Are Consumers Ready to Adopt Highly Automated Passenger
Vehicles? Results from a Cross-national Survey in Europe
Ilias Panagiotopoulos
, George Dimitrakopoulos
, Gabrielė Keraitė
and Urte Steikuniene
Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece
Metis Baltic, Vilnus, Lithuania
Keywords: Highly Automated Passenger Vehicles, Consumer’s Intention to Adopt, Technology Acceptance, Perceived
Driving Enjoyment, Perceived Financial Cost, Perceived Reliability/Trust.
Abstract: Automated vehicles are currently being developed by major car manufacturers planning to be available in
market diffusion the next years. This disruptive technology is expected to provide an alternative type of
transportation services by positively affecting road safety, traffic congestion, more individual comfort and
convenience for drivers/users. However, besides the aforementioned societal benefits, researches on the
predictors influencing individuals’ attitudes and willingness to adopt automated vehicles in the future are
crucial requirements for their successful diffusion in international market. In this way, the current study aims
to investigate the factors that may hinder or facilitate consumers’ acceptance and adoption of Highly
Automated Passenger Vehicles (HAPVs). A research model through extending the original Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was developed and accordingly an online survey was
conducted among the general public in Europe; 811 valid answers were collected and analyzed. The results
indicate that the constructs of perceived driving enjoyment, perceived financial cost, perceived reliability/trust,
social influence and performance expectancy were all useful predictors of behavioural intentions to drive/use
HAPVs. The findings derived from this study will contribute to car manufacturers towards HAPVs in order
not only to develop better driving automation technology systems for them, but also to develop proper
implementation strategies that will lead to widespread deployment in international market.
Many innovations in vehicle technology and driver
assistance systems have been developed rapidly by
automotive and other related companies. The
individual and social demands for a safe, convenient,
efficient, and eco-friendly transportation are pushing to
fundamental changes in the transportation field like the
introduction of Automated Vehicles (AVs). AVs hold
much promise to significantly reduce road fatalities as
over 90% of road accidents come from human errors,
as well as social costs by positively affecting road
safety, traffic congestion, energy consumption,
people’s mobility, more individual comfort and
convenience for drivers (Piao et al., 2016).
Furthermore, new disruptive business models, such as
car sharing mobility services, could also be developed
resulting to a strong decrease of car vehicles on the
roads (Fagnant and Kockelman, 2015).
Besides the numerous advantages with regard to
vehicle automation technologies, AVs may also face
numerous challenges before being introduced to the
market, ranging from vehicle performance
degradation due to unexpected situations (e.g., bad
weather conditions, driving automation system
failure, etc) to security breaches against malicious
attacks by cyber criminals (hackers), and legal
liability issues (Van Brummelen et al., 2018). These
concerns can be critical obstacles to the market
adoption and diffusion of AVs influencing
consumers’ intention to drive/use them (Kyriakidis et
al., 2017).
Panagiotopoulos, I., Dimitrakopoulos, G., Kerait
e, G. and Steikuniene, U.
Are Consumers Ready to Adopt Highly Automated Passenger Vehicles? Results from a Cross-national Survey in Europe.
DOI: 10.5220/0009398804730480
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 473-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, forecasting technology usage and
acceptance by the end users becomes fundamental in
order to understand aspects that are likely to minimize
consumer resistance and maximize adoption of
driving/using AVs. In this respect, the automotive
industry still lacks a widely accepted and used
framework to assess technology acceptance towards
AVs. As such, the goal of this study was twofold:
First, to design and introduce an adapted version
of the original Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology (UTAUT) social-
psychological model in predicting consumers’
intension to drive/use Highly Automated
Passenger Vehicles (HAPVs).
Second, to investigate in what extent European
consumers intend to drive/use HAPVs in the
future, by identifying the factors that affect the
uptake of such vehicles.
It should be stated that the term HAPVs refers to
road passenger vehicles with a high level of
automation within their driving system, being capable
to execute all the elements of the dynamic driving
task in certain roadway and environmental conditions
(SAE International, 2018).
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 takes a look at the relative research works on
user acceptance of vehicle automation. Section 3
describes our motivation for using UTAUT model in
this study and the hypotheses from a proposed
UTAUT-extended model concerning the acceptance
and use of HAPVs. In Section 4 the research approach
for empirically testing the hypotheses is presented. In
section 5 we report on the findings from a
questionnaire survey that investigates the extent to
which the constructs of the proposed UTAUT model
explain the acceptance and driving/usage of HAPVs.
Section 6 discusses the research findings, in line with
literature, whereas in section 7 the concluding part
reflects on the outcomes of the entire study and
recommendations for further research.
With the advanced and dynamic growth of
technologies, how fast the consumers are accepting
these technologies depends on a number of factors such
as availability of technology, convenience, consumers’
need, trust, etc. A variety of well-known theories and
technology acceptance models have been widely used
to assess and gauge consumers’ behavioral intentions
and determine the factors which most positively
influence potential users’ likelihood to adopt new
vehicle technologies (Park and Kim, 2014).
In addition, some studies in the existing literature
have applied various models into understanding of
user acceptance towards vehicle technology and
autonomous driving. Cho et al. (2017) applied an
expanded UTAUT acceptance model about the
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), where
the determinants anxiety, self-efficacy, perceived
safety, trust and affective satisfaction were included
as direct predictors of behavioral intention to use
ADAS, in addition to the basic factors of the original
UTAUT model. In addition, Madigan et al. (2016)
assessed user acceptance of automated road transport
systems (ARTS) using the original UTAUT
framework. They found that performance expectancy
had the strongest impact on consumers’ behavioral
intentions to use ARTS. Furthermore, Madigan et al.
(2017) investigated consumers’ intension to use
ARTS by extending UTAUT model to include the
effects of facilitating conditions and hedonic
motivation. The results of this study indicated that
hedonic motivation was the strongest predictor on
consumers’ intention to use ARTS. Moreover,
Nordhoff et al. (2017) investigated user acceptance of
driverless shuttles in public transport in an open and
mixed traffic environment by using the original
UTAUT framework. Results show that the
acceptance and use of such shuttles is predominantly
influenced by their performance expectancy, effort
expectancy and social influence.
Although the aforementioned studies in the existing
literature have investigated and replicated the original
UTAUT model and agreed that it is valid in predicting
end users’ acceptance towards vehicle technology
and autonomous driving, further extensions are
needed, in most of cases, to fully explore the
predictors influencing consumers’ attitudes and
willingness to use/accept innovative vehicle
Figure 1: The proposed theoretical UTAUT-extended
In this direction, the present analysis takes the
initial UTAUT model with the main three
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
determinants, Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort
Expectancy (EE), and Social Influence (SI), as a
starting point, by incorporating three further direct
determinants, namely "Perceived Driving Enjoyment
(PDE)", "Perceived Financial Cost (PFC)" and
"Perceived Reliability/Trust (PRT)" (see Figure 1).
3.1 Perceived Driving Enjoyment
With the expected widespread availability of vehicles
with advanced driving automation technology
becoming ever-closer, the way we travel is set to be
revolutionized. In this context, driving pleasure is
also likely to play a role in such a new and innovative
environment. This specific kind of hedonic
motivation is called as Perceived Driving Enjoyment
(PDE), and is defined as "the degree to which
individuals perceive enjoyment and pleasure derived
from driving/using HAPVs".
As found in the literature, hedonic motivation has
been shown to be one of the most important factors
influencing consumers’ acceptance of technology
across a variety of sectors (Venkatesh et al., 2012). In
the context of automation in vehicles, according to the
study of Madigan et al. (2017), hedonic motivation,
or users’ enjoyment of the system, was the strongest
predictor on consumers’ behavioral intensions to use
3.2 Perceived Financial Cost
AVs adoption is highly encouraged by economic
factors such as operating costs, maintenance costs,
insurance costs, fuel costs, etc. (Zmud and Sener,
2017). Due to the fact that the present study focus on
HAPVs, perceived financial cost is also likely to play
an important role in consumers’ willingness to adopt
and purchase/use such vehicles in the future. In this
way, the factor Perceived Financial Cost (PFC) is
defined as "the degree to which individuals perceive
financial costs derived from purchasing and
driving/using HAPVs".
Previous studies have shown that PFC is one of
the most important concerns influencing consumers’
acceptance of autonomous and self-driving
technology. More in detail, according to the study of
Howard and Dai (2015), which public perceptions
towards self-driving cars were explored, the cost
factor was one of the least attractive features.
Furthermore, Ahmed (2018) investigated automotive
engineers' perspectives on the awareness, demand
and trust on AVs in the current sharing infrastructure
with conventional vehicles. Results show that the cost
factor was one of the most important customer
requirements for the successful deployment of AVs.
3.3 Perceived Reliability/Trust
Several previous studies shown that trust is a crucial
contributor to an individual’s acceptability in the
context of e-services and e-government applications
(Mou et al., 2017) as well as in consumers’ intentions
towards driving automation technology and AVs
(Choi and Ji, 2015; Körber et al., 2018). In the present
study, PRT is defined as "the degree to which
individuals believe that HAPVs will ensure safe and
reliable travels by protecting them from potential
misuse and problems".
As found in the literature, according to the study of
Zmud and Sener (2017), most of the people surveyed
(82%) are not at all or only somewhat concerned that
their data would not be kept private when using self-
driving cars. Furthermore, the study by Choi and Ji
(2015) supports the claim that trust is a major
determinant to predicting the reliance on and adoption
of AVs. In addition, the study of Kaur and Rampersad
(2018) found that the ability of the driverless cars to
meet performance expectations and their reliability
were important adoption determinants.
3.4 Moderating Effects and Hypotheses
In the above extended UTAUT-model, as depicted in
Fig. 1, the moderating effects of age, gender, income
and culture were also considered. It must be noted
that while the original UTAUT model also included
voluntariness of use and experience as moderators,
these variables were not included in the present
analysis, in light of the fact that the vast majority of
potential consumers in Europe have no concrete and
real experience with HAPVs.
In addition, six hypotheses have been totally
formulated to better reflect the potentials of the
proposed theoretical UTAUT-extended model, as
H1:"PE significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs"
H2: "EE significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs"
H3: "SI significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs"
H4 "PDE significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs"
H5: "PFC significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs"
H6: "PRT significantly affects individual BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs".
Are Consumers Ready to Adopt Highly Automated Passenger Vehicles? Results from a Cross-national Survey in Europe
4.1 Questionnaire and Measures
Similar to previous research in technology acceptance
towards autonomous and self-driving vehicles, the
present study employed a quantitative research
approach to test the proposed UTAUT-extended
model. In this direction, a questionnaire survey was
developed with three main parts.
The first part aimed to identify the socio-
demographic characteristics of the data sample, as well
as the general attributes of the respondents about car
vehicles and transportation mobility. The second part
of the questionnaire assessed the general experience
and concerns of the participants towards automation
technologies with multiple choice questions. In the
third part of the questionnaire a 26-item measurement
scale was administrated with appropriate measures for
each construct of the proposed research model (PE, EE,
SI, PDE, PFC, PRT) to assess consumers’ BI in
driving/using HAPVs. All items measured using a
five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Items selection was based on relative statements
in the existing literature (Venkatesh et al., 2012; Choi
and Ji, 2015; Madigan et al., 2017) on each of the
aforementioned constructs. These items were
modified in a suitable manner due to the fact that the
present paper focus on HAPVs, which can perform
and control all critical driving functions in certain
traffic and environmental conditions.
4.2 Participants
The assessment towards HAPVs, which are expected
to be utilized in transportation activities the next
years, was conducted among adults in Europe
currently more than 18 years old. The research was
advertised via online means of communication (i.e.
websites, social media) inviting European people to
take part in a questionnaire survey, in order to explore
the knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and behaviours
in relation to HAPVs. The questionnaire was
disseminated between February and May 2018. All
respondents responded in English language.
Participation in the survey was completely
voluntary and no compensation was offered to
complete the relative questionnaire survey. To ensure
survey respondents had a clear understanding of the
different levels of driving automation technology,
respondents were required to read the simplified
definitions of vehicle automation, as defined in (SAE
International, 2018). Participants were not able to
continue to the next questions of the survey without
confirming a relative control question that they have
read and understood the definition regarding passenger
vehicles with a high level of automation within their
driving system, where the present study focus.
Out of the 847 on-line collected responses, 829
valid answers were used for final analysis, indicating
a 97.8 per cent acceptance rate. 18 respondents, who
had answered only the first four questions, as they
expressed their wish not to participate in the present
survey, were eliminated from the final sample. This
left a total number of 811 responses for final analysis.
5.1 Descriptive Statistics
Characteristics and background information of the
participants who filled out the questionnaire are
provided. 811 participants answered the survey. More
in detail, 353 respondents reside in Northern Europe
(43.5%) and 458 in Southern Europe (56.5%). The
gender split for the whole sample was 57.5% males
and 41.4% females, whereas 1.1% responded "I
prefer not to answer". With respect to age, 47.8% of
the respondents were between 18 and 30 years old,
29.1% between 31 and 40 years old, 22.7% more than
40 years old, whereas 0.4% responded "I prefer not to
answer". Regarding the educational level option,
most respondents were M.Sc. or/and Ph.D. holders
(53.9%), whereas 32.6% were university/college
diploma holders, 12.8% had secondary education or
less, and 0.7% responded "I prefer not to answer".
Moreover, among the respondents, 41.8% had a net
average monthly personal income below 1000€,
27.1% between 1000€ and 2000€, and 20.7% more
than 2000€, whereas 10.4% responded "I prefer not to
With respect to the respondents’ transportation
profile, 83.5% of them stated that they own a
passenger car, 49.4% indicated that they use
passenger cars as a daily commute transportation
mode, 54.5% responded that they are driving less than
5 hours per week (on average), and 49.8% stated that
the usual purpose of their travels with passenger cars
is professional (work, education, etc). Furthermore,
almost six to ten respondents (56.8%) stated that they
feel quite safe or extremely safe when they are
driving/using passenger vehicles today, whereas the
vast majority of respondents (79.2%) believe that
technology progress, until now, has extremely
improved (31.6%) or quite improved (47.6%) the
safety of their travels with passenger cars.
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Moreover, the vast majority of European
respondents (87.2%) had heard of AVs before their
participation in the present survey, whereas 9.7%
answered "No" and 3.1% responded "I do not know –
I’m not sure". Moreover, many respondents (almost
70%) had not any previous experience on
driving/using AVs before participating in this survey.
Regarding the respondents’ level of interest in AVs
before their participation in the survey, 52.7%
answered that they strongly interested (24.2%) or
somewhat interested (28.5%). In addition, 67.6% of
the people surveyed answered that they are strongly
interested or somewhat interested with the trends of
the global automotive community towards vehicle
automation. Finally, almost 65% of the total sample
had a positive general opinion regarding AVs
whereas only 7.9% had a negative general opinion
and 6.9% responded "I do not know – I’m not sure".
Figure 2: Responses on level of familiarity with ADAS.
5.2 Experiences with Automation
Technologies and ADAS
In this section, the experience of consumers towards
automation technologies and ADAS, is investigated.
Based on the survey results, almost three-to-four
respondents considered themselves, late adopters on
the technology adoption curve (e.g., they wait before
adopting a new automation technology).
Additionally, almost 40% of the respondents
stated that they are keeping up with the latest trends
in ADAS, and 60% indicated that they are strongly
agreed or somewhat agreed with the statement
"ADAS make easier my driving". Moreover, the
majority of the respondents (almost 70%) stated that
it is easy for them to use and apply ADAS in driving
and they do not waste too much time in driving with
their use.
Figure 3: Responses on "How important are the following
features for you regarding HAPVs?"
Furthermore, as depicted in Figure 2, the majority
of respondents indicated that only “seat belt warning
system” (81.6%) and “navigation system” (80.0%),
respectively, are the most quite/very familiar ADAS,
which are offered today on human-driven passenger
cars. On the other hand, it should be stated that the
level of respondents’ familiarity towards the other
available ADAS (e.g., cruise control system, park
assist system, etc) being offered by the automotive
industry is not exceed the threshold of 35%.
5.3 Intention to Drive/Use and Accept
In this section, the respondents’ intention to drive/use
and accept HAPVs is explored. The majority of
respondents indicated that “road safety” (78.8%),
“vehicle-environment interaction (59.2%), “safe
operation” (56.5%), “legal liability in case of
accidents and damages” (52.5%), and “vehicle
security and data privacy” (51.7%) were the most
extremely important features for the respondents
towards the driving/usage of a HAPV, as depicted in
Figure 3. On the other hand, a small portion of
respondents indicated that “employment with other
activities while driving” (19.4%), “community's
trends towards vehicle automation” (7.4%) and
“social influence” (7.3%) were the most attractive
features regarding the driving/usage of a HAPV.
Additionally, a multiple linear regression analysis
was conducted for predicting behavioral intentions
towards HAPVs taking into account the predictors of
PE, EE, SI, PDE, PFC and PRT. To test these effects,
the moderators (age, gender, income and culture) with
the aforementioned six independent predictors were
added to the model.
As demonstrated in Table 1, an examination of the
standardized beta weights (β) indicate that the
moderating variable "Culture" had a high significant
Are Consumers Ready to Adopt Highly Automated Passenger Vehicles? Results from a Cross-national Survey in Europe
positive effect influencing consumers’ BI to drive/use
Table 1: Summary results of the regression analysis with
the presence of the four moderating effects.
H# Path
Modified UTAUT-
model (standardized
ath coefficients β)
0.121** Supported
-0.008# Rejected
0.107*** Supported
0.215*** Supported
0.187*** Supported
0.107** Supported
Note: *p-value < 0.05, **p-value < 0.01, ***p-value < 0.001, # p-
value non-significant
In addition, hypothesis H4 states that PDE
significantly affects European consumers’ BI to
accept and drive/use HAPVs. Likewise, the results
supported hypotheses H5 and H1 which stipulates
that the determinants PFC and PE significantly affect
European consumers’ BI to accept and drive/use
Besides, hypotheses H3 and H6 which
hypothesized that the determinants SI and PRT
significantly affect European consumers’ BI to accept
and drive/use HAPVs, were also supported.
Meanwhile, the remaining construct EE is rejected
given that it was found to be statistically insignificant.
Although there is much excitement surrounding the
introduction of AVs, there are largely unknown at the
moment which determinants of user acceptance will
influence the uptake of HAPVs. The main purpose of
this study was to gain a more detailed understanding
of the factors that will affect potential end users’
future acceptance of HAPVs. In that framework, the
present work extends the original UTAUT model by
incorporating PDE, PFC and PRT constructs. Most of
the path coefficients in the proposed research model
were found statistically significant except the path
from EE to BI.
More specifically, five of the model’s predicted
relationships were supported, with PDE, PFC, SI,
PRT and PE all making significantly unique positive
contributions to users’ BI towards HAPVs. Similar to
Venkatesh et al. (2012), PDE was the strongest
predictor, suggesting that the most important factor
influencing positively consumers’ intentions to
drive/use HAPVs is how exciting, comfortable and
enjoyable will find them. The above confirm the
results of what Madigan et al. (2017) have studied
about the factor of hedonic motivation and its impact
on users’ acceptance towards ARTS vehicles. In a
similar manner, the aforementioned finding supports
the results of Nordhoff et al. (2018), where the
majority of survey respondents indicated that
driverless vehicles would take away the driving
pleasure or enjoyment.
Furthermore, our results show that PFC has a
positive influence on BI towards HAPVs, indicating
that the adoption of HAPVs is highly affected by
economic factors such as purchasing costs and
driving/usage operating costs (maintenance,
insurance, fuel, etc). It should be noted that a small
portion of respondents (almost three to ten) strongly
agreed or somewhat agreed that the cost of
purchasing PHAVs, as well as the operating cost of
driving/using PHAVs will be at reasonable prices
similar to currently used human-driven vehicles. The
above finding is also confirms the results of what
Howard and Dai (2015) have explored about the cost
factor and its impact on consumers’ perceptions
towards self-driving cars.
Regarding the PE, this study found that PE has a
statistically significant positive impact on BI towards
HAPVs, within the proposed research model,
suggesting that respondents are expected HAPVs will
provide significant potential benefits (road safety,
usefulness, etc) in performing their travel activities.
Our results support other findings of previous
research studies (Piao et al., 2016; Cho et al., 2017;
Madigan et al., 2017; Panagiotopoulos and
Dimitrakopoulos, 2018) where perceived usefulness
and performance expectancy were important
predictors in potential consumer’s intensions towards
autonomous vehicles and driving automation
Furthermore, our results show that SI has a
significant positive influence on BI, indicating that
the opinions of others will have an effect on
consumers’ likelihood on driving/using HAPVs when
they will become available on the international
market. The above finding supports previous research
studies, which found that social norms had a
significant impact on behavioral intentions towards
autonomous driving (Panagiotopoulos and
Dimitrakopoulos, 2018) and ARTS vehicles
(Madigan et al., 2017).
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
In addition, this study found that PRT has a
significant positive influence on BI, indicating that
perceptions of how trusted the autonomous driving
system is to use will affect end users’ decision to
drive/use HAPVs for their travels. The above confirm
the results of other studies about the important role of
trust in autonomous and driverless vehicles along
with other determinants of acceptance (Kaur and
Rampersad, 2018; Nordhoff et al., 2018;
Panagiotopoulos and Dimitrakopoulos, 2018).
Furthermore, the factor EE failed to reach
significance in this study, suggesting that difficulty in
driving/using HAPVs is becoming less of a concern
for the potential consumers as they become more
user-friendly. The above result is in contrast to other
findings, where effort expectancy (Madigan et al.,
2016) and perceived easy to use (Panagiotopoulos
and Dimitrakopoulos, 2018) did have an impact on
behavioral intentions towards ARTS vehicles and
autonomous driving technology, respectively. On the
other hand, our result is similar to other related
studies (Choi and Ji, 2015) where effort expectancy
and perceived ease to use were insignificant
predictors of customers’ intention towards vehicle
Moreover, the relationship between the predictor
variables PDE, PFC, SI, PRT, PE, EE and BI was
found to be affected by moderating factors such as
gender and culture, contrary to age and income, with
the culture to be the strongest moderator. In regards
to culture, findings show that respondents which
reside in Northern Europe are more likely to drive/use
HAPVs, when they become available on the market,
contrary to the respondents from Southern Europe.
Gaining experiences with automation technologies in
vehicles over the coming years, could lead us to better
understand consumers’ willingness to drive/use AVs.
In this respect, the value of the contribution of this
paper lies in the utilisation of an adapted version of
the original UTAUT framework, through
investigating the factors that influence potential
European consumers’ willingness to drive/use
HAPVs, improving thus the overall understanding
towards public acceptance of such vehicles. In this
way, this paper is one of the few contributing to the
knowledge about predictors that will lead to
widespread adoption of HAPVs in the future by
European end users.
In particular, results show that PDE plays a big
part in consumers’ desire to drive/use HAPVs for
their travels. In this context, it is obvious that
consumers will still want to enjoy the driving/usage
of vehicles equipped with advanced driving
automation technologies. Furthermore, the financial
cost, the trust in automation technology, the social
popularity and the performance expectancy all appear
to be important deciding factors. Therefore, it is
hoped that in order to maximize HAPVs uptake,
designers and developers in the automotive field can
consider the above issues when implementing more
permanent versions of HAPVs.
Like any other studies, this research has some
limitations that should be considered before
interpreting the findings. In this manner, the
presented implications need to be evaluated in light
of the quite futuristic character of HAPVs at the time
of the survey. Highly automated vehicles are not yet
launched on mass consumer markets. Hence, our
respondents did not have any hands-on experience
with them and could only state their guesses based on
our description provided at the beginning of the
questionnaire as well as on information they might
have gathered on their own. Also, majority of our
sample individuals were relatively young (under 40
years old). Hence, differences might be found for
other age groups. In addition, our survey was
conducted via online means of communication
websites, social media) and, hence, excluded people
that do not use the Internet. Finally, since only
European people were surveyed, our results might not
hold true for non-European people as consumers’
opinions and preferences also vary among different
geographical regions.
This paper has been partly supported by the
Electronic Component Systems for European
Leadership (ECSEL) Joint Undertaking under GA No
783190 (PRYSTINE) and GA No 737469
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VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems