OAuth2 IdP that can guarantees at
least the minimal Level of Assurance on the ac-
counts managed by it;
The Proxy is the central entity handling all the re-
quests and responses. It relies on SAML2, OAuth2
and OIDC backend and frontend modules to enable
interoperability among all the previous entities and it
is properly configured with custom backend/frontend
routing and attribute translation rules. Figure 2 in-
cludes also a Discovery Service as an independent en-
tity which can be exploited by the backend modules.
SATOSA (Identity Python, 2019) is an open source
proxy for translating between different authentica-
tion protocols such as SAML2, OpenID Connect and
OAuth2. Its development began on 2015 at the Ume
University and since 2017 it is maintained and de-
veloped by the IdentityPython Organization (Identity
Python, 2017).
SATOSA supports some well known use cases to
link different kind of endpoints or simply can deal
with legacy configurations that needs to be dynam-
ically translated. For example SATOSA can enable
SAML2 SPs to work with multiple SAML2 IdPs hav-
ing different configurations. SATOSA allows to con-
nect a SAML2 SP to multiple social media IdPs that
works only with OAuth2 or OIDC. It also makes pos-
sible to mirror an IdP by generating SAML2 metadata
corresponding that provider and create dynamic end-
points which are connected to a single IdP. SATOSA
supports all the scenarios exemplified in Section 3.
Here, we describe the adoption of the SATOSA
Proxy in a real setting at University of Calabria
(Unical), an Italian university campus with a popu-
lation of circa 20000-25000 daily users.
The digital Identity Management infrastructure of
Unical stores users’ attributes on top of a common
Research and Scholarship model, in one or more
LDAP server accordingly to eduPerson (REFEDS,
2019) and SCHAC schemas (REFEDS, 2015).
Legacy RDBMS data sources have also been adapted
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: The Discovery Service Developed in Campus for
the User Selection of an Authentication Endpoint (IdP).
to work as LDAP backends, through the adoption of
slapd-sql and slapd-sock backends. Its attribute
release policy also provides the code of conduct re-
lated to type of organization in relation to the informa-
tion provided to service providers (Internet2, 2017).
The Identity management infrastructure also handles
the provisioning, upgrade and de-provisioning of the
users’ accounts, their personal data and authorization
attributes. Each digital identity must guarantee a min-
imum Level of Assurance (LoA) to be in compliance
with the law and regulations in force. The Unical
identity infrastructure is equipped with a SAML2 IdP
to which more SPs are linked to. Some of these SPs
are internally operated, others are run by third-party
free market providers (i.e. the bibliographic services)
and some other belong to third-party organizations
and made accessible through the EduGAIN federa-
In this setting, a SATOSA Proxy has been put in
operation to work as a SAML2 SP federated both
with the Unical IdP and with all the SPID compli-
ant Italian IdPs. This required two SAML2 backends
having with different configuration and made it nec-
essary to develop a dedicated SPID compliant back-
end and a routing system based on the target endpoint.
In addition to the Unical IdP, the internally operated
SPs have been also federated to the SATOSA proxy
as alternative IdP. This way, users can choose to au-
thenticate either with their SPID identity or with their
Unical identity through a custom Discovery Service
(Fig. 3) which has been developed in strict compli-
ance with the SPID regulation and in adherence with
the Unical visual identity. The sequence diagram of
Figure 4 illustrates a typical authentication flow in-
volving the discovery service and the intermediation
of the SATOSA proxy.
In order to make the SATOSA Proxy to work in a
real SPID compliant production environment, we de-
Table 1: Contributions to pySAML2 and SATOSA Projects.
Project Pull req id Description
pySAML2 597 Added configurable signing and digest al-
gorithm to SP and IDP
pySAML2 602 xsd type - Added date type
pySAML2 625 Register common namespace prefixes
pySAML2 632 [Documentation] name id format,
allow create and metadata folder
pySAML2 634 xmlsec temporary files deletions
SATOSA 214 Added support for selectable SIGN and
DIGEST algs in saml2 backend
SATOSA 216 signature and digest algorithm policy
SATOSA 220 Micro Service, Decide backend by target
entity ID
SATOSA 226 Encrypt assertions in frontend authnre-
SATOSA 240 MicroService Ldap attribute store, more
connection parameters in configuration
veloped a purposely designed SAML2 backend and
a custom microservice for managing the routing of
the incoming authentication requests to the correct
SAML2 backend.
The newly introduced SAML2 backend was de-
veloped as a common SPID SP within SATOSA.
Making it compliant to the AgID technical specifica-
tions required some modifications to both pySAML2
and SATOSA source code. Table 1 summarizes the
contributions we made to the official projects.
To asses the suitability to operate in a production
environment, the backend undergone a set of security
checks: some of which are required by the AgID ac-
creditation procedure and others are part of the stan-
dard production profile for the Unical digital ser-
The choice of adopting SATOSA as the proxy so-
lution for Unical was mainly due to its adherence to
specifics standards in force in Research & Scholarship
contexts. As alternative solutions we also have pre-
liminary evaluated the following two options: i) Shib-
boleth IdP 3.4.x configured with an ”External Au-
thentication” (https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/
display/IDP30/ExternalAuthnConfiguration) and an
additional Shibboleth SP coupled with it and ii) Key-
cloak (https://www.keycloak.org).
The first option would have required a more com-
plex and expensive integration procedure and would
have addressed only SAML2 cases. The second op-
tion has not been taken because Keycloak is a mono-
lithic Identity Manager. The use of SATOSA , al-
though introduced significant development costs, rep-
resented the most flexible and maintainable solution
over time for its modular design and its ability to
evolve towards the inclusion of new technologies.
Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures through Proxies
Figure 4: A SAML2 Authn Flow with HTTP-Redirect or POST Bindings in Acts Using the AA Proxy. The Discovery Service
Is Configured in the Proxy Backend.
The adoption of SATOSA within the Unical iden-
tity management infrastructure introduced the need to
customize the SATOSA source code to improve its
behaviour and to cope with the local requirements. In
particular, customizations and adjustments were made
on error management, on the routing system based on
the endpoint entity ID, on some specifications for the
signature and encryption algorithms employed.
The use of the SATOSA proxy allowed to up-
date the Unical process for credential provisioning
such that each citizen, owing a SPID identity, could
easily ask for a Campus’ digital account by exploit-
ing her/his public identity. This allowed to inherit
the SPID’s LoA for the accounts generated in this
way. Because SPID IdPs are considered authorita-
tive sources of identity attributes, there is no longer
need to accomplish a face-to-face interview in the cre-
dential release and activation phase. The provision-
ing system is also strengthened by the support of an
Attribute Authority based on OAuth2, that the SPs
can use to recover the user’s authorization profile by
querying specific attributes starting from the received
SPID attributes. The adoption of the SATOSA pro-
duced a significant simplification in the workflow for
the accreditation of a Unical SP to the SPID federa-
tion. The SATOSA proxy is the only Unical service
which is directly federated with the SPID system and
it acts as an aggregator service for the other Unical
SPs which only need to federate with it. Without the
SATOSA proxy, each Unical SPs, wanting to allow
SPID based authentications, would had to repeat the
SPID registration procedures increasing costs in time
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and bureaucracy for both sides, Unical and AgID of-
fice. Thanks to the use of the proxy the registration
process remains locally confined.
Finally, the imminent renewal of some critical ser-
vices, e.g. the IT document flow management appli-
cations, have raised the need to comply with OAuth2.
Through SATOSA it has been possible to guarantee
this integration by keeping the legacy authentication
endpoint, i.e. the SAML2 IdP, without any change.
It was just necessary to add and configure the proper
OAuth2 AS frontend in the SATOSA Proxy, so as to
connect all the OAuth2 clients that need it.
We would like to thank: the SPID project staff
(Michele D’Amico, Walter Arrighetti, Antonio Flo-
rio, Paolo Smiraglia and Antonio Giovanni Schi-
avone); Roland Hedberg as OpenID Connect Feder-
ation 1.0 Editor, pySAML2 and SATOSA architect;
the Identity Python Community and in particular John
This work has been partially supported by the
project P.O.R. “SPID Advanced Security - SPI-
DASEC” (CUP J88C17000340006).
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Mixing Heterogeneous Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures through Proxies