2 4
8 10 12
Simulation time(per Month)
Total waiting time ρ(SG)(h)
cumulative waiting time
with SGCS-RB
with SGREP
(a) Total waiting time reduction.
0 2 4
8 10 12
Simulation period (per Month)
Total availability σ(SG)(%)
Total availability performance evaluation
with SGCS-RB
with SGREP
(b) Total availability enhancement.
0 2 4
8 10 12
Simulation time(per Month)
Renewable energy (kWh)
Emergency lines performance evaluation in Tunis
(c) Emergency lines number increasing.
Figure 4: Performance Evaluation due to Reconfiguring Simulator SGREP.
ing failures recovery in SG
after applying different
contributions. Thus, the addition of the new num-
ber of emergency lines coming from added renewable
sources allows for increasing the recovery of failures.
Figure 4c shows the annual increase of use of renew-
able sources by integrating a new number of emer-
gency lines that allow to better enhance the recovery
of the power network. So that, the implemented sim-
ulator SGREP helps electricity markets to satisfy the
recovery and maintenance of recorded critical failures
and encourages the use of renewable sources.
Furthermore, SGREP permits to improve the per-
formed rates in term of power availability and total
waiting time thanks to implemented prediction model.
To guarantee the accurate integrated numbers of tech-
nical teams and emergency lines for best improve-
ment of failures recovery and maintenance in smart
grids, we have proposed a reconfiguration approach
that permits to predict the integrated number of ex-
pert and technician teams, besides the addition of a
new number of emergency lines which allows increas-
ing the total availability of energy during interruptions
and outages of more than 2% with the reduction of
total waiting time without energy to the half. This
approach permits to reduce economic losses during
blackouts. In the future work, we aim to secure trans-
mitted data in the smart grid proposed architecture,
beside verifying formally the proposed strategies.
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Smart Grid Reconfiguration based on Prediction Model for Technical Teams Intervention Integration and Recovery Enhancement