using (mainly off the office hours) a small subset of
modest organisational workstations.
Even if the variability of some predictors (such as
number of cluster nodes) was low, both machine
learning models have good results in predicting the
query duration based on main query and cluster
parameters. Random Forests model performed
slightly better than the xgboost model, with the
concordance correlation coefficient above 90% and
the R
about 85%.
Variable’s importance provided by both models
suggest, as expected, that the query complexity
(approximated the necessary Spark tasks for query
completion and the number of joins) is the main
driver of query performance. Also, the database size
was ranked as an important predictor.
Unexpectedly, predictors such as the cluster
number of nodes, the gap between the cluster memory
and the database size, the tuples grouping and group
filtering, the cluster manager were qualified as less
important (in the outcome variability) by the both
Some further research directions may include:
Increasing the number of cluster nodes;
Running the queries on TPC-H databases with
larger sizes;
Adding Kubernetes as a cluster manager in
order to have a whole image of all the available
resource managers;
Making optimization to the JVM, the garbage
collection, and OS parameter for accelerating
Spark performance;
Assess the performance of other Spark features
such as Streaming, Machine Learning and
GraphX in order to see how they perform on a
Beowulf cluster;
Test with the dataset in other formats not just
the default generated by TCP-H: AVRO,
Parquet, blob storage and AWS S3, to see if
there are any performance gains;
Diversify the hardware resources and storage
types (e.g. add SSDs or RAID configuration);
Take into account the hardware bottlenecks
which might occur during the testing, and
quantification their effect on performance;
Run the queries on other Big Data systems (such
as Hive and Pig) to compare the performance;
Overall results suggest that running SQL queries
on Spark using modest Beowulf clusters is a viable
solution, but this need subsequent comparisons with
other Big Data solutions, on disk (e.g. Hive, Pig) or
in-memory (e.g. in-memory features of SQL servers,
MemSQL, VoltDB, Impala).
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