broker based cloud computing framework for en-
abling the users to specify their services requirements
in terms of numerical representation. With respect
to the user specification, the proposed broker con-
structs the cloud ontology to represent the available
services from the service repository. The appropri-
ate services are represented using semantic network
which enables the user to know about the available
services as per their posted requirements.
It is worth pointing that, even though cloud broker
platforms can provide assistance in the discovery pro-
cess, most of them are based on an additional layer
between the provider and the final cloud user which
can complicate the service’s delivery chain and cer-
tainly increase the services’ cost. In our work, we
aim to propose an assistance framework which allow
developers to fulfill seamless discovery process with-
out any intermediaries, so that, they can better assume
their decisions, and control their budgets.
The centralized architecture can be achieved using
public registries such as (Asma Musabah Alkalbani
and Kim, 2019) who provided a centralized cloud
service repository. The authors propose a harvesting
module to extract data from the web and make it avail-
able to different file format. The harvesting module
uses an algorithm for learning the HTML structure
of a web page. This work requires the user to de-
termine specific control parameters such as targeted
web page URL and the required information from in
the targeted web page. Moreover, the collected data
sets lack main service information such as services’
description and operations.
From another side, the matchmaking view is di-
vided into syntactic-based and semantic-based. The
semantic-based matchmaking approaches are based
on semantic description to automate the discovery and
selection process. (Martino et al., 2018) proposed
a cloud services ontology with automated reasoning
to support services discovery and selection. How-
ever, the discovery scope, in this work, is depending
on the pre-existence of providers specific ontologies
(OWL-S services description files) that require map-
ping techniques to coordinate the difference between
agnostic (abstract) and vendor dependent concepts to
support interoperability. Even though many seman-
tic approaches are scientifically interesting (Martino
et al., 2018), they require that the developers have
intimate knowledge of semantic services and related
description and implementation details which makes
their usage difficult. Moreover, from the service re-
questor’s perspective, the requestor may not be aware
of all the knowledge that constitutes the domain on-
tology. Specifically, the service requestor may not be
aware of all the terms related to the service request.
As a result of which many services relevant to the re-
quest may not be considered in the service discovery
The syntactic-based approaches are, generally,
based on WSDL description of cloud services. (Bey
et al., 2017) proposed a clustering algorithm based
on similarity between users query concepts and func-
tional description parameters of cloud services ex-
pressed in a WSDL document. Despite the high pre-
cision values found in this work, generally assuming
that the candidate cloud services are described using
WSDL files, is considered as impractical limitation.
The analysis of several research studies illustrates
the main motivations of our proposal which are:
• First, the need for an efficient syntactic-matching
approach which does not make any assumptions,
such as particular standard or specific semantic
representation, about the description language of
available cloud services.
• Second, the relevance of a centralized architecture
that references scattered cloud services regard-
less of their providers and their heterogeneous de-
scriptions in unified data-set. This fact can prac-
tically assist the developers in a seamless search
for relevant cloud services.
In order to practically assist developers in the discov-
ery and selection process, we need to efficiently deal
with several cloud services proprieties.
First, we manage the heterogeneous nature of
cloud service by properly extracting relevant services
capabilities from ambiguous services’ descriptions.
To do so, we propose an automated process for ser-
vices ’capability extraction in order to identify ser-
vices’ functional features. Based on these features,
we define a services’ functional clustering to unify
functionally similar services. Thus, we can reduce the
search scope and we improve the response time of the
discovery process.
Second, we deal with the huge diversity of scat-
tered cloud services by proposing a structured main
source that provides to the developer relevant services
meta-data and avoids laborious documentation task in
several providers web portals. In that respect, we in-
troduce ULID which presents a centralized cloud ser-
vice data-set to which the developer has access to.
Last but not least, we manage the dynamic evo-
lution of cloud services by regularly updating our
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering