a lack of knowledge or dissatisfaction with the spread-
sheets indicated by the MP. Besides that, it is neces-
sary to facilitate and optimize the process of collect-
ing the information needed to calculate these costs.
With the tools to support the pricing of services,
level of maturity, and user satisfaction, the Brazilian
Government may have real feedback on the digitized
services it offers to the citizen, as well as perform an
improvement in such services, if necessary. Another
needed initiative is the development of a support tool
to evaluate the level of maturity of the services of-
fered, and the level of satisfaction of the citizen, in-
cluding resources in the tool that are able to evaluate
and make available differentiated services to the citi-
zen, according to their level of knowledge, as well as
facilitate the usage of such technologies. Overall, this
study shows that the PFA has had initiatives focused
on digitizing public services, but much still needs to
be done to reach an acceptable level of satisfaction
and meet the needs of the Brazilian Citizens.
This research work has the support of the Research
Support Foundation of the Federal District (FAPDF)
research grant 05/2018.
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Citizen’s Perception of Public Services Digitization and Automation