Communication Support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing using
Head Mounted Display: Toward Its Use in Museums
Nobuko Kato
and Yuto Shinozaki
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Tsukuba University of Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Keywords: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Person, Communication Support, Closed Captions, Accessibility.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to clarify the issues of using Optical See-Through Head Mounted Displays
(HMD) to provide communication support for the disabled in museums. The study also examined how to
present closed captions in the HMD that would be suitable for the deaf and hard of hearing. The presentation
of closed captions for the deaf and hard of hearing person adopts different methods, depending on the situation,
such as presenting a few lines (akin to closed captions used in television programs and movies) or presenting
several dozen lines in an entire screen, as seen in university classes and lectures. There are many items that
need to be examined in order to use HMD in museums, including the ideal HMD presentation method for the
deaf and hard of hearing person and the comprehension levels and safety when closed captions are presented.
This paper detailed the results of a simulation experiment of presenting closed captions using HMD for the
deaf and hard of hearing.
In recent years, museums have played an important
role as a place for science education in local
community (Gilbert, 2012). For the deaf and hard of
hearing to have an efficiency experience in a
museum, some kind of support is needed to
supplement auditory information, such as creating
learning content (Constantinou, 2016) and preparing
guided tours for the deaf and hard of hearing
(Namatame, 2019).
Advances in augmented reality (AR) technology
that adds information to the real world (Azuma, 2001,
Kruijff, 2010), particularly with regard to advances in
resolution improvement of Head Mounted Displays
(HMD) and speech recognition technologies, have led
to research on the presentation of closed captions
using HMD (Kurahashi, 2018). However, research on
the cognitive load and comprehension levels of users
when various information is presented to the deaf and
hard of hearing, or users’ safety when they move
about while wearing one, has not yet been sufficiently
There is a guideline that limits the number of
Japanese characters to 240 per minute to be displayed
when audience members read text while watching
films. Meanwhile, an average of 300-400 characters
are spoken in a minute when talking in Japanese at a
regular speed. Therefore, when transposing the
content spoken to written words, as they are, it will
require displaying many more characters, thereby
surpassing the character count limit used in films. For
this reason, when presenting the same amount of
information provided through auditory means in real-
time into characters or text for the deaf and hard of
hearing at museums and similar locations, it is
necessary to examine whether or not the deaf or hard
of hearing person can simultaneously view the
exhibits while processing the textual data. It is also
necessary to determine whether or not the deaf or hard
of hearing person can understand the content from the
presented closed caption while viewing the exhibits.
Because there is a trade-off between real-time
performance and the amount of information, it is
important to find an appropriate balance (Figure 1).
This research presumed a scene for providing
information support at a museum by using an optical
see-through HMD for the disabled in the museum.
The aim was to clarify issues related to HMD use and
to examine the presentation method of closed
captions in HMDs that are most suitable for the deaf
and hard of hearing.
Kato, N. and Shinozaki, Y.
Communication Support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing using Head Mounted Display: Toward Its Use in Museums.
DOI: 10.5220/0009394005950600
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 595-600
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Issue of communication support using closed caption in Japanese.
2.1 Examination of HMD Suitable for
Presenting Closed Captions in
When closed captions are presented to an HMD, the
line count as well as the presentation position need to
be determined. A comparative review was conducted
between Sony's optical see-through eyeglass device,
SmartEyeglass SED-E1, Epson’s SmartGlass
MOVERIO BT -200, and BT -300 (Table 1). As a
result of a display trial, the BT-300 was selected as
the device to be used for the experiment since a high-
resolution is required to display several lines of
Japanese text, including Kanji characters.
2.2 Line Count and Presentation
Table 1: Comparison of optical see-through HMDs.
Resolution Number of
Angle of
SED-E1 419 x 138 256(Green) 20 degrees
BT-200 960 x 504 Approx.
Approx. 23
BT-300 1280 x 720 Approx.
23 degrees
Table 2: The rank sum of the comparison experiment.
Positions and line count Rank sum
Upper 1 line 25
Lower 1 line 21
Upper 3 lines 17
Lower 3 lines 17
2.2.1 Comparison Experiment
In order to compare the presentation position and line
count of closed captions, a total of four types of
closed captions were prepared, namely closed
captions in the 1) upper or 2) lower positions of the
screen, with the line count set as 3) one or 4) three.
The four types were presented on HMDs in a random
order, with the eight experiment participants ranking
them in order of 1st to 4th in terms of ease of viewing.
2.2.2 Result of Experiment
The rank sum of the eight participants’ experiences
with the four types of closed captions (i.e., upper 1
line, upper 3 lines, lower 1 line, and lower 3 lines, in
a random order) is presented in Table 2. The results
showed that the rank sum of the upper 3 and lower 3
lines (rank: 17) were high, with the upper 1 line (rank:
25) and lower 1 line (rank: 21) being low.
The free writing sections in the post-experiment
survey indicated:
3 lines were easy to see.
Closed captions with many, rather than a few,
characters can be read with more ease.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Three lines were easier to navigate as they
allowed for participants to read the lines back.
Between closed captions with one line and three
lines, those with three lines tended to gain a high
evaluation; however, there was no difference between
the upper three lines and the lower three lines. The
difference in the preference between the upper and
lower positions is believed to be largely attributed to
the individual differences in how the closed captions
were seen, dependent on such factors as where the
HMD nose pads were positioned.
2.3 Closed Caption Presentation
Experiment using HMD
2.3.1 Method of Closed Caption
Presentation Experiment
As a simulation of a viewing experience at a museum,
an experiment was conducted in which participants
viewed, in order, four images simulating an
exhibition in a room while reading the closed captions
presented to the HMD. The following two types of
closed captions of explanatory notes of the exhibition
were presented:
Closed captions that presented the original text
as they were.
Closed captions that presented the simplified
Here, the simplified text refers to a structured and
simplified version of the original text. The number of
characters was set at around 80% of the original text,
and structuring included aspects such as adding a
heading that indicated the content being explained.
The experiment participants were eight deaf or
hard of hearing students in their 20s. The experiment
was performed twice, with each participant
experiencing the original and simplified texts in
random order. One experiment session took about 3
minutes. A comprehension test was given before and
after each experiment, and a survey was conducted
after the experiment. The closed captions presented
on HMDs during the experiment displayed three
After conducting a test to enable the participants
to become acquainted with the closed caption
presentation on the HMDs, each participant was
asked to select the presentation position they
preferred (i.e. upper or lower). Their chosen selection
was used in the individual experiments.
2.3.2 Comprehension Test Results Related
to the Closed Captions Presentation
Participants’ comprehension test results from the
aforementioned experiment are presented in Figure 2.
Each comprehension test was scored out of 20.
The difference in comprehension test scores
before and after the test was 4.5 points on average for
the original text, and 5.6 points on average for the
simplified text. There was no significant difference
between the mean scores of the original and
simplified texts.
2.3.3 Survey Results
The results of the survey conducted after the
experiment are presented in Figures 3 and 4. The
mean evaluation score for the question “Do you think
explanations using closed captions is useful?”
(responses were given on a 7-point scale of 1:
Strongly disagree, and 7: Strongly agree) was 5.4 for
the original text and 5.8 for the simplified text
presentations (p<0.05).
The mean evaluation score for the question
“Would you like to use such closed captions again?”
(responses were given on a 7-point scale of 1:
Strongly disagree, and 7: Strongly agree) was 4.8 for
the original text and 5.1 for the simplified text
2.3.4 Free-writing Section
Surveys, which were conducted after the participants
experienced closed captions presentations using
HMD, included the following comments:
Descriptions related to reading the closed captions
while viewing the exhibits:
Because I was focused on the closed captions,
my attention did not go much toward the
Although I wanted to see both the images and
the closed captions, I was only able to see one,
making it difficult to deepen my understanding.
I personally wanted time to view the object
The closed caption kept being presented; there
was no break.
It was difficult to read the presented closed
captions while moving.
I thought that it bugged me a little that I wasn’t
able to rewind the closed caption when I wanted
to see it again.
Communication Support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing using Head Mounted Display: Toward Its Use in Museums
Participant ID
(a) Original text
Participant ID
(b) Simplified text
Figure 2: The comprehension test result before and after the experiment.
Descriptions related to viewing the simplified
It was easy to understand because the features
(of the exhibit) were separated by brackets at
the beginning of the sentence.
It was easy to understand as there were sections
that were classified with headings like
The results related to participants’ preference for
using a Smartphone or HMD when moving, are
presented in Figure 5.
3.1 The Line Count and Presentation
Position of the Closed Captions
Concerning the line count of closed captions, three
lines tended to receive a high evaluation, even in the
comments presented in the free-writing section of the
survey. Previous studies related to television screens
also showed that three lines of closed captions
received a high evaluation in Japanese (Monma,
2000). When asked about the best subtitle change-
over method, participants in such studies also
preferred three lines of closed captions completely
switching over, as opposed to captions scrolling
(Monma, 2000). Similar results were found with
HMD in this study.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Participant ID
Figure 3: Survey (1) result: “Do you think explanations using such closed captions is useful?”.
Participant ID
Figure 4: Survey (2) result: “Would you like to use such closed captions again?”.
3.2 Relationship between Closed
Captions Presentations and
Comprehension Levels
As a result of the experiment that used both original
and simplified texts for closed captions presentations,
the free-writing section of the survey indicated that
participants had difficulties in viewing both the
closed captions and the images simulating a museum
exhibit. Although providing closed captions near the
exhibit is believed to reduce the gaze movement, the
results indicated that this practice does not eliminate
the difficulties.
A comparison of the original and simplified texts
answered the questions "Do you think explanations
using such closed captions are useful?" and "Would
you like to use such closed captions again?". These
answers tended to more highly evaluate the reading
of the simplified texts. The results could possibly be
attributed to how the time necessary to view the
exhibits was secured by reducing the amount of time
necessary to read the closed captions.
Conversely, no significant differences were found
in the comprehension tests. Thus, it can be concluded
that a certain level of content comprehension can be
obtained even if texts are properly simplified. The
free-writing section also indicated the efficacy of
structuring texts using such means as adding
Survey answers related to the question of whether
Smartphones or HMDs are easier to use when moving
indicated differing opinions. Three participants chose
Smartphones while five preferred HMDs. In
particular, those the deaf and hard of hearing who
tended to rely more heavily on closed captions than
audio during daily television watching tended to
choose Smartphones.
Communication Support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing using Head Mounted Display: Toward Its Use in Museums
Figure 5: Survey result regarding the ease of viewing while moving.
In this study, a basic examination of a method of
presenting explanatory content as closed captions on
HMDs when viewing museum exhibits was
conducted. It was found that three lines of closed
captions tended to receive a higher evaluation than
one line in terms of presenting text to the deaf and
hard of hearing.
Furthermore, in an experiment that simulated
museum exhibits viewing, it was found that
participants had difficulties with viewing both the
target object and the closed captions. In addition, as
a result of the comparison that used both original and
simplified texts for closed captions presentations for
the deaf and hard of hearing, it was found that there
was no significant difference in the level of
comprehension, and that the simplified text had
higher evaluation. In order to see the exhibition and
the closed captions while moving in the room, it is
important to make a suitable time interval when the
closed captions are not displayed.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number JP 18H03660.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education