part of the documentation, took on average is between
0,6 and 30,2 minutes less than participants of Con-
trolled Group.
For timing attribute, when updated/evolved all
documentation, ScrumDDM Group took on average
59 minutes (standard deviation: 21 minutes), while
participants of the Controlled Group took 55 minutes
on average (standard deviation: 17 minutes). Ac-
cording to t-Student test, the differences observed
(4 minutes) between both groups for average timing
are not statistically significant t(18)= 0,43; p-value=
0,672 d= 0,10). The timing attribute dimension ef-
fect to ScrumDDM Group is low (d=0,10) and ac-
cording to IC at 95%] -14,3; 21,7[ in minutes, the tim-
ing differences variation among the participants were
not enough to highlight any difference between the
5.9 Threats to Validity
To minimize possible threats about Internal validity a
survey was applied for identify the level of knowledge
of the participants about UML, and Java (Eclipse).
The participants only had known about the experi-
ment goal in the end of the development. In addi-
tion, the researcher accompanied both groups, and in-
teraction between participants was not allowed. To
minimize possible threats about External validity 20
(twenty) people were selected and randomly divided
in two group (10 people each). The inability to ex-
periment in the industry was minimized by select-
ing technology area professionals in both groups. To
minimize possible threats about Construction valid-
ity several documents and transformations were made
available to the participants.
Combining MDD practices with agile development
process aim to keep software development cycle time
short and increase productivity and quality. By hav-
ing short iterations, developers managed to build the
system incrementally and early software verification,
which contribute to saving time. Generating code
and other artifacts from models (semi) automatically
helped to speed up development process by reducing
efforts in developing code. Requirements changes can
be easily reflected in code since it is generated from
model transformations (Alfraihi and Lano, 2017b).
Additionally, integrate these aspects into a process
metamodel helps software process reuse, customiza-
tion, and domain independence
In the controlled experiment developed in this pa-
per, the metaprocess ScrumDDM was analyzed about
its capacity of evolving software and to maintain
the agile methodology quickness characteristic while
developing.Pre-existing software code already devel-
oped within a ScrumDDM instance, named ArqPro-
jProcess was used as a base. A new version of the
software was developed covering new user stories or
user stories modifications.
The experiment performed pointed the capacity
of evolving software and maintain the agility from
the presented data. The group that used ScrumDDM
metaprocess, for example, enacted the process more
completely and produced the sofwtare artifacts more
correctly than the Controlled group. Besides that,
the evolutions occurred quickly, indicatong that the
metaprocess maintained the agile methodology as-
pect. The usage of the metaprocess made possible to
update the documentation artifacts and the software
product source code. Additonally, by the end of the
experiment running, it was shown that the metapro-
cess provided the software evolution, generating a
correct code and with a more significant number of
completely developed stories.
We intend to perform other studies with students
and professionals from technology in the area, aim-
ing to amplify the usage possibility of ScrumDDM.
It would be interesting to test it for different domains
and purposes. Besides that, even having technology
area professionals as participants of the experiment,
it would be relevant that ScrumDDM was evaluated
in an industry scenario, the inclusion of a metamod-
eling engineer in the development process, aiming to
build the MDD elements before developing the soft-
ware, optimizing the work. Thus, we identify for fu-
ture work:
• Instance ScrumDDM to other purposes and do-
mains, different from the ones that were men-
tioned in this paper, like SOA and MDD, to
make the evaluation/analysis of more aspects of
instanced process possible.
• Reanalyze ScrumDDM in a real scenario, outside
the academic environment.
• Analyze other software quality aspects. Besides
the code and documentation generation aspects, it
might be important to seek the software develop-
ment process quality.
Alfraihi, H. and Lano, K. (2017a). The integration of
agile development and model driven development.
Integrating Model-Driven Development Practices into Agile Process: Analyzing and Evaluating Software Evolution Aspects