Career Choice of Adolescents: Can occupational VR 360-degree Videos
Facilitate Job Interest?
Pia Spangenberger
and Sarah-Christin Freytag
Institute of Vocational Education and Work Studies, Technische Universit
at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Department of Human-Machine Systems, Technische Universit
at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Virtual Reality, 360-degree Videos, Recruitment, Evaluation, Classroom based Learning, Career Choice.
The recent increase in accessibility of stand-alone Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) has been recognised by
companies who use them for recruitment purposes. By filming employees on the job site with 360-degree
cameras, jumping into an occupational environment via a HMD has become a possibility for young career
seekers. However, career choice depends on various influential factors (e.g. socialisation, self-efficacy, norms,
experiences or career choice readiness). Thus, the question arises how and if VR 360-degree videos for occu-
pational orientation can play a supporting role in this process. The presented pilot study examines the effects
of exposure to occupational VR 360-degree videos on the development of occupational interest. 41 students
experienced a variety of occupational VR 360-degree videos in a classroom setting. A significant increase in
job interest before and after exposure was found. Our results indicate a positive experience and favourable
ratings towards the application as useful for career orientation and for providing occupational information.
We conclude that VR 360-degree videos are a promising tool for gaining occupational information and initi-
ate self-reflection. We suggest future research with larger cohorts using the same VR application to further
investigate which features are regarded as helpful in career orientation for young adults.
The use of 360-degree videos to promote learn-
ing goals has been increasingly discussed in recent
years (e.g. Janssen et al., 2016; Kavangah et al.,
2016; Hebbel-Seeger, 2018). Compared to 180-
degree videos, 360-degree videos are correlated with
increased immersion as well as increased motiva-
tion concerning learning (Narciso, 2019). 360-degree
videos are considered to have an added value when
using head-mounted displays (HMDs), as they in-
crease the experience of presence (Hebbel-Seeger,
2018). VR technologies are ascribed several advan-
tages in the context of education, such as enhance
knowledge or foster students’ interest (Azhar et al.,
2018). Inexpensive VR glasses, such as the Google
Cardboard, introduce the possibility of purchasing
several devices as a class set (Google VR, 2019). The
generation of virtual environments enables students
to easily access a variety of scenarios in a classroom
context without facing difficulties such as inaccessi-
bility or lack of suitable facilities within geographical
proximity. Furthermore, the experience is available to
all students, regardless of physical abilities. Students
can get personally involved.
Over the past two years, VR 360-degree videos
have been increasingly used by companies as part of
their recruitment process. In order to give potential
job candidates a first impression of professions, Ger-
man Railway company, Deutsche Bahn, for example,
uses VR 360-degree videos to present career opportu-
nities as a construction engineer or electrical engineer
(Deutsche Bahn AG, 2016). Students gain insight into
experiences on an actual work site using a VR appli-
Career choice is a complex process. It develops
over time on an individual level (Super, 1990; Got-
tfredson, 1981). According to the expectancy-value
model of career choice by Eccles & Wigfield (2002),
external and internal factors influence the decision-
making such as self-efficacy, socialisation, personal
experiences, accessible information as well as the ca-
reer readiness to be able to make a thorough decision
(Hirschi, 2011). Thus, career choice is depending
on very individual personal conditions. One predic-
tor for occupational choice is personal interest (Ec-
cles & Wigfield, 2002; Holland, 1997; Gottfredson,
1981). Holland (1997) describes personal interest
Spangenberger, P. and Freytag, S.
Career Choice of Adolescents: Can occupational VR 360-degree Videos Facilitate Job Interest?.
DOI: 10.5220/0009410805520558
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 552-558
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for an occupation as expression of one’s personality.
Hirschi and colleagues (2011; 2015), discussing ca-
reer readiness and career adaptivity, state that adoles-
cents should have the opportunity to match their per-
sonality with actual tasks of a future career. Adequate
occupational information is discussed as one impor-
tant factor to foster career readiness (Hirschi, 2011).
Referring to a VR intervention in a classroom con-
text, the same career choice intervention will be per-
ceived very differently by two individuals depending
on their personal experiences, expectations, values or
the competence to make a career decision in general
(Eccles & Wigfield, 2002; Holland, 1997; Gottfred-
son, 1981). However, Hidi & Renninger (2006) point
out that personal involvement in a learning environ-
ment is a starting point for the development of inter-
est in the context of learning in a classroom setting: A
successful learning environment can be perceived as
a motivating, positive experience and in line with per-
sonal needs. Further on, long-term interest can be ini-
tiated and vocational interest be strengthened (Krapp,
In Germany, career orientation is part of the
school curriculum (Standing Conference of the Min-
isters of Education and Cultural Affairs in Germany,
2019). However, in each of the 16 German states,
it is implemented individually, either as a learning
objective across all subjects or as an own subject.
In most of the federal states, various approaches are
formulated as part of vocational orientation between
8th and 10th grade: information about different work
and career opportunities, development of competen-
cies to make a career choice, reflection of personal in-
terests, learning about gender equality, career assess-
ments, documentation of career paths, internships or
extracurricular activities. However, how to achieve
these goals and by which method, didactic approach
or material is decided by the schools or even on an
individual level by the teachers.
Since 2018, class sets of VR 360-degree videos
are available free of cost for German schools with the
aim of facilitating the above described career orienta-
tion goals. The VR 360-degree videos provide occu-
pational experiences within a variety of professions.
The videos can be used with own smartphones. How-
ever, the impact of integrating those novel presenta-
tion techniques on applicants remains unclear.
In the presented pilot study, we examine the effect of
experiencing occupational VR 360-degree videos in a
classroom setting on self-reported interest in a voca-
tional occupation by young adults. We assumed that
experiencing the HMD VR career orientation can pro-
mote individual interest in the explored vocational oc-
cupation. To examine our assumption, we conducted
a study with a class sets of VR 360-degree videos that
are available freely for German schools.
In our study 26 different VR 360-degree videos were
available for students to choose from. The videos
were accessible via a smartphone application and dis-
played via a HMD (Destek VR Kit). The videos
were all produced by a production company for re-
cruitment purposes of different German companies.
Printed information cards on each profession pro-
vided an overview of the selections to chose from.
All professions were vocational training occupations
of the German dual system. Students could choose
out of the following professions:
Technicians: Electronic Technician, Engineer for
Air Traffic Control, Industrial Electronics Techni-
cian, Recycling and Waste Management Techni-
Transportation: Railway Worker, Driver, Engi-
neer for Air Traffic Control
Law Enforcement and Safety: Police Officer
Healthcare: Nurse, Drugist, Management Assis-
tant for Healthcare, Pharmaceutical Technical As-
sistant, Pharmaceutical Commercial Assistant
Mechanics: Ship Mechanic, Metal Cutting Me-
Sales and Marketing: Retail Management Assis-
tant, Management Assistant for Insurance and Fi-
nance, Controller
Hospitality and Catering: Hotel Industry Expert,
Catering Expert, Cook
Other: Cemetery Gardener, Shipping Manage-
ment Assistant, Special Civil Engineering Works
Builder, Skilled Civil Engineering Worker
All chosen videos offered a visit at the job site, al-
lowing the students to either take on the role of an ap-
prentice or to follow a worker’s daily routine in one of
the professions described above. The videos were de-
signed to display the chosen occupation from a first-
person perspective, thus allowing the participants to
explore the typical environment they would encounter
in a real-world setting when working in the respective
Career Choice of Adolescents: Can occupational VR 360-degree Videos Facilitate Job Interest?
Our research goal aimed to identify the effects of ex-
periencing a VR 360-degree video on self-reported in-
terest levels in the chosen occupation. We assumed
that the VR experience enhances expressed interest
towards the chosen profession based on the findings
of Hidi & Renninger (2006). We further assumed that,
if the VR experience is perceived as very positive, the
increase of interest is more likely.
4.1 Sample
41 students (m=27, f=14) from two different 10th
grade classes of a secondary school in Germany par-
ticipated in the study. The students were on average
15.37 years old.
4.2 Procedure
Participants were informed that they were about to
watch one of 26 different professions virtually from
an employee’s perspective in their real working envi-
ronment. The students were informed by the provided
cards about the different occupations to choose from
and were instructed to select one. They then put on
the HMD and experienced the video of their choice,
with the length of exposure depending on the video,
ranging from three to five minutes. Trials took ap-
proximately 15 minutes to complete. Before and after
the VR session, the students were asked to fill out the
questionnaires described in the following section.
4.3 Measures
In a pre-post-test design, interest in the self-selected
professions before and after watching the VR 360-
degree video was assessed via a 5-step-Likert-scale
(with ”1=not interested at all” up to ”5=very inter-
To investigate the VR experience, participants
were asked to fill out the In-game Scale of the Game
Experience Questionnaire (14 items) by Ijsselsteijn
(2013). The scale was chosen because it contains two
items each on flow, immersion, competence, tension,
negative and positive affects as well as challenge and
was designed to assess a user’s in-game experience
directly after exposure. The questionnaire has been
used in varied contexts to examine the digital learn-
ing applications (e.g. Janssen et al., 2016).
To gain a deeper insight into the individual expe-
riences, we queried subjective ratings on the percep-
tion of the 360-degree videos with six custom items
that the participants could rate on a five-step Likert-
scale, with ratings from 1 (”strongly disagree”) to 5
(”strongly agree”). The questions focused on the per-
ceived influence of the VR experience on their occu-
pational interest (”The occupations became more in-
teresting to me.”, ”My career aspirations have been
confirmed by the VR experience.), the value of the
VR experience for vocational orientation (”The use of
VR-glasses facilitated comprehending everyday work
life.) and the overall usability as well as the attrac-
tiveness of the VR experience (”It was easy for me
to handle the glasses.”, ”The displayed occupations
were more appealing to me than they were in other
career choice events.). To account for pre-existing
interest levels, these were directly addressed (”I was
already interested in the presented job profiles before
I used the VR glasses.). We also captured socio-
demographic data (age, type of school).
To analyse our data we calculated the differences
between reported interest before and after the VR
experience as well as effect size. Since the ob-
served measures approximated a normal distribution,
we conducted independent and dependent t-tests as
well as simple means and standard variations to in-
terpret subjective perceptions.
12 of the available videos were chosen (see table 1).
We noted a high popularity for more widely known
and generally popular occupations such as cook, re-
tail management assistant and nurse while more spe-
cialised or less common fields, such as shipping man-
agement assistant, were selected with a lesser fre-
Table 1: Overview of students’ selection of video content.
Profession Number of
Cook 7
Drugist 5
Retail Management Assistant 4
Nurse 4
Management Assistant 3
Police Officer 2
Industrial Electronics Technician 2
Engineer for Air Traffic control 2
Shipping Management Assistant 1
Mechatronics Technician 1
Hotel Industry Expert 1
Electronic Technician 1
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Means for each dimension of the Game Experience Questionnaire across all participants.
Analysing the pre-post data on interest, one par-
ticipant was omitted from the calculation since he/she
did not fill out the questionnaire, reducing the sample
to 40 participants.
After having experienced the VR 360-degree
video, 12 out of 40 participants reported an increase
in interest (30 percent), 16 out of 32 showed no differ-
ence (40 percent) and 4 out of 40 participants stated
a decrease in interest towards the selected occupa-
tion (10 percent). Eight out of all 40 participants
were not able to recall the profession they had expe-
rienced and were therefore not able to give ratings on
their interest on a pre-post item regarding the watched
video. To investigate the correlation of interest before
and after watching one of the VR 360 degree videos,
we conducted a dependent sample t-test and mea-
sured the effect size using the Cohen’s d. Interest rat-
ings were higher after having watched the VR expe-
rience (M=2.906; SE=.221) compared to the interest
ratings before exposure (M=2.531; SE=.238; t(31)=-
1.929,p=.031), reaching significance while presenting
a small effect (Cohen’s d=.341).
To assess the perception of the experience, we
evaluated the In-game scale of the GEQ by calculat-
ing means for the five-point Likert-scale according to
the manual. The data of four participants were omit-
ted from the calculation since they did not fill out the
relevant part of the questionnaire. On average, stu-
dents enjoyed the VR-experience (M=2.91; SD=.621;
N=37). The means of the individual items further
suggested an overall positive experience (see Figure
1). Students reported a positive affect, high immer-
sion and flow. They reported less tension or nega-
tive affect. Since self-reported competence and chal-
lenge was neither the learning objective of the videos
nor relevant for the main research question, it was not
considered for the analysis. No differences in enjoy-
ment were found when comparing female and male
participants (independent t-tests). Furthermore, we
found no significant correlation between in-game ex-
perience and interest in a profession after watching
a 360-degree video. No correlation between in-game
experience and failure to recall the selected profession
could be observed.
Analysing the six custom items, participants per-
ceived watching the 360 degree videos in VR a pos-
itive experience. Occupations were self-reported as
more interesting compared to the students’ interest
before seeing the video (M=3.51; SD=1.344; N=41).
The 360-degree video provided a deeper insight into
the profession (M=3.71; SD=1.188; N=41). Students
ascribed the VR 360-degree videos to facilitate com-
prehending everyday work life (M=3.63; SD=1.09;
N=41). Students highly recommended the introduc-
tion of HMDs to school lessons (M=4.22; SD=1.15).
They also perceived the application as easy to use and
uncomplicated (M=4.1; SD=.982; N=41). However,
students did not evaluate the VR experiences as an
event that would have confirmed their career aspira-
tions (M=1.80; SD=1.05; N=41). 15 of the respond-
ing participants already had a specific career aspira-
tion. No video among the interviewees evoked uni-
versally positive ratings.
Career Choice of Adolescents: Can occupational VR 360-degree Videos Facilitate Job Interest?
In our study, we conducted a pilot study with 41 stu-
dents watching VR 360-degree videos via HMDs in
the context of career choice. Out of 26 videos offering
the experience of daily work environments from dif-
ferent vocational occupations, 12 videos overall were
selected by the 41 participants. A significant increase
in interest ratings regarding a chosen profession after
being exposed to it via VR 360-degree video could be
found, amounting to a small effect.
This finding is especially interesting since only
about one third of all students reported an increased
interest while the majority reported no changes. Only
four students reported a decrease in interest. This sug-
gests that students who already had a previous inter-
est in a certain field might not have needed the ad-
ditional insights the experience offered but that those
who were unsure benefited greatly. Thus, the videos
are perceived very differently, but provide an oppor-
tunity to match personal career aspirations with an ac-
tual task of a profession. Ultimately, the decrease in
interest regarding a certain profession after a VR ex-
posure might be a positive outcome for the student.
Students might have realised that their initial interest
and their expectation of their chosen profession were
either met or not met by the actual requirements of the
occupation. The employed questionnaire did not in-
corporate an assessment of the reasons for a positive
or negative rating. We suggest to integrate items ad-
dressing a possible mismatch of previous expectations
regarding the chosen vocation and the work require-
ments displayed in the VR 360-degrees video. We
also suggest to replicate the study specifically target-
ing students who have not yet decided on a preferred
vocation and who might benefit from the additional
orientation and occupational information, to investi-
gate its effects on job interest.
The comparatively high number of students who
were not able to recall the selected profession, near-
ing 20 percent, was unexpected. In our sample, all of
those participants were male. Due to the small abso-
lute number of students unable to recall, no statisti-
cal link can be established. Since previous studies on
career choice state gender differences (Wigfield et al.,
2002) as well as research on computer games have ob-
served gender differences in the perception of various
game mechanics (e.g. Hartmann & Klimmt, 2006),
an investigation of a possible link between gender and
different experiences of VR 360-degree videos in the
context of career choice with a greater number of par-
ticipants might be worthwhile.
As our sample consisted of 41 students, coming
from only two different classes at the same school,
the vocational interest and video selection reflected
the variety of personal interests of our participants.
The selection of unique occupations by nearly every
fourth student emphasises the importance to offer a
variety of vocations to chose from. The selection of
occupations was well received and proved suitable for
adolescents exploring their career options.
Regarding the individual occupational fields each,
a research design with more students interested in
the same profession, using the same VR 360-degree
video, could provide more useful data to investigate
specific job interest. The provided videos only of-
fered a brief opportunity to explore the selected fields
further. The extension of video length could possibly
further facilitate the development of interest and the
evaluation of a specific field as suitable for one’s own
Additionally, precise learning objectives could be
appointed such as self-reflection or selecting task spe-
cific information, and be evaluated. Some of the re-
spondents were subsequently unable to assign a spe-
cific job title to the work environment they had expe-
rienced in the VR environment. Apart from possible
interpersonal effects, this might also suggest that the
purpose of watching the videos was not clear to all
Our results demonstrate that a VR 360-degree ex-
perience with a HMD in a classroom setting could
strengthen interest in a profession and was mainly
perceived as positive, thus confirming our assumption
that exposure to a VR 360-degree video can facili-
tate job interest. The majority of the pupils stated
that they had gained better insights into the chosen
profession via the experience of the VR 360-degrees
video and that they found the presented content in-
teresting. Due to the highly individual and complex
process of career choice, each video was perceived
very differently by each student. Depending on vari-
ous influential factors, all videos about job sights will
be evaluated through a filter of an individual world of
experience, standards, attitudes and abilities as well
as a personal level of career readiness, which needs to
be taken into account when evaluating the effects of
occupational interest interventions.
On average, most of the participating students
would recommend the use of VR 360-degree videos
at school lessons. Apart from the described limita-
tions, the VR experience seems to provide an insight
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
into a profession that otherwise might not be possible
without further effort. VR-360 degree videos enable
experiences at locations which young people usually
have no access to plus more than one in short time.
For instance, visiting the job sight of an offshore wind
power plant is not possible due to safety restrictions
(Spangenberger et al., 2019).
For future research, it would be of interest to investi-
gate the influence of 360-degree videos in context of
a non stereotypical career choice. In our study, only
two male participants chose a profession in the field of
healthcare, stereo-typically perceived as a female do-
main, while all students who chose the profession of
a cook were male. In future research projects, the de-
sign and evaluation of VR 360-degree video features
that promote specific job interest could be focused.
We conclude that the application of 360-degree
videos for career assessment in a classroom setting
is generally suitable to meet the needs of students in a
career orientation phase. Watching different VR 360-
degree videos can be a helpful tool not only to offer
occupational information but also to reflect personal
aspirations by exploring a diversity of tasks on the
job site that might otherwise not have been associ-
ated with working in that field. Since they were well
perceived by the target group, VR 360-degree videos
have the potential to engage students in an learning
environment that is perceived as motivating and posi-
Furthermore and in line with the literature on ca-
reer choice, we suggest to not only focus on enhanc-
ing interest in a specific field, but to also specifi-
cally employ the VR experience to uncover possible
mismatches between previous interests and the real-
ities of occupational requirements. This could pre-
vent young adults from choosing a non-suitable voca-
tional training and therefore having to switch career
paths later. Having VR 360-degree videos available
for each student in a classroom gains new potentials
in the field of career orientation. In our pilot study the
experience was well received and regarded as help-
ful. We suggest further investigations with larger co-
horts and also the exposure of each student to a larger
variety of videos. We further suggest to embed the
experience as a multi-faceted vocational orientation
program focusing on self-reflection and discussion of
the occupational information.
We would like to thank Julie Bossier for preparing the
questionnaires and conducting the interviews.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education