Based on these results, this algorithm is quite
accurate and depends on the value of the 3
explanatory variables to 98.95% and 1.7% to the
constant value of a. This is used in order to give an
accurate prediction for any custom VM type that may
be used as part of a new configuration in the new
Cloud infrastructure. Last, by using the Min-Max
normalization method, the system calculates a
Penalty value which is the normalized average value
of the VM startup time and component deployment
time and equals to 0.52197146827194. Based on this
value, the Utility Generator component is able to
decide the most appropriate configuration out of all
the available candidate configurations.
In this paper we focused on one of the critical aspects
for optimal decision making, with respect to
reconfiguration, in the dynamic environment of cross-
cloud applications. Specifically, we presented a
system for calculating time-related penalties when
comparing candidate new solutions that adapt a
current application topology which is unable to serve
an incoming workload spike. The algorithm
implemented considers both VM startup times, across
different providers and application component
deployment times for calculating a normalized
penalty value. This paper also discussed a set of
recent measurements that highlight virtualization
resources startup times across different public and
private providers.
The next steps of this work include the extension
of the VMs startup time measurements across more
providers, regions using additional VM flavours.
Moreover, this work will continue with the
consideration of data management and migration
related times for considering the complete lifecycle
management when calculating reconfiguration (time-
related) penalties.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 731664. The authors would like to
thank the partners of the MELODIC project
( for their valuable
advices and comments.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science