Table 4: Evaluation results of three different searching approaches.
Method Average Score
Average Hits MAP@10
@Top10 @1-3 @4-6 @7-9 @10 Initial Gold
Words 5.205 3.89 1.95 0.98 0.64 0.32 0.2929 0.389
Semantic 4.312 3.66 0.34 0.84 1.11 1.37 0.291 0.366
Category 5.258 4.89 0.71 1.18 1.25 1.75 0.404 0.489
Table 5: MAP values of different searching result lists.
Before Ranking After Ranking
10 0.2929 0.404 0.291 0.404 0.291 0.2929 0.2926↓ 0.406↑ 0.303↑ 0.406 0.303 0.292 0.407
20 0.273 0.303 0.235 0.273 0.227 0.233 0.272 0.304 0.241 0.275 0.233 0.234 0.301
30 0.226 0.247 0.213 0.239 0.212 0.216 0.227 0.248 0.217 0.240 0.216 0.217 0.247
experimental results show that the ranker derives a
slight improvement in MAP value at top-10 projects.
Design effective text features in training rankers
, analyze concrete effectiveness of different features,
find the way to omit the impact of imbalanced projects
distribution and train better category classifiersare,
and taking user requirements into consideration for
measuring project similarity are the future works of
this paper.
This work was supported by the National Natural
Sciences Foundation, China (No. 61802167), Open
Foundation of State key Laboratory of Network-
ing and Switching Technology (Beijing University
of Posts and Telecommunications) (SKLNST-2019-
2-15), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities. Jidong Ge is the corresponding
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Retrieving Similar Software from Large-scale Open-source Repository by Constructing Representation of Project Description