Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email
Subject Lines
Ana Ferreira
, Soraia Teles
1,2 b
, Rui Chilro
and Milaydis Sosa-Napolskij
CINTESIS - Centre for Health Technology and Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, Porto, Portugal
Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto (ICBAS-UP), Department of Behavioural Sciences,
Porto, Portugal
Independent Researcher, Portugal
Keywords: Phishing Email Subject Lines, Network Science, Linguistic and Sentiment Analyses.
Abstract: This study provides support on why subject lines of predatory emails should be analysed to improve the
detection of phishing attacks. Network science together with a linguistic analysis were performed on a sample
of 240 phishing email subject lines from the past 12 years. Results show that even in straightforward subject
lines, phishers can employ text elements to create a sense of proximity, mutual relationship as well as a neutral
and professional relation, focused on present and future actions, to persuade potential victims to open phishing
emails. The common words “your” and “account” form two main hubs and communities of words that
integrate main organisations and actions related to those hubs. The linguistic analysis shows that concise
phrases integrate such richness of language that can potentially be used to find differential emotional and
behavioural marks on the text, to be used for better detecting phishing emails. This work provides current
information as well as new research questions to be tested and further perused, to support the improvement
of automated tools to identify predatory emails.
The top most unresolved threats in cybersecurity for
2020 include, not surprisingly, phishing, malware,
ransomware and social engineering. Unfortunately,
there is still no way to prevent phishing attacks and
efficiently detect and minimise its negative effects
(Gosset, 2019) (Tan, 2019) (Kell, 2019). Phishers use
social engineering enticements to steal victims’
personal data and financial credentials over falsified
websites, usually through spoofed emails.
Much work has been done in trying to find a
solution to improve or minimise phishing and
malware attacks. However, a review shows that most
research areas focus on Artificial Intelligence (e.g.,
Bayesian networks, data mining, heuristics, machine
learning, decision trees, classifiers and clustering),
which have not yet succeeded in tackling the problem
at hand. The authors found that the provided technical
measures are insufficient and that solutions closer to
users behaviour and the way they interact with the
systems should be part of a socio-technical security
solution (Ferreira, 2018a).
Moreover, another review which only focuses on
ransomware (Ferreira, 2018b), also concludes that
pure detection solutions are not enough and that
existing preventive ones do not work properly. There
are not enough research efforts on prevention, backup
and awareness solutions to fight ransomware attacks.
Back to the human factor of these social engineering
attacks, a close link with persuasion factors has been
studied, which can assist in understanding of the
complexity of means used by attackers to attain their
goals (Ferreira, 2018b) (Ferreira, 2019).
Prevention measures have not been a strong focus
of research in this area. Nevertheless, the authors
believe that work on stopping phishing attacks using
phishing emails, must be performed on the text of
Ferreira, A., Teles, S., Chilro, R. and Sosa-Napolskij, M.
Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines.
DOI: 10.5220/0009407202500257
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 250-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
subject lines. A recent work (Ferreira, 2017) has
analysed email subject lines to find a pattern of use to
embed in existing phishing detection techniques.
However, this is still developing research.
This paper aims to identify the most commonly
used terms over the past twelve years in phishing
subject lines; which ones are used in combinations,
on the same phrase; what clusters they provide; and
what linguistic marks they may include. As this
problem is only bound to exponentiate in the near
future, out of the box measures are required to create
more effective solutions.
This section supports the need to answer two relevant
questions, why focus on phishing email subject lines
and use network science to analyse those lines.
2.1 Email Subject Lines
Email subject lines are critical sources of information.
They summarise, in small sentences, the content of an
email and why it should be further perused. That
sentence, together with the date and sender
information, comprise the elements that help a user
decide to become, or not, a victim. This decision is
“free” of any external intervention, except for the
degree of persuasion of those data and possible
previous experiences and knowledge the user may
have acquired up to that moment in time. A phishing
email that is received has already passed anti-
phishing controls. The pertinence of this study lies
precisely in the possibility of providing tools to be
used in such situations.
Besides the work already referred in the previous
section, only one more seems to corroborate that the
level of attention given to an email subject line is
positively related to the likelihood that an individual
will open that email (Vishwanath, 2011). So, the
email subject lines comprise the main piece of
information that triggers the user into deciding that an
email is legitimate and should be opened
(Balakrishnan, 2014). The authors decided to analyse
the content of email subject lines and verify the
relations between the used terms, resorting to network
science (Section 2.2) and linguistic analysis. The
authors could not find, until this moment, similar
work in this area of research.
2.2 Network Science
The field of network science studies complex
networks such as telecommunications, computer,
biological, cognitive, semantic as well as social
networks. A network is a catalogue of a system’s
components or actors called nodes or vertices and the
connections between them, called links or edges
(Figure 1). The connections can represent a
relationship between two nodes as in social networks,
where the connection between two nodes represent
the “friendship” relation between two people.
Figure 1: Example of a simple graph/network comprised of
nodes A to F, and edges between them (A-B; E-C, etc).
Our world is permeated with systems that can be
represented by networks (Barabási, 2002) (Watts,
2003). Graph drawing offers advantages for the
visualisation of networks and visual exploration and
analysis (von Landesberger, 2010). In terms of
language and word relation, recognition is increasing
that human language can be modelled with complex
networks (Solé, 2010) (Markošová, 2008). To do this,
connecting various components of a sentence in a
graph or network can be used to verify if there are any
main relations or clusters of relations, or other
patterns that are used within the terms of email
subject lines. This can help visualise behaviours that
are not seen or found in any other way. Within
networks, clusters are subgraphs consisting of
strongly connected components which can be
measured with a node-based clustering coefficient
(Watts, 1998). Hubs are located between clusters to
connect them as brokers (Figure 2). Clusters and hubs
complement each other in the interpretation.
Figure 2: Examples of subgraphs illustrating a node degree
(n=3), a cluster and a hub.
The analysis of a network structure provides
topological insights and can be a starting place for
detailed exploration at some point of interest. Parts of
a network can be compared based on nodes and edges
Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines
according to their position in the network structure
(Drieger, 2013). Due to the abstraction that networks
allow, we can explore a text quickly and see, at a
glance, how words are interconnected and
contextually situated in the network.
In order to generate a network with the content of the
words within the phishing email subject lines the
authors reproduced a method for sampling email
subject lines, from previous research (Ferreira and
Teles, 2019). A sample was selected from a reliable
phishing archive source, namely,
A total of 240 email subject lines was randomly
selected from this archive (2008-2019). Since the
phishing emails lists were chronologically ordered,
20 numbers were randomly generated for each year,
and each number corresponded to a place in that list,
starting at the top. The subject lines’ content was
parsed using a PHP script with the following phases:
data cleaning, parsing, and results generation. For
example, the null node was deleted, singulars and
plurals from the same word or very similar word with
typos, were merged (e.g., “alert” merged with “alerts”
or “online” merged with “onlinesm”). The parser
produced several outputs: i) nodes’ selection and
association to a unique identifier; ii) a table with word
frequency; iii) a table with the pairs of connected
words in the same subject line each word has only
a connection to all words in the sentence and
connected pairs are the edges of the graph, while
words are nodes; iv) the number of connections
between the same words was counted (degree). After
generating the full network a degree threshold equal
or bigger than four (>=4) was used to trim the
network, since there were many different 1-degree
threshold edges, which were confusing and did not
add extra value to the most common used terms and
their relations. Also, as this was an undirected graph
(all edges are bidirectional), when an edge was found
between A and B, if the same was found between B
and A, these would count as two instances of the same
edge adding to their degree.
With the produced output, two .csv files were
created, one with all the identified nodes (every
unique word) and corresponding unique identifiers,
and the other with the corresponding edges between
those nodes (Figures 3 and 4). With the final
5 is a recognized international source of
free archived spoof and phishing emails.
generated network, an analysis of frequency, clusters
and hub extraction was performed.
Figure 3: Extract from nodes .csv file (before filtering). Id
is the unique identifier for each node found in the sample.
Figure 4: Extract from edges .csv file (before filtering).
s_ID and t_ID are pairs of connected nodes (the edges).
Clusters have among themselves a relatively high
network density and a high degree hub that usually
connects those clusters, also known as communities.
Such communities can also become more noticeable
when visualised within a graph. A flowchart of the
methodology for generating the word network is
presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: General methods to achieve the final network.
In addition, linguistic analyses, including lexical
density calculation (i.e., the number of content words
divided by the total number of words), were carried
out to support findings of commonly used terms or
groups of terms, in the referred period and corpus.
The email subject lines were examined with four
software tools and goals: (a) Corpógrafo (Sarmento,
2004) - to create a researchable corpus, generate n-
grams and research concordances of most frequent
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tokens; (b) VISL (Bick, 2000) - to parse the text with
the Constraint Grammar system based on lingsoft's
ENGCG parser to make it syntactically/semantically
researchable; (c) Sentiment Analysis Python
NLTKDemo - to obtain sentiment analysis of each
subject line to determine polarity of emotions; and (d)
WordSmith Tools 7.0 (Scott, 2018), to research text
previously parsed with VISL based on its
syntactic/semantic function. Lexical density was also
calculated with Online Utility (Online Utility, 2020).
For the full analysed sample, 449 nodes and 2765
edges were produced. The most frequent words
(nodes) of the analysed sample are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Most common words (nodes) in the sample (on
the left – node frequency; on the right – word cloud).
The final analysed network (after trimming degree
threshold >=4) comprises 40 nodes and 82 edges
(Figure 7). The most frequent nodes in the subject
lines, i.e., “your” and “account”, constitute the two
main hubs of the entire network. As there were many
1-degree threshold edges within the initial network
those were not included in the final analysis. The
most frequent nodes have bigger spheres and the most
frequent edges have thicker connection lines. The
maximum number of vertices and edges in a
connected component is 38 and 81, respectively.
Figure 8 shows the six identified clusters within
the network of words, with different colours, as well
as their interconnections. The two main clusters (dark
blue and orange) are again identified with the two
most frequent words, the main hubs “account” and
“your”. The direct connections between the main
hubs are shown in Figure 9, with C1: C2 – C3 – C4;
C2: C1 – C3 – C4; C3: C1 – C2 – C5; C4: C1 – C2 –
C5; C5: C3 - C4. The number of nodes integrated in
each identified cluster is very similar (apart from the
2-node cluster C6), C1 (darkblue) = 10; C2 (orange)
= 9; C3 (red) = 7, C4 (brown) = 6, C5 (pink) = 6 and
C6 (green) = 2. These clusters can be related to
communities of words. In this case, each different
community relates to a world-wide known
organization (except for C5), e.g., C1 billing,
payment, Apple; C2 closed account, limited with
dates, Paypal; C3 important, security, update and
Halifax; C4 – online, banking, alert and America
(e.g., bank of America); C5 receiving new
messages; and C6 with the name of a popular British
bank Loyds Tsb. The most common 4-WORD
phrases: your account has been (8); your account will
be (4); account has been limited (3); bank of america
alert* (3); 3-WORD: account has been (10); your
account has (8); your account information (5); bank
of America (5); and 2-WORD: your account (33); has
been (13); online banking (12); account has (10); your
online (9); message from (8); you have (8); account
information (8); update your (7).
The linguistic analyses show that subject lines
contain 5 to 6 words on average, frequently use
capital letters, exclamation signs and asterisks and,
although not very frequently, contain spelling
mistakes and grammatical errors. A lexical analysis
was performed. Lexical/content words (e.g., nouns,
adjectives, verbs, and adverbs) give the text its
meaning and provide information regarding what the
text is about. Nouns tell us the subject, adjectives tell
us more about the subject, verbs tell us what they do,
and adverbs tell us how they do it. When applying the
tool Using English (UE, 2002) results show that, on
the total sample, 21% are hard words (words difficult
to spell) and 42% are long words and the lexical
density with stop words is 34%, and without is 75%.
Stop words are words in a language called function
words, which are usually filtered out before certain
natural processing language taks are performed.
Examples in English may include: “the”, “is”, “at”,
“on”, etc. To confirm the above lexical density
results, these were calculated with two different tools
(Online Utility, 2020) (Analyze my writing, 2020),
where the results were similar for lexical density with
stop words. Figure 10 represents the lexical density of
the sample, per year, with and without stop words
(Online Utility, 2020). The readability gunning fog
index (Gunning, 1952), which estimates the years of
formal education a person needs to understand the
text on the first reading, is 14.64 (Online Utility,
2020) and 15.51 (Analyze my writing, 2020).
However, the same sample was tested by other
four free online tools to calculate the same index,
(Bond, 2020) (WebFx, 2020) (RF, 2020) (UE, 2002),
and an average of 10 was obtained. Considering the
total average of 12, our sample is best understood by
people with late high school (senior) and early
university (undergraduate) education. Moreover, this
tool (Analyze my writing, 2020), which only
analysed 70 sentences from 240, showed that the most
Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines
Figure 7: Network of words and relations obtained from the filtered sample (degree threshold >=4).
Figure 8: The network comprises 6 clusters, with 6 main nodes (hubs), identified with different colours: C1(darkblue)=“your”,
C2 (orange)=“account”, C3 (red)=“security”, C4 (brown)=“online”, C5 (pink)=“message” and C6 (green)=“loyds”.
frequent words on the sample are nouns (48%).
The sentiment analysis (Sentiment, 2004) showed
that most subject lines express neutral sentiment and
polarity, i.e., 58% (n=140) of all the subject lines in
the corpus (n=240) carry impartial or noncommittal
attitude. On the other hand, 35% (n=83) of the subject
lines express positive sentiment, and only 7% (n=17)
deliver negative sentiment. As shown in Figure 11,
neutral and positive subject lines are also the most
consistent over the years, and seem to be the preferred
choice for phishing text as opposed to negative ones.
Complementing the sentiment analysis with
another tool (IntenCheck, 2018), Figure 12 shows a
summary of communication styles, which can
integrate words that creates pictures or sounds inside
our mind (visual or audial), refer to feelings inside our
bodies (kinesthetic) or to logical thinking and
thoughts (rational). The analysis also includes the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 9: Direct connections between the main hubs.
Figure 10: Lexical density analysis of the sample, per year.
Figure 11: Sentiment analysis in the sample, per year.
expression of how a person thinks about time and
their time preferences (most present and future
preferences in the sample), as well as if people are
motivated either by moving away from something
they don’t desire or by moving towards something
that they want. In our sample the results move more
towards something that is wanted (Figure 12).
Finally, it is important to understand if a person
communicates from his viewpoint or from other
perceptual positions. Four perceptual positions were
tested: I “I”, “mine”, “self”; II “he”, “she”, “is”,
“her”, “one”, “you”, “your”, “yours”; III “them”,
“their”, “they”; and IV “us”, “we”, “our”. In our
sample, Position II is very dominant and Position IV
is strongly used.
Online deception has been receiving some scholarly
attention in the field of linguistics (Chiluwa, 2019).
This comes from the recognition that language and
the composition of texts essential roles in scammers’
strategic approaches to their victims. This paper
extends previous work (Ferreira and Teles, 2019) by
employing a network analysis of common and
interrelated used terms and a linguistic approach, to
identify communities of words, as well as lexical
density use, readability fog index, sentiment analysis,
and communication styles in phishing email subject
lines. This helps provide additional insights on some
of the linguistic strategies used by scammers to
influence users to open predatory emails. The
methodological approach is more refined in
comparison to previous works, which use national
and/or context-specific databases (see Ferreira and
Teles, 2019, for a discussion on used databases).
In our findings, the pronoun “your” is the most
frequent word, suggesting that the email contains
targeted/directed content. In the field of linguistics
and linguistic psychology, the type and quantity of
specific pronouns in a body of text can indicate
intentions, psychological states and social relations.
In certain typical stylometric analysis like lexical
richness calculation without stop words, this word
would probably be filtered. However, for phishing,
this can constitute a differential mark from legitimate
emails, and needs to be further tested. The second
most common word is “account”, which focus on
both bank and other online accounts from big
organisations, such as Apple, Paypal or Bank of
America. Credentials from these accounts constitute
target data for phishers as they can easily get personal
data to be used in more sophisticated attacks. These
two most used words are the two main hubs
connecting most clusters and creating communities of
words related to big/known organisations (Figure 8).
Other terms revolve around verbs to take actions
on those accounts (e.g., update, confirm, alert,
limited, closed). Each cluster is strongly connected to
two or three others (Figure 9), so they have a close
relationship, and form among themselves a larger and
stronger community. Tests with a larger sample need
to be made to confirm this.
In terms of the most common lines/phrases used
in the last 12 years (e.g., your account has been,
account has been limited, bank of America alert,
message from, update your), these are potentially
very successful and so need to be tested in another
study, with an international survey. This can help to
further understand their degree of success.
Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines
Figure 12: Attributes for communication style, timeline,
motivation and perceptual positions, found in the sample.
The linguistic analyses confirm previous research
that phishing email subject lines are very short and
direct phrases (5/6 words on average), but comprise a
rich plethora of attributes to claim for attention. The
use of capital letters, punctuation and other signs can
help create an ambience of persuasion. Part of this is
confirmed by the analysis shown in Figure 12, as
most words convey logical/rational thinking but they
seem to be more audial than visual. In fact, the use of
exclamation marks, capital letters and even asterisks
can induce the reader in interpreting them as “loud”,
“attention-grabbing” words, the goal for their use.
However, the words in our sample do not induce
feelings inside our bodies. The results of sentiment
analysis confirm that most found emotions in the text
are neutral, followed by some positive ones. This can
be explained by the fact that when people feel well,
not threatened or even happy, are probably more
prone to believe/trust in others. Furthermore, the high
expression of neutral and positive sentiment and
polarity in subject lines suggest linguistic
sophistication that might be deliberately used by
scammers to potentiate linguistic choices, similar to
legitimate email/subject lines. Users may easily
respond to subject lines such as “Important Security
Message From HSBC Bank UK orNationwide
Account Notification”, since these are all neutral in
sentiment and polarity, and do not request any a
priori action. On the other hand, polarised subject
lines, whether positive or negative may alert users
about the legitimacy of the email due to the
expressiveness of the requested actions.
Nevertheless, positive subject lines might trigger
subsequent action by the user due to the use of
elements that look like legitimate, such as fabricated
codes (e.g. positive - “Important Account Information
ID7041A4446615BDB59AAC”). Phishers might
have learned this from previous attempts where
urgency was commonly used for distracting victims
into not over thinking their actions (Ferreira, 2017).
Such display may now be too obvious and suspicious.
In terms of timeline analysis, most of the sample
is focused on moving towards something that is
desired now or in the future. The past is rarely
mentioned. This agrees with the phishers’ goals of
inducing the victim into clear and quick action.
Nevertheless, there is also some moving away from
specific things, which in the case of phishing, can be
the fact that accounts are going to be blocked or
something undesired can happen if no action is taken
soon. Finally, for the perceptual positions, again the
authors believe this is a very important mark of these
types of emails and language used by phishers.
Communication is directed outside the sender,
towards the victim (your), transferring the
responsibility of said actions to the later (similar to
the social proof principle of shared responsibility that
may influence higher risk actions (Ferreira, 2019)).
For the lexical analysis, the use of stop words to
calculate lexical density may interfere with the
results. However, if seen per year, the lexical density
between the samples with or without stop words is
getting closer in recent years. The smaller the text, the
more lexical density it will display, but the use of a
higher percentage of nouns instead of other content
words can be explained by the fact that verbs may
denounce scammers more easily. Nouns are usually
associated with text that is more difficult to read and
understand; such difficulty might potentiate users to
act and provide information to scammers. Formal text
is usually full of nouns. Indeed, as education level is
a well-known determinant of internet usage, so more
educated people tend to be more frequent internet
users (Goldfarb, 2008). This agrees with the
readability content index result, which aims to reach
late high school and undergraduate educated people.
On the other hand, less educated people can also be
an easy target because they may open those emails in
search for clarification, and may act on them quickly,
in fear of “loosing” something.
A comparison of email subject lines from
phishing and legitimate emails is essential to obtain
stronger conclusions. Another limitation was the use
of NodeXL basic free version, which did not integrate
advanced analysis functions.
A network and linguistic analysis of phishing email
subject lines show that those should be used to find
differential marks to better distinguish phishing
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
emails from other types of emails. Main hubs and
clusters of words indicate that there are patterns and
pre-defined goals in the way phishing emails have
been crafted for the past twelve years. These need to
be part of a larger sample test which can integrate
both legitimate and scam emails to confirm, automate
and improve existing phishing detection tools.
This work is supported by TagUBig - Taming Your
Big Data (IF/00693/2015) from Researcher FCT
Program funded by National Funds through FCT
(Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). Soraia Teles
is individually supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT;
D/BD/135496/2018); PhD Program in Clinical and
Health Services Research (PDICSS).
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Netphishing: Network and Linguistic Analysis of Phishing Email Subject Lines