Table 1: Related work comparison.
(Sankari et al.,
(Flittner and Bauer,
(Gustamas and
Shidik, 2017)
(Venzano and
Michiardi, 2013)
et al., 2016)
CR1-Collect traffic on the OpenStack cloud management network
Partially. The
document focus
on analyzing the
SDN traffic of data
No Yes No Yes
CR2-Classify the network traffic regarding the state changes in the virtual machine No No No No
Partially. Only VM
creation and termi-
CR3-Analyze the collected traffic in order to identify which service the packets are related No No No No No
CR4-Store the characterized traffic into a database
Not informed by the
Not informed by the
Not informed by the
Not informed by the
CR5-Identify the timing in which packet was collected (timestamp) Yes
Not informed by the
Not informed by the
characterization helps on this understanding by using
techniques and methods which enable a systematized
network traffic measurement and identification.
In this sense, this paper proposes an analysis and
characterization of the network traffic in the provider
infrastructure, specifically in the management net-
work, related to VM operations triggered by the con-
sumers (i.e., end users) on an OpenStack cloud.
Regarding the related work, we defined five crite-
ria which are used to compare our analysis and char-
acterization to other works (Table 1). The work of
(Sciammarella et al., 2016) is the most related one
to our proposal. However, the authors (Sciammarella
et al., 2016) focus only on the network traffic amount
generated by creating and destroying multiple VM in-
stances in geo-distributed collaborative clouds. The
authors do not separate traffic between services, nor
do they try to identify the time to perform operations
and the amount of calls for each OpenStack service.
Traffic classification and characterization is not a new
research topic. In this context, traffic characterization
has been a task of considerable importance in the area
of network management and security. Thus, through
the use of traffic classification / characterization tech-
niques, benefits such as increased accuracy for net-
work resource allocation can be achieved. Therefore,
traffic characterization is also a task used to under-
stand and solve performance issues in computer net-
works (Dainotti et al., 2006).
In general, the study of network traffic is sepa-
rated into two steps (Dainotti et al., 2006): (i) mea-
surement: the collection of data traveling on the
network; and (ii) traffic analysis is performed to
identify/classify characteristics relevant to the prob-
lem. The traffic measurement can employ several
tools to capture the data traveling across the net-
work (e.g., TCPdump, and Wireshark). Depending
on how measurement is realized, it can be classified
as (Williamson, 2001): Active (network traffic cre-
ation by the monitoring system, inducing specific sit-
uations) and Passive (capture only existing network
traffic). The most significant techniques used in Inter-
net traffic classification are (Dainotti et al., 2012, Fin-
sterbusch et al., 2014):
• Port-based. Most common method for traffic clas-
sification. Consists on parsing the communication
ports of the TCP / UDP header in order to create
an association with the applications/services.
• Statistical. Uses of packet load independent pa-
rameters such as size, time between arrivals and
packet flow duration. This method has broader
application than other methods which require ac-
cess to the payload of the packet, since in certain
scenarios access to the payload is restricted.
• Pattern matching. Based on Deep Packet Inspec-
tion (DPI), which is recurrent in both traffic clas-
sification and implementation of NIDS. In this
sense, it is possible to compare the contents of
packages with a pre-assembled rule set.
• Protocol Decoding. Based on session state re-
construction and application information obtained
from package contents. Protocol identification
is based on protocol header characteristics and
packet sequences.
In the context of OpenStack management network
it’s possible to deploy a port-based approach, since
the OpenStack environment allows it. It comprises
all administrative traffic and may separate traffic from
some services into VLANs or network interfaces. By
default, on minimal installation, all this traffic is on
a single VLAN or NIC. Since management network
is a core network in OpenStack infrastructure, we’re
working on a very specific scenario in which the ser-
vices must be related to OpenStack operation, so there
are no worries about protocols using cryptography
and services have well defined ports.
We adopted an Active measurement of the con-
sumer operations on a VM instance. Since we found
no information to serve as a baseline for operations
on VM instances, we chose the Active approach and
defined the sequence of operations. This sequence of
operations performed by a consumer in the state of the
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