Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
Michelle McClintock
, Katrina Falkner
, Claudia Szabo
and Yuval Yarom
School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, Australia
Keywords: Information Systems Security Policy, Enterprise Architecture, Design Science Research, Grounded Method,
Business Process Modelling.
Abstract: Security has never been more important. However, without a holistic security structure that secures all assets
of an organisation (physical, digital or cognitive), an organisation is at a critical risk. Enterprise architecture
(EA) applies engineering design principles and provides a complete structure to design and build an
organisation using classification schema and descriptive representations. The grouping of security with EA,
through a framework with corresponding security classifications and representations, promises a complete
security solution. We evaluate security frameworks and find that grouping security with EA is not new,
however current solutions indicate a lack of research process in development, a disjoint focus in either
technical or policy / department or project. Thus, there is a need for a holistic solution. We use a Design
Science Research methodology to design, develop, and demonstrate a security EA framework that provides
an organisation with a complete security solution regardless of industry, budgetary constraints, or size, and
survey professionals to critically analyse the framework. The results indicate the need for a complete security
structure including benefits in governance, resourcing, functional responsibilities, risk management and
In less than one year, between April 2018 and March
2019, there were 964 data breach notifications made
under the Australian Notifiable Data Breaches
scheme by businesses, 60% of which were malicious
or criminal attacks. This is a 712% increase in
business notifications compared with the previous 12
months, which demonstrates the size of the security
These startling statistics highlight that
effective security has never been more important to
the Australian society (Patterson, 2003), however
very few companies have adopted a cohesive security
strategy that encompasses the protection of all assets
whether they be physical, digital or cognitive
(Roeleven & Broer, 2010). Basic online security
behaviours are not being practiced by Australians and
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme 12-month Insights Report, https://
Last Pass 2017, The Psychology of Passwords: Neglect is Helping Hackers Win, available at: https://blog.lastpass.com/
small to medium business. While 73% use security
software, 44% admitted to sharing passwords
work. Most information security programs manage
each security instance departmentally, e.g. the finance
department is responsible for risk, the human
resources department is responsible for security
checks such as clearances, the ICT department is
responsible for computer security, and the facilities
department is responsible for physical security. This
approach is complicated and uses many different
security models leading to duplication of resources,
responsibility confusion and parts of the organisation
being overlooked entirely (Roberti, 2001; Shariati,
Bahmani, & Shams, 2011). An organisational
security framework that includes all aspects of
security – information, physical, technical process,
people, cycles and risk – and has the flexibility of
McClintock, M., Falkner, K., Szabo, C. and Yarom, Y.
Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?.
DOI: 10.5220/0009404406790689
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 679-689
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
implementation to work with an organisation’s
budget, size and security mechanisms, could be used
to mitigate these risks (Angelo, 2001).
We conduct an extensive review of existing
security frameworks, 25 in total, and the results
indicate a comprehensive solution, with all aspects of
security equally considered, does not exist. The
analysis indicates a lack of research process in the
development of existing security frameworks, a
disjoint focus in either technical or policy, and a
department or project focus for their implementation.
Of those frameworks with a holistic approach, the
most common framework methodology referenced
was Enterprise Architecture (EA).
EA is a holistic method to guide the enterprise’s
people, information, processes and technologies, to
achieve the most effective execution of the corporate
vision and strategy (Gorazo, 2014). An EA structure
can reduce unnecessary costs, ad hoc projects,
unintentional reinvention, and provide corporate
direction and relevance (Bente, Bombosch, &
Langade, 2012). The use of EA has a number of
significant benefits, which include a reduction of IT
expenditure, improved process innovation,
standardised business processes, increase in risk
management effectiveness, better strategic planning
and improved business / IT alignment (Kreizman &
Robertson, 2006). EA provides a methodology that
reaches all parts of an organisation. If we are to test
the theory of a complete holistic security model
effecting every aspect of business, EA provides such
a mechanism. The EA benefits also directly address
the concerns of a lack of strategic security and could
be harnessed when employing EA for the design of a
security framework.
An organisational security framework poses
significant challenges and there is a lot of research
that points to the importance and benefits of a holistic
approach (R. Anderson, 2008). To test this, we use a
Design Science Research study methodology to
develop and evaluate a novel, fully researched
enterprise security architecture (ESA) framework for
organisations which is addressing the problem
statement: “will a holistic security model using EA
provide security benefits to an organisation more
effectively than a piecemeal approach”. The
framework is analysed by industry professionals to
determine if a holistic security model can address the
much needed solution to the identified organisational
security gaps and provide security benefits. The
framework, the Security Architecture Framework for
Enterprises (SAFE), is a comprehensive security
solution based on the enterprise architecture
methodology. Our analysis, backed by feedback from
industry professionals, supports our hypothesis that a
holistic security design using EA will provide
security benefits to an organisation more effectively
than a piecemeal approach.
We conduct a review of existing security frameworks
to determine the effectiveness and we discover that
coverage is not holistic, it is ineffective, and the only
organisational model that is addressing whole-of-
organisation approach is EA, however it is not applied
effectively. As an example the most well-known and
comprehensive ESA frameworks are the SABSA
(Sherwood, Clark, & Lynas, 1995) and the TOGAF
(Haren, 2011) however while the stated intent of the
frameworks is holistic, the implementation is not. The
SABSA model references the strategic mechanisms
of EA, however it does not include EA in its elements
and does not apply its framework to non-technical
security. The focus in the implementation of security
is low level technical system assets. The TOGAF is
an EA framework that has created a security
architecture as an optional tool. The principle of the
TOGAF is to identify and implement security to only
those parts of the organisation that need it rather than
requiring security throughout an organisation. The
implementations of the TOGAF are similar to the
SABSA, both are effective technical frameworks.
To find existing security frameworks, we search
Google Scholar and the ACM Digital Library
database and we follow citations for articles about
enterprise security architecture. Google search terms
include those associated with enterprise
(‘organisation’, ‘management’, ‘information’,
‘business’, ‘information systems’, ‘information
technology’) AND security AND architecture
(‘information landscape’, ‘structure’, ‘process’,
‘governance’) AND framework (‘model’, ‘plan’).
Relevant works matching our inclusion/exclusion
criteria are entered into EndNote X7.3.1 with the PDF
as an attachment. The results are used for
classification and analysis. The inclusion and
exclusion criteria are determined based on the
simplest version of an ESA framework. An ESA
should have security, architecture and business as its
focus. If the work is not a framework or security is
not the focus, it is excluded. This is done to provide
the broadest definition and therefore capture all
relevant ESA frameworks developed since 1995.
From the analysis and review of all included 25
security models, we establish recommendations for
guiding principles of an enterprise security
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
architecture. The review is guided by the following
research question:
Will a holistic security model, using Enterprise
Architecture, provide security benefits to an
organisation more effectively than a piecemeal
Through research of existing principles for the
development of organisational security models, the
four most referenced principles are drawn out. Our
analysis shows the majority of the 25 frameworks
satisfy a subset of these four identified principles and
are discussed below:
1. The purpose of an effective framework should
be to support the organisation’s vision. Specifically,
a security mechanism for all organisational assets is
satisfied by six frameworks (Eloff & Eloff, 2005;
Killmeyer, 2006; Organisation, 2013; Saleh &
Alfantookh, 2011; Scholtz, 2006; Sherwood et al.,
2. An internationally recognized standard should
be used to provide a security assurance to the
framework developed. From the framework reviews,
the choices are ISO/IEC 27000 and NIST. 15
frameworks satisfy compliance to international
security standards (J. A. Anderson & Rachamadugu,
2008; Atoum, Otoom, & Abu Ali, 2014; Bernroider,
Margiol, & Taudes, 2016; Eloff & Eloff, 2005;
Jeganathan, 2016; Korhonen, Yildiz, & Mykkanen,
2009; NIST;, OMB;, & FCIO, 2010; Rees,
Bandyopadhyay, & Spafford, 2003; Reza Bazi,
Hasanzadeh, & Moeini, 2017; Saleh & Alfantookh,
2011; Shen, Lin, & Rohm, 2009; Sun & Chen, 2008;
Trcek, 2003; Wahe, 2011; Webb, Ahmad, Maynard,
& Shanks, 2014).
3. The framework development should be based
on EA. Use of an EA reference is indicated by eight
frameworks (J. A. Anderson & Rachamadugu, 2008;
Ertaul & Sudarsanam, 2005; Ho, 2002; Jeganathan,
2016; NIST; et al., 2010; Scholtz, 2006; Shen et al.,
2009; Sherwood et al., 1995).
4. The development of an ESA framework
should be a focus for the whole of the organisation,
not just singular departments or assets. A holistic
framework is demonstrated by 14 frameworks (J. A.
Anderson & Rachamadugu, 2008; Atoum et al., 2014;
Eloff & Eloff, 2005; Ho, 2002; Jeganathan, 2016;
Killmeyer, 2006; Korhonen et al., 2009;
Organisation, 2013; Posthumus & Von Solms, 2004;
Scholtz, 2006; Shen et al., 2009; Sherwood et al.,
1995; Wahe, 2011; Webb et al., 2014).
An important and critical issue that remains
unaddressed is the development and critical review of
an ESA that relies on all thoroughly researched
principles. The principles we identify above provide
a foundation to develop the ESA framework and
evaluate the design which is addressing the problem
statement “will a holistic security model using EA
provide security benefits to an organisation more
effectively than a piecemeal approach”. Table 1 is the
list of frameworks we review and analyse.
Table 1: Existing security frameworks review.
Year Author Framework Name Notable Features
(1995) Sherwood, Clark,
Sherwood Applied Business
Security Architecture
Project-based implementation
(2000) Sandhu The Objective and Model -
Architecture Mechanism
Based on a Network Protocol Stack with a many to
many relationships between each layer
(2002) Ho Security Management
(2003) Trcek Information Systems Security
Management Framework
Nine Planes (Technology, Organisation, Legislation,
Human Interactions, Human-Machine Interactions,
Crypto Protocols, Crypto Primitives, Assets, Physical
(2003) Rees,
Policy Framework for
Interpreting Risk in E-Business
Four Phases (Assess, Plan, Deliver, Operate)
(2004) Posthumus, Von
Information Security
Governance Framework
Four Aspects (Legal, Business, Infrastructure,
(2005) Ertaul,
Enterprise Security Plan Column 6 of Zachman (Why) replaced with "External
Requirements and Constraints"
Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
Table 1: Existing security frameworks review (cont.).
Year Author Framework Name Notable Features
(2005) Eloff, Eloff Information Security
Five Requirements (Holistic, Controls,
Comprehensive, Life-cycle, Measurable)
(2006) Killmeyer Information Security
A "How-To" book for implementing an Information
Security Architecture
(2006) Scholtz Gartner Enterprise Information
Security Architecture
Three-Layered Pyramid (Conceptual, Logical,
(2008) Anderson,
Roadmap for Information
Security Across the Enterprise
Three tiers (Profile, Plan, Protect)
(2008) Sun, Chen Intelligent Enterprise
Information Security
Based on the seven layers of the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model
(2009) Korhonen, Yildiz,
Service Orientated Architecture
Security Governance Model
Four layers (Strategic, Tactical, Operational, Real-
(2009) Shen, Lin, Rohm Enterprise Security Architecture
Three noted dimensions - Framework, Policy and
(2010) NIST, OMB,
US Federal Enterprise
Architecture Security and
Privacy Policy
Three Stage Methodology - Identification, Analysis,
(2011) Saleh, Alfantookh Information Security Risk
Management Framework
Five domains (Strategy, Technology, Organization,
People, Environment)
(2011) TOGAF Open Enterprise Security
Four dimensions (Program Management,
Governance, Enterprise Architecture, Operations)
(2013) ISO/IEC 27000 International Standard for
Information Technology -
Fourteen Security Control Clauses (Policy,
Organisation, Human Resources, Asset Management,
Access Control, Cryptography, Physical and
Environmental, Operations, Communications, System
Acquisition Development and Maintenance, Supplier
Relationships, Incident Management, Business
Continuity, Compliance)
(2014) Atoum, Otoom,
Holistic Cyber Security
Implementation Framework
A framework / strategy to determine current security
level and gap analysis for new security level
(2014) Webb, Ahmad,
Maynard, Shanks
Situation Aware - Information
Security Risk Management
Collection, analysis and reporting of organisational
risk information to improve information security risk
(2015) Luhach & Luhach Logical Security Framework Framework based on Service Orientated Architecture
to reduce security attacks
(2015) DiMase, Collier,
Heffner, Linkov
Cyber Physical Systems
Security Framework
Cyber physical system security framework using
systems engineering principles
(2016) Jeganathan Enterprise Security Architecture
An enterprise security architecture framework using
people, processes and technologies
(2016) Bernroider,
Margiol, Taudes
Information Security
Management Assessment
Design Science Research to create a security critical
infrastructure framework - four dimensions - security
ambition, security process, resilience, business value
(2017) Bazi,
Cloud migration framework A secure cloud computing framework using meta-
synthesis - uses a seven stage maturity model
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: SAFE outputs in Design Science Research Cycle (Vaishnavi & Kuechler, 2004).
A Design Science Research (DSR) study suited the
research due to the emphasis on the design and
creation of an artefact to test a research question
(Venable, Pries-Heje, & Baskerville, 2016). The
philosophy is constructivist, the approach is inductive
and the choice of data analysis is qualitative using the
grounded theory methodology to analyse a qualitative
Vaishnavi & Kuechler (2004) describe the body
of DSR knowledge as man-made objects – artefacts –
that are designed to meet specific goals. It creates
novel contributions through the design of new
artefacts including the analysis of their operation
using evaluation and abstraction. DSR uses design as
a research method that maps functional requirements
on to a fulfilling artefact. The design action is
justified using a kernel theory – an established theory
that when the new design action is complete, may
improve or broaden the purpose of the initial kernel
theory. For the purposes of this research, the kernel
theory is Enterprise Architecture and the
improvement of the theory is the security dimension
design created strictly based on the foundational
principles of Enterprise Architecture.
As indicated in Figure 1 there are five steps. We
overlay our research (coloured red) onto the Outputs
column to demonstrate our use of this methodology.
The artefact discussed above is termed the security
architecture framework for enterprises (or the
framework) for the remainder of the paper.
Using the four principles identified in Section 2, the
framework is developed from the Zachman
framework 2013 Version 3.0 (Zachman, 1996)
because it is the most complete, most referenced in
our frameworks review, and historically the
methodology that is chosen by others to base their
frameworks on. We methodically develop all 36 cells
of the security instantiation by research and analysis
of the 36 Zachman cells. The outcome is the ESA
framework which is an exact matching overlay of the
Zachman framework as a security instantiation. The
following discussion provides an explanation of the
rows and columns of the security framework.
4.1 Audience Perspectives / Stages of
Reification (The Rows)
The perspectives in the Zachman framework
constitute a complete way to build and view an
organisation from the initial concept to the final
Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
instantiation. Our security framework retains the rows
of the Zachman framework with no changes.
Executive Perspective / Identification – The
executive perspective is defined at the inception of a
company, is the identification of the concept for the
business and is externally focused.
Business Management Perspective / Definition –
The business management perspective is internally
focused in that it defines the executive, external
concept for the enterprise, into a business model of
enterprise design and operational reality.
Architect Perspective / Representation – The
architect perspective represents the business model as
the required pieces or building blocks of the
enterprise and indicates how they will interact with
each other.
Engineer Perspective / Specification – The
requirements and specifications of the systems
(detailed designs) of the organisation are designed at
the engineering perspective.
Technician Perspective / Configuration – The
technician perspective is the business component
level implemented using specific tooling
Enterprise Perspective / Instantiation – The
enterprise perspective is the instantiation of the
reification process from Row 1 to 5, outworked and
demonstrated in the functioning organisation. At this
stage of the framework, the artefacts are the actual
organisation not the architectural abstractions like the
previous five rows.
4.2 Classification Names
(The Columns)
The columns of the framework are the English
interrogatives and provide the detail of each row or
organisational view. Where the differentiation for our
security framework comes is the answer to the
interrogative questions. All columns of the security
framework are addressed by each having a related
security question asked of the interrogative rather
than the Zachman question. By doing so, the integrity
of the Zachman is retained but the security instance is
created. Table 2 shows the original Zachman
framework interrogative definitions alongside the
security framework definition.
4.3 Framework Development
Once the high-level categories are defined for each
cell, the detail needs to be developed to explain what
each cell actually means so the framework can be
given to potential users for evaluation purposes.
Figure 2 is an example of the instances of the cell
definitions, we develop for all 36 cells. For all cells,
a detailed research process is conducted to understand
the original Zachman intent and develop authentic
instances which results in four factors being defined.
Those were:
1. Detailed explanation – what is the definition and
purpose of the cell.
2. Pictorial model – a pictorial description for ease
of understanding to users.
3. Framework example – shows the use of the cell
using a real-world example.
4. Compliance mapping to ISO 27000 and NIST.
In summary, our notional framework is completed
and three layers of abstraction developed. The row /
column categories, the detailed security definitions
and the more detailed definitions (pictorial model,
framework example and compliance mapping) for
use by organisation for understanding. The final
framework is compliant with the four guiding
recommendations including compliant to NIST and
ISO 27000 international security standards. Figure 3
is the completed Security Architecture Framework
for Enterprises (SAFE).
To test our design and evolve the conceptual
framework, we share the framework and supporting
documentation for critique with four categories of
professionals – manager, security professional, IT
professional, and researcher. The participants are
asked to review the framework and supporting
documentation in the context of their own
organisations and their expertise, carefully
considering the utility of the design and its
application in a working environment and compared
to their current security situation. To test the utility,
the participants work through each cell and determine
if their organisation has a suitable security instance of
the requirements indicated for that cell, using the
provided explanatory notes.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Column definitions – English Interrogatives.
Interrogative Zachman Definition Security Framework Definition
What – Things
The inventory sets, people or information, that
are tracked and managed for the organisation to
The organisation’s most important asset is
information and this is what is being secured.
How – Process
The processing of the organisation through
various process types which provide the
transformation models of the assets.
How the organisation secures the information.
Conceptual level security mechanisms are processes
down to final level which are security technologies.
Where – Location
Distribution networks depicted using network
models. Includes business, system, technology or
tool locations.
Where the organisation’s security is conducted. Can
be a physical or logical location.
Who – People
The responsibility assignments are allocated to
the organisational stakeholders and can be
internal or external.
Securing all organisational stakeholders, internal and
external, through security responsibility assignment
from Executive Management to Operational staff.
When – Events
Timing cycles, the intervals and moments of the
organisation and how those are identified as
types, defined, represented, specified and
configured within the architecture and the
When the organisation has determined will be the
most effective security timing cycles to provide a
secure organisation. Examples include compliance,
policy, assessment, audit and reviews.
Why – Ends
The objectives and strategies explain why the
organisation is in business, how those
motivations and intentions are outworked
through ends and means.
The essential motivation why security is the risk of
an event occurring which would damage an
organisational asset. The management of that risk is
outworked as security.
Figure 2: Cell E6 Risk Management Configuration (Risk Assessment).
Just as an EA framework can build an
organisation from its inception, so the security
dimension we have created should functionally be
able to build security into all aspects of the
organisation. Theoretically a form of an
organisational security ontology.
To gather the participant’s inputs we design a
questionnaire using an Oppenheim (2000) approach
made up of five demographic questions – including
security industry experience, job category, years of
expertise; and 14 questions aimed at drawing out
Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
Figure 3: The Security Architecture Framework for Enterprise (SAFE).
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
selected aspects of the initial research question.
Examples of the questions include:
Do you believe a holistic approach to security is
likely to provide a more secure organisation?
What are the problems or challenges of the
framework for an organisation using it?
Does it help to have the categories broken down
into organisational levels (rows)?
We use the inductive grounded theory method to
analyse the results from our questionnaire about our
framework. Grounded theory is a methodology by
which qualitative analysis is iterative – the data
(meaningful concepts from the text) are collected and
separated from the conversation and each data unit is
assigned codes. The codes are inspected for patterns
and then reintegrated to form dominant thematic
subjects and connections. (Starks & Brown Trinidad,
2007; Strauss & Corbin, 1994). Through the cyclical
nature of the grounded theory methodology, each
coding phase provides richer thematic results which
are discussed below.
6.1 Demographic Results
We received 12 returned questionnaires, of which
75% of participants are employed by a large company
(200+ employees), 17% are from a small (1–19
employees) and 8% from a medium (20–199
employees). 42% have security industry experience
and 75% have been in their current role for more than
ten years and consider themselves experts in the field.
The participants come from Industry (58%),
Government (33%) or the Military (8%) in roles such
as management, security professionals, information
technology professionals and researchers.
6.2 Framework Results
The questionnaire responses provide overall thematic
characterisations of the framework and therefore
indicative answers to the research question. The
following discussion describes the overarching
themes indicated though the qualitative analysis
process and direct quotes from participants.
The most common theme in the responses is the
importance and utility of the holistic nature of the
framework – demonstrating the interconnected and
broad nature of security in a single nomenclature. Of
note was the ability of the framework to reduce the
risk of security gaps, the categorisation of the
complete security function, the uses including
security governance, security program, best practice
and a security nomenclature. Both the compliance to
international standards and the holistic nature provide
an assurance for company security certification.
Comments by the participants include “compliance to
NIST and ISO validates the framework in terms of
academic rigour”, “ensures all aspects of security are
covered and assessed”, “organises the complete
security function” and “focuses organisations to
include security elements not traditionally
From a financial decision making perspective, the
framework is said to provide a combination of a risk-
based approach and ensures the highest security risks
will get the highest priority spend. Comments by the
participants include “provides a bases for future
security cost prediction and planning” and “could
provide profit and existential benefits”.
Improved organisational communication in
security is a theme that is cited as a significant benefit
of the framework. Other benefits include defining
who is accountable for security functions and the
roles and skills of the security team defined which
will provide better communication between all levels
of the organisation, ensuring all aspects of security
are covered and assessed. It is acknowledged several
times that setting up this kind of model in an
organisation will require significant resourcing,
including a project team, but once up and functioning
it can be maintained. Comments by the participants
include “provides better communication about
security between all levels of the organisation”,
“provide an understanding of the gaps in security, the
risks and remediation” and “provides good
governance for security”.
An educational theme for the framework is
highlighted, that it will provide a security education
for organisations. Security is a complex and difficult
subject and the risks involved are high therefore using
the framework can show the full extent of issues
involved in security, something not easily known
without a tool. The framework is identified as a very
strong educational tool based on the provided
definitions, frameworks, models and references.
Comments by the participants include “helps build
trust because the right information is comprehensive
and usable to the right audience”, “security policies
and practices can be used to for a cohesive framework
and security program” and “the structural
configuration shows that security is a whole of
organisation responsibility not just IT”.
Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?
A challenge of the framework is complexity. This
is raised more than five times and through deeper
analysis it is noted that the participants most
challenged by the complexity of security do not have
security experience. Comments from participants
include “quite complex”, “the large number of boxes
diminishes the simplicity of the approach”, “it is
complex but is intuitive, logical and easy to use” and
“scalable and adaptable to any organisation”.
Other comments that although were not thematic
are worthy of noting for the future evolution of the
framework include the need for a practical
implementation toolset such as a gap assessment
workbook / a user manual, and testing the framework
within an organisation. Overall the feedback is
supportive and comments from the participants
include “definitions, artefacts, models and references
are a very strong tool”, “could easily continue on and
become a commercial product” and “fantastic
concept that provides a single awareness view for all
In security, the whole is clearly greater than the sum
of its parts and security has never been more
important. The development of the concept of a
holistic enterprise security architecture, highlights
that security is not just technical but requires a
focusing on all the organisational assets of people,
technology and processes, which will provide
enterprise security management guidance to
contemporary digitalised organisations of the 21st
Century. The benefits of a holistic approach require
all aspects of security to be considered and
implemented based on the budget, size and
mechanisms of the organisation, and provides a
reduction in responsibility confusion and appropriate
resourcing. We conducted a review of 25 security
frameworks to determine if a fully researched and
holistic security methodology would better provide
security benefits to organisations than a piecemeal
approach. The review indicated that there were very
few frameworks that met the holistic test and
therefore the research question could not be answered
without a new framework being created. From the
review, we took recommendations to guide the
framework development – inclusion of all security
mechanisms, compliant to international security
standards, using EA as the foundation and
organisationally holistic in its implementation.
We develop the Security Architecture Framework
for Enterprises (SAFE) using the Design Science
Research method. The framework is based on the
John Zachman 2013 Version 3.0 and its layers of
abstraction were developed with supporting
documentation. The completed framework (Figure 3)
is a 6 x 6 framework and each cell was defined using
1) a detailed explanation, 2) pictorial model, 3)
framework example in the real world and 4)
compliance mapping to ISO 27000 and NIST.
To determine the effectiveness of our framework
in meeting security concerns, we shared the
framework and supporting documentation with
industry professionals using a questionnaire to
evaluate. Our analysis of the questionnaire responses
identified that the evaluation of the security
framework indicates a positive correlation for the
improvement of organisational security if a holistic
design approach was applied.
To mature and evolve the design concept further
there would be benefit from future work such as a
larger design study, a user manual, a case study in a
company or an organisational implementation study.
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Enterprise Security Architecture: Mythology or Methodology?