ter the 10 rounds of nested cross-validation of 73.4%
when trained with data over-sampled by ROS tech-
In summary, for the case of the data set con-
structed during the paper and used for the experi-
ments, code smells alone are not good class change-
proneness indicators as object-oriented software met-
rics. However, when combined, they can lead to good
results, increasing the performance of machine learn-
ing algorithms. Furthermore, the best performing ma-
chine learning techniques, based on the average value
of AUC after the 10 rounds of nested cross-validation
and algorithm simplicity, were RF, LGBM, and LR.
As future work, there are several possibilities and
different approaches to be investigated. From the
point of view of the data set design, one approach
would be adding new software metrics such as evolu-
tionary (Elish and Al-Rahman Al-Khiaty, 2013) and
intensity index of a code smell (Catolino et al., 2019).
Moreover, for the class change proneness prediction,
it is viable to test another machine learning and deep
learning techniques and use more modern and elabo-
rate methods to create synthetic training data.
This research was funded by LSBD/UFC.
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Empirical Study about Class Change Proneness Prediction using Software Metrics and Code Smells