the sequence of deletions of classes {x
, .., x
}. The
renaming is another example of complex change that
can be decomposed into a sequence of changes with-
out meaning: the deletion of a concept and the ad-
dition of a new one. However, these actions, when
seen in isolation, provide the wrong semantics to the
change (more examples of complex changes are pre-
sented in Table 2, marked by an asterisk (*)).
This research concerns with the ontology evolu-
tion management, the process that deals with support-
ing changes on the ontology, identifying and tracking
them, and managing the propagation of changes to
related artifacts (documentation, instances, code and
dependent ontologies) (Stojanovic, 2004). This pro-
cess is very challenging since when an ontology is
modified, (i) ontology instances need to be changed to
preserve consistency; (ii) dependent ontologies must
be revised and immediately synchronized with the
modified ontology; (iii) application code has to ac-
commodate the changes on the ontology; and (iv) re-
lated documentations must be updated in order to doc-
ument the evolution.
Inconsistencies between an ontology and its ar-
tifacts may cause severe problems, such as: (i) loss
of application instances, i.e., loss of knowledge gen-
erated by users when using the application; (ii) ap-
plications may behave unexpectedly; (iii) errors be-
ing propagated to other applications whose ontolo-
gies depend on the evolved one; and (iv) difficulty to
maintain the system since the documentation is not
up-to-date, i.e., does not document the evolution. In
this way, managing ontology evolution becomes more
complex as the ontology grows in size (Klein and
Fensel, 2001)(Stojanovic et al., 2002).
Some tools have been proposed in the literature to
support or facilitate the ontology evolution manage-
ment. In this research, we present an overview of ex-
isting tools and concentrate our experimental analysis
on the ones that support features related to the detec-
tion/inspection of changes in a given ontology over
time (diff tools
). One of the main features investi-
gated in this research is the set of kinds of changes
that can be captured and the level of explainability
returned to the user as a conceptual interpretation
of the meaning of a list of elementary changes (the
so called complex change detection). We created a
case study using the well known Pizza Ontology tu-
torial (Section 4), simulating several kinds of elemen-
tary and complex changes. These changes were se-
lected based on our experience in designing ontolo-
gies, the changes presented in the tutorial, and com-
plex changes presented by (Stojanovic, 2004), (Sto-
janovic et al., 2002) and (Klein, 2004).
Tools able to track or detect ontology changes.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents related work. Section 3 presents an
overview of tools related to ontology evolution. Sec-
tion 4 details the evaluation criteria and the case study
adopted to evaluate the tools. Section 5 presents a
comparison between the tools and a discussion con-
sidering the supported features and the criteria estab-
lished in Section 4. Lastly, Section 6 points out our
conclusions and open issues identified.
The topic “ontology evolution” is the subject
of several lines of research in the literature.
Gonc¸alves (Gonc¸alves, 2014) argues that strategies
for computing differences between ontologies can be
classified as syntactic or semantic. Although his re-
search is not focused on tools developed to cope with
the ontology evolution management, some tools such
as ontology editors that track changes are mentioned.
Different from our work, Gonc¸alves (Gonc¸alves,
2014) does not explore the detailed list of specific
kinds of changes that can be detected. Our research
in this topic is much broader since we establish a set
of criteria that are relevant to the ontology evolution
problem and in addition to focus on evaluating diff
tools, we present an overview of tools related to other
parts of the ontology evolution process, as the ones
that propose means to propagate changes.
The work presented in (Lambrix et al., 2016) fo-
cuses on the ontology visualization problem and dis-
cusses strategies that can be adopted to facilitate the
visualization of ontology evolution. The authors ar-
gue that visualization tools must be able to represent
the richness of ontologies in a human comprehensive
way and present visualizations with different levels of
granularity. Additionally, it emphasizes that existing
techniques for the visualization of software evolution
could be applied to address ontology evolution visu-
alization. The strategy used to present differences be-
tween ontologies is only one of the features that we
use to categorize tools in the present study.
The work in (Stojanovic, 2004) presents a brief
discussion about ontology designing tools comparing
them according to their ability to evolve an ontology.
Different ontology editors were compared according
to dimensions that include: functionality – the kinds
of changes the ontology editor allows the user to ap-
ply on an ontology (e.g., add, delete, copy concept);
refinement – the ability to make recommendations to
improve the ontology; reversibility – the ability to
undo changes; usability – the ability to edit ontolo-
gies easily. In contrast, we do not concentrate our
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems