perform both semantic or syntactic similarity based
techniques. Using combined methods, 96.52% and
96.62% of the total search space can be eliminated
to find the correct patch. Results further show that
these approaches are significantly better in ranking
the correct patch earlier than semantic or syntactic
based approaches. Moreover, these two techniques
rank the correct solution at the top in 11.79% and
10.16% cases. It indicates that combined approaches
have the potential to rank correct patch before incor-
rect plausible ones.
The combined methods obtain promising result in
terms of median rank of the correct patch, average
space reduction and perfect repair. Therefore, these
approaches can be further explored using other bench-
mark datasets such as Defects4J (Just et al., 2014),
QuixBugs (Lin et al., 2017). In addition, existing ap-
proaches such as (Le Goues et al., 2012), (Qi et al.,
2014), (Le et al., 2016) can be modified to incorporate
the combination of syntactic and semantic similarities
for complementing their techniques.
This research is supported by the fellowship
from ICT Division, a department of Ministry of
Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technol-
ogy, Bangladesh. No-56.00.0000.;
Dated 20.11.2019. The virtual machine facilities used
in this research is provided by the Bangladesh Re-
search and Education Network (BdREN).
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