served virtual machines. This paves the way for new
memory allocation formats on low-cost devices.
Our infrastructure proposal based on the ETSI
framework made it possible to launch virtual ma-
chines uniformly. Namely, MANO does not need
to deal with different virtualization technologies
for each hardware (high-performance and low-cost).
Also, the limitation of our proposal opens the ways
for advances in the virtualization spectrum on low-
cost hardware.
For future work, we will investigate which of ap-
plications we execute the infrastructure showcase in
this work and measure their performance. This work
will bring a better understanding of the supported use
cases and will provide information about the limita-
tions associated with such scenarios, thus bringing
knowledge about the weaknesses and strengths of the
use of low-cost hardware on edge.
This work is inside UFU-CAPES.Print Program. This
study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
ao de
Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior –
Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001. This research
also received the support from PROPP/UFU.
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