tage of recent advances in deep neural networks for
object detection, semantic segmentation, and edge de-
tection. We developed deep learning algorithms that
used transfer learning to determine whether an image
frame had a truck and, if the answer is affirmative, lo-
calize the area from the image frame where the truck
is most likely to be present. We utilized a hybrid truck
classification approach that integrated deep learning
models and geometric truck features for recognizing
and classifying various truck attributes, such as trac-
tor type, trailer type, and refrigeration units, that are
useful in commodity prediction. Using logo text de-
tection and recognition, we developed state-of-the-art
techniques for extracting vendor information corre-
sponding to a truck. All these information are used
for the final commodity classification.
We have presented the novel end-to-end road video
processing system to provide real-time dynamic com-
modity information (indispensable downstream for
tracking commodity movements) by deploying sen-
sors and edge devices in locations of interest. Be-
sides, we have developed a new commodity classi-
fication benchmark based on logo data. To our best
knowledge, it is the first dataset collected to evalu-
ate commodity classification based on logo data. It
can be useful in providing traffic engineers and re-
searchers a dataset to systematically evaluate their de-
veloped freight classification models. Our results for
26 predominant logos derived from highway videos is
very promising. A visual system was developed to il-
lustrate the concept of commodity classification. We
believe that this accuracy can be further improved by
both adding more annotated images to the dataset as
well as by proposing an integrated technique to take
into account a image-based matching.
This paper is based upon work supported by
NSF CNS 1922782, and FDOT (BDV31-977-81,
Truck Taxonomy and Classification Using Video and
Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Technology). The opinions,
findings, and conclusions expressed in this publica-
tion are those of the author(s) and not necessarily
those of the Florida Department of Transportation or
the U.S. Department of Transportation.
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems