A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software
Development Projects
Naiara C. Alflen
1 a
, Edmir P. V. Prado
1 b
and Alexandre Grotta
1,2 c
IS Post-graduation Program (PPgSI), University of S
ao Paulo (USP), S
ao Paulo, Brazil
IS Graduation Program, Federal Institute of Sao Paulo (IFSP), S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Requirements Elicitacion, Techniques, Experiment, Software Development.
Requirements elicitation is the understanding of the real need of the user. It is considered the most complex
and critical activity in software development. In the process of eliciting requirements several techniques are
found in the literature. The main techniques described in the literature are presented in this article. Based
on the techniques found in the literature, a model was proposed to analyze the influence and moderation of
team involvement in eliciting requirements and the number of techniques used. The model was applied in
an experimental format with students of the Information Systems course at the University of S
ao Paulo. The
results of the experiment are presented in this article.
Requirements elicitation (RE) is one of the major
software development activities and the most criti-
cal (Adikara et al., 2014; Romero et al., 2009; Sadiq
et al., 2009; Vijayan et al., 2016). It is not just about
writing requirements, but about discovering and un-
derstanding the real problem and user needs (Araujo
et al., 2015).
Understanding software requirements can be con-
sidered one of the most difficult tasks of Require-
ments Engineering (Vijayan et al., 2016). According
to Mishra et al., (2008), the major flaws in software
projects are due to incomplete and incorrect require-
ments. Misunderstanding the user’s need is one of
the main failure factors of a project (Gonzales and
Leroy, 2011). Most of the time, users have difficulty
expressing their requirements (Nuseibeh and Easter-
brook, 2000).
Scientific literature describes several RE tech-
niques. In some of these techniques user participation
is not addressed. However, in other techniques user
participation is critical. In addition, Jayatilleke and
Lai (2018) identified difficulties in the user engage-
ment process, even using agile methodologies.
For Knauss et al., (2018), in today’s chang-
ing organizational environment, software develop-
ment methodologies need to evolve. Traditional Re-
quirements Engineering is insufficient to support a
more complex RE. Even though RE should be done
at an early stage of software development (De Ca-
margo Curcio et al., 2018), it does not adequately
support changing requirements (Asghar et al., 2017).
However, different approaches to project manage-
ment influence this process. According to Asghar
et al., (2017), Agile approach supports changing re-
quirements better than waterfall approach, because in
the first case the RE process occurs throughout project
According to Ali and Lai (2017) and Mishra et al.,
(2018) there are several techniques for RE in the lit-
erature. In addition, several authors describe the im-
portance of user participation in RE (Castro-Herrera
et al., 2009b; Seyff et al., 2010; Katina et al., 2014;
De Angelis et al., 2018). This is because software
success depends on the correct elicitation of the re-
quirements (Babar et al., 2018). Hidalga et al., (2016)
argue that user engagement and early problem identi-
fication improves software development, and the cor-
rect use of techniques is also required. But the correct
use of techniques is not enough and the combination
of various techniques improves the quality of require-
ments definition and improves understanding of the
problem (Mishra et al., 2018; Alvertis et al., 2016).
The objective of this research is to develop a
model to analyze the influence of team members in-
Alflen, N., Prado, E. and Grotta, A.
A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software Development Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0009397502420249
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 242-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
volvement and simultaneous use of RE techniques in
the quality of functional requirements definition. We
performed a systematic literature review that served
as the basis for the model development.
This is a qualitative study. According to Creswell
(2007), qualitative research is useful for researchers
to know more about research variables.
This section presents the research phases and the
procedures to perform the model for evaluating RE
techniques in software development projects.
2.1 Research Phases
The research steps are outlined in figure 1. Initially,
we perform a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to
identify the most cited RE techniques. Based on this
literature review we proposed a model for RE tech-
niques assessment. Then, we perform an experiment
with 53 students to improve de model.
Figure 1: Research phases.
The selection of articles was made in datasets re-
lated to the knowledge areas that address the re-
search objective. We conducted a systematic litera-
ture review (SLR) based on the work of Kitchenham
(2009). The datasets used are: (www.scopus.com);
(http://ieeexplore.ieee.org); (https://acm.org).
We considered the period between 2012 and 2019,
as it was desired to obtain the most updated works
on the search subject. The literature search question
was: What are the techniques used in the RE pro-
cess in software development projects? To address
this question, we defined the following search string:
(“requirements elicitation” OR “requirements gather-
ing”) AND (techniques OR methods OR procedures
OR tools OR artifacts OR specification) AND (soft-
ware OR system OR systems).
3.1 Studies Selection Criteria
Based on the study by Kitchenham (2009), the proto-
col considered the following criteria for article selec-
(1) Inclusion criteria.
Studies that had assessment or application of RE
techniques in software development projects.
Documents published between 2008 and February
(2) Exclusion criteria. In order to select only rele-
vant papers, we excluded articles that:
Are not related to Computer Science, Information
Systems or Engineering
Are not articles from journals or conferences.
Were duplicate in the databases.
Had not the full text available for consultation.
(3) Quality criteria. The risk analysis execution
process was evaluated in the articles to verify that the
procedure was fully described and was reproducible
3.2 Conducting the Review
Three steps were performed to select the articles.
First, we search in the datasets and extracted 1789 ar-
ticles. Then we applied the inclusion criteria and only
1351 articles were selected. Finally, we applied the
exclusion criteria and 68 articles were selected. Fig-
ure 2 shows the three steps performed.
Figure 2: Studies selection process.
A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software Development Projects
3.3 Reporting the Review
This section presents the RE techniques found in the
literature. The techniques presented are from works
related to software development. However, these
same techniques are also found in articles from other
fields of knowledge. Besides that, more than one
technique for RE was found, in most of the works.
In some articles the techniques are described and in
other ones only cited.
Interview. This was the most mentioned tech-
nique in the datasets. It was mentioned in 40
of the 68 selected articles. Interviews are criti-
cal for gathering information for new projects and
domains (Carod and Cechich, 2010), and help in
finding conflicts and policies. In interviews the
information collected is more in-depth, however
it involves a limited number of respondents (Saad
and Dawson, 2018). Ilyas et al., (2017) state that
the interview technique is the best one and the
most used to define users’ requirements. In inter-
views, success depends on the interviewer’s abil-
ity to conduct the interview and collect the re-
quirements (Gill et al., 2014).
Questionnaire. It is a traditional RE technique
(Abd Elmonem et al., 2018). However, there are
difficulties in applying this technique. Question-
naires do not work well to analyze user experience
(Fehlmann and Kranich, 2013). They often do not
bring the expected results and should always be
complemented with another technique (Carod and
Cechich, 2010).
Use Cases. This is the third most frequent tech-
nique amongst the selected articles. Use cases are
the main instrument used to define requirements
and communicate with users (Hajri et al., 2018).
In addition, this technique is a starting point for
identifying functional requirements (Ramesh and
Reddy, 2016) and security requirements (Tondel
et al., 2008; Li et al., 2017; Raspotnig et al.,
Brainstorming. This technique is performed in
two steps. In the first, ideas are collected and in
the second step discussions about them are held
(Younas et al., 2017). Similarly Al-Qudah et al.,
(2013) state that the technique is used for data col-
lection and further refining of ideas. However, the
technique is not suitable for security RE, i.e., it
does not result in a consistent set of security re-
quirements (Sadiq et al., 2009). User experience
should be considered for the correct use of this
technique. Users who have experience with soft-
ware development can better express their needs.
In this case, techniques such as brainstorming are
effective (Mishra et al., 2018).
Scenarios. They help to discover the goals of the
software. They are descriptions of current and fu-
ture software processes contemplating user inter-
action (Adem and Kasirun, 2010).
Prototypes. The prototype is an incomplete ver-
sion of software that can be either disposable or
scalable (Younas et al., 2017). The disposable
prototype is used only to understand user require-
ments and perception. While the evolutionary
prototype provides a basis for the final client ver-
sion and may be usable. The prototype technique
facilitates user engagement and early identifica-
tion of issues that may affect software usability
(de la Hidalga et al., 2016; Ramakrishnan et al.,
2014). A disadvantage of the technique is the
waste of time and resources (Gil, 2008).
Focus Groups. It is a technique that allows know-
ing the user’s wishes and perceptions regarding
the software, as well as the definition of the re-
quirements (Younas et al., 2017). It is similar to
an interview, however with the involvement of a
group (Pitula and Radhakrishnan, 2011). With
the application of this technique it is possible to
collect different opinions (Alvertis et al., 2016).
However, there is the disadvantage of participants
feeling uncomfortable when stating opinions dif-
ferent from those stated by the group (Pitula and
Radhakrishnan, 2011). Another problem is dom-
inant and biased participants (Fernandes et al.,
2012), that do not explore valid ideas from other
participants (Pitula and Radhakrishnan, 2011).
Workshop. It is another collaborative technique
for defining the requirements of a system (De An-
gelis et al., 2018). It can be used to clarify am-
biguities (Mishra et al., 2018). Because it is a
collaborative technique, it has the same problem
as focus groups: dominant and biased participants
(Fernandes et al., 2012).
Joint Application Development (JAD). Accord-
ing to researchers Sadiq et al., (2009) JAD’s goal
is to involve stakeholders in the software develop-
ment process through structured meetings. Meet-
ings include a facilitator, product end users, de-
velopers, and observers. During the sessions the
RE team is responsible for identifying and collect-
ing the information. In the last JAD session the
requirements are validated by the stakeholders.
There is a disadvantage to this technique: if there
are many JAD sessions, users may feel that de-
velopers are shifting their responsibilities to them.
The technique also has the difficulty of previous
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
collaborative techniques - dominant and biased
participants as it brings together a wide range of
stakeholders (Castro-Herrera et al., 2009a).
User Stories. User stories are used with ag-
ile methodologies (Babar et al., 2018; Younas
et al., 2017). They enable and help users to doc-
ument their own needs (Seyff et al., 2010). They
are brief descriptions of the software’s functional-
ity (Mobasher and Cleland-Huang, 2011; Younas
et al., 2017). User stories are discussed during
all stages of development to clarify requirements
(Knauss et al., 2018).
3.4 Related Works
In SLR two empirical works were found to select the
most used techniques. From these works and tech-
niques found in SLR, the techniques for model devel-
opment were selected.
The first work is by authors Kassab et al., (2014)
who presented the most applied techniques in the
business context. The study on requirements elici-
tation techniques was conducted in 2013 (Figure 3).
The authors conducted a survey of 247 participants
from 23 countries where 119 completed the survey to
understand the techniques used to elicit requirements.
Figure 3: Kassab et al., (2014) research.
As a result, 65% of respondents used the brainstorm-
ing technique for elicitation and in the second posi-
tion the interview technique. However in this SLR the
brainstorming technique was cited in 21 documents
while interviews in 40 documents.
The user stories technique was presented in third
position with approximately 45%. While in this SLR
the user stories technique was in tenth position. With
less difference was the prototype technique occupying
the fourth position of the survey and the fifth position
in this SLR. The domain analysis technique present
in approximately 38% of interviewed companies had
low occurrence in this SLR found in only one article
in the context of software development. The scenarios
technique maintained a similar position in both sur-
veys. The survey was presented in sixth position with
34% of the companies and in this SLR is presented in
fifth position in 16 articles. Task analysis and group
work techniques with a little over 25% survey pres-
ence also had low influence on this SLR found in just
one article.
Yet in the survey by Kassab, Neill and Laplante
(2014) the questionnaires technique is presented with
low occurrence along with the JAD technique with
just over 10% of use. However, in this SLR the
questionnaires technique was the second most cited
present in 28 articles. And the JAD technique was
found in 11 articles occupying the ninth position. The
other techniques presented by the authors also had
low occurrence in this SLR and thus will not be com-
The second work is by Todoran et al., (2013). The
authors conducted an exploratory study with 19 com-
panies from 10 countries to understand the elicitation
of requirements in the cloud context. The study was
conducted through interviews with the main objec-
tive of identifying the techniques for eliciting require-
ments used by cloud providers. Part of the study is
presented in figure 4.
Figure 4: Todoran et al., (2013) research.
Although the cloud context was approached by the au-
thors as something new, the research result shows that
the traditional approaches to requirements gathering
are the most applied. Interviews and document anal-
ysis were the main techniques identified and applied
in over 70% of companies. Interviews were the main
technique applied following the same results of this
SLR. The document analysis technique with strong
application in the study was visible in only 9 articles
of this SLR.
The prototype technique was presented in more
A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software Development Projects
than 60% of the companies. This SLR was found
in 16 documents along with the technical scenarios.
However in the research by Todoran et al., (2013) the
scenario technique had low application in the inter-
viewed companies with approximately 10% of adher-
In this SLR the questionnaires technique was the
second most cited. However in the work of the au-
thors (Todoran et al., 2013) appears only in the fourth
position. Another technique with good placement in
this SLR was the brainstorming present in 21 docu-
ments while in the author’s research it appears in less
than 40% of the companies. JAD / RAD techniques
also appear to have poor adherence in the work of au-
thors with less than 10% adherence. However in this
SLR the JAD appears in 11 articles. The other tech-
niques present in the author’s work have low adher-
ence in the companies surveyed and also in this SLR.
In the SLR of Dar et al., (2018), 18 primary stud-
ies were found for the selection of requirements elic-
itation techniques. The author’s found results similar
to this review: interview 72%, prototypes 44%, user
stories 44%, questionnaries 33% and brainstorming
27%. The review (Dar et al., 2018) is not present in
the SLR of this work.
From the combination of these two articles and
the SLR, the following techniques were selected for
study: interviews, braisntorming, prototypes and user
stories. The selected techniques are as the first 4 tech-
niques present in the work of Kassab et al., (2014).
The proposal for the pilot experiment was the de-
velopment of an employee evaluation management
software developed by the undergraduate students in
Information Systems at the University of S
ao Paulo
The students of the USP Masters and Doc-
torate in Information Systems Program defined
the software requirements according to their
needs. The requirements were set by the students
through brainstorming sessions. The list of require-
ments established in these sessions is available in
e M-RoQeJ59W3EAT9etHMtBr8TnRj o/ edit? usp
= sharing. After the software development by under-
graduate students, the master students undertook the
Development was carried out by project groups.
The class was divided into 12 groups with 4 members
and 2 groups with 3 members. For the experiment,
the groups were divided between test and control.
In the test groups there was the interaction of all
team members with the researcher and the appli-
cation of the techniques for elicitation: interviews,
brainstorming, user stories and prototypes. In the
control group the interaction happened only with one
team member and with the techniques: interviews,
user stories and prototypes. The interaction with the
researcher was held in 4 meetings to perform Sprints.
In the second, third and fourth interaction the groups
presented a prototype of the software. At the end of
the 4 sprints all groups showed a functional prototype
of the software.
After the software development was completed,
the master students performed the tests on the
software prototypes. In the testing process the list of
requirements established in the first step was used for
All students of the master evaluated all the soft-
ware developed. The evaluations occurred without
knowledge of the type of group used in each soft-
ware. The evaluations were applied through a survey.
Survey questions were conducted within the context
of functional and non-functional requirements with a
Likert scale of 1 to 5.
The survey was applied through Google Forms
available at: https://forms.gle/59hQVFcebedKnAz
Table 1: Survey average.
Group Type Average
Group 04 Test 10
Group 03 Test 9,63
Group 14 Test 9
Group 05 Test 8,55
Group 11 Test 8,28
Group 09 Test 7,2
Group 07 Test 6,48
Group 13 Control 9,03
Group 06 Control 8,73
Group 02 Control 8,53
Group 08 Control 8,05
Group 01 Control 7,93
Group 12 Control 7,5
Group 10 Control 4,28
The application resulted in 10 evaluations of each
software developed. Thus, 140 evaluation responses
were analyzed and compared. The strategy for pro-
cessing these data was to separate the evaluations into
two groups:
In the first group, the answers to the questions
regarding the functional requirements defined in
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the first stage of the experiment were evaluated.
These questions are divided to analyze the 5
blocks of functional requirements: performance,
behavior, personal skills, social skills, legal and
ethical aspects.
In the second group, the answers to question re-
garding non-functional requirements: privacy, us-
ability and portability were evaluated.
In each group the scores of the questions were added
and the arithmetic mean was performed. Thus, was
found the result available in the table 1.
From the 14 projects developed and their results, the
model available in figure 5 was defined. Two guiding
questions for analysis were defined, the team involve-
ment and the number of techniques used.
Figure 5: Proposed model.
In the application of the model will be compared the
use of only one technique for requirements elicitation
with the combination of techniques for requirements
elicitation. The technique defined for the groups of
only one technique was the interview. In groups
with the combination of techniques will be used these
ones: interview, brainstorming and user stories. An-
other factor to be analyzed is the team’s participation
in data collection. In some groups all members will
participate in data collection, in other groups only one
member. The group types will be:
Type 1: Use of a single technique with partial
team participation in data collection;
Type 2: Use of combined techniques with partial
team participation in data collection;
Type 3: Use of combined techniques and partici-
pation of all staff in data collection.
This model will be applied in the first half of 2020
and for data analysis, the two variables will be con-
sidered: involvement and techniques.
At first moment, all groups will be evaluated for
their involvement in the project. Involvement will
be assessed by team participation and communica-
tion. These data will be captured by the researcher’s
communication with everyone involved even in teams
with partial participation. In addition to the re-
searcher’s perception of direct contact with those in-
volved, anonymous and group surveys will be carried
out, so that everyone can express their opinions about
communication and team participation in the develop-
ment of the project’s activities.
In the second moment, all groups will be evaluated
by the techniques used. The technical variable will
be evaluated by the amount of techniques used and
the application of the techniques. For quantity analy-
sis, the final results of each project will be compared
between the single and combined techiniques teams.
The data for evaluating the application of the tech-
niques will be obtained from the researcher’s com-
munication with those involved in the interactions and
from the material delivered by the teams, such as user
The communication, participation and application
fields will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 3 (1 - excel-
lent, 2 - good, 3 - regular).
During the experiment, student’s behavior during in-
teractions was observed. In the behavior was analyzed
the communication and interaction between the mem-
bers of the test teams. In the control teams, the po-
sition of the responsible for the team was observed.
Interviews and confidential questionnaires were con-
ducted in all teams to analyze the perceptions of the
researcher and team members regarding the progress
of the project.
In order to compose the teams evaluation, during
the sprints the user stories delivery and presentation of
the software prototypes were requested. At the end of
the sprints the final delivery of the project was made.
From the data triangulation: observation, docu-
mentation with the evaluations and interviews it was
possible to observe:
A Model for Evaluating Requirements Elicitation Techniques in Software Development Projects
The correct use of the techniques influences the
software development. In the groups with an av-
erage below 8 (Test: 9 and 7; Control 1, 12 and
10) all made low-fidelity user stories. The deliv-
ered documents had only 3 or 4 user stories, while
on other teams the documents had an average of
15 stories. Two groups (10 and 12) delivered the
user stories only in the last sprint.
Teams with a dominant member make it difficult
to understand the requirements. In group 7 the
team had difficulty describing user stories due to
lack of integration between members and the su-
periority of one of the members. This team mem-
ber would not allow anyone else to express their
ideas during requirements elicitation and proto-
type presentation.
These aspects were mentioned by other authors:
Mishra et al., (2018), Ali and Lai (2017), Elsaid et
al., (2016) present the need for the correct use of
techniques in their context and application. Other
authors mention that the success of the techniques
also depends on the engagement among the par-
ticipants (Pinto et al., 2017).
Pitula and Radhakrishnan (2011) and Fernandes
et al., (2012) present that dominant and biased
participants leave valid ideas of other participants
The presented experiment allowed the evaluation and
improvement of the proposed model. This model will
be applied to a new experiment in the first half of
2020. The model will be applied to software devel-
opment organizations.
During the experiment some situations that impact
on projects were found. The behavior of team mem-
bers directly impacts project completion. Teams with
low communication and conflicts between members
had a lower performance than the others.
Proper use of the techniques is another important
factor. Teams in which the techniques were not ap-
plied at the beginning of the project and without se-
riousness in the application had lower performance.
The application of the model in the educational envi-
ronment is the main limitation of this experiment.
I would like to acknowledge my advisor and PPgSI
for support in the participation of ICEIS.
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