show that providing more data has the potential to
improve the results. Furthermore, while segmenting
the journey into stop-pairs seemed like the smartest
way to approach the problem, especially with the
bus system in Dublin, when data was sparse, it pro-
vided worse accuracy than the static timetable. In
cases where there is more data in the dataset, the seg-
mented journey model does perform better than the
static timetable; however, the whole journey model
always outperforms the static timetable. In cases with
less data, the whole journey model can be about 1000
seconds more accurate. With the right hardware and
the ability to analyse the entire dataset, the segmented
journey model may have returned better results. The
flexibility that the segmented model would provide
would be a good fit for a journey planning applica-
tion, and any opportunity to incorporate that into a
public transportation application would allow users to
receive better results when trying to estimate the jour-
ney time for their bus routes. The next steps of the
work are to increase the amount of data to train the
model for the segmentation approach. User testing of
the application will also be carried out the ascertain
the effectiveness of the interface and associated tools
described in Section 3.
The team would like to thank the National Transport
Authority in Ireland for providing the data used to
train and test the models in this research.
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GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management