mented our framework using Apache Spark. We par-
titioned our data and run our models in parallel to
achieved high scalability. Our framework provides an
efficient data processing method for large scale Vir-
tual Machines in a cloud Settings. We use ARIMA, a
statistical model for time series to predicts our VMs.
With short-term prediction, we accurately predicted
61% of the total 28,858 VMs analysed. In term of
execution time, on average, each VM is analysed and
predicted in three seconds.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first
to analyse as many as 28,858 long-running VMs of
Azure VMs traces and accurately predict over 17K
We observed that most VMs have one or several
spikes of which majority of those spikes are not sea-
sonal. Future work requires further investigation on
thos spikes and to find out whether they are potential
This project was funded by Petroleum Tech-
nology Development Fund (PTDF) of Nigeria
We thank Michael Davis and Mohsen Koohi
Esfahani for comments that greatly improved the
manuscript, and we thank all the anonymous review-
ers for their insights.
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Fast Analysis and Prediction in Large Scale Virtual Machines Resource Utilisation