cases, INPE’s Satellite Tracking and Control Center
(STCC) performs its satellite control operations man-
ually. Finding solutions to flight operation automati-
zation is a challenge that can be solved with planning
(Tominaga et al., 2011).
Concern over the generation of higher quality
satellite control plans in research such as Souza’s,
suggests the creation of a diagnostic generator to val-
idate whether the automatically generated s match the
situation of the satellites in operation. The approach
considers a rejected plan if a state classified as un-
safe for the mission compose the plan of the state se-
quence, so a new plan should be generated using dif-
ferent steps to reach the goal state. The rejection of a
plan implies the generation of a new plan, with differ-
ent steps but still reaching the end state (Souza et al.,
2012). In this context, preventing some steps of be-
ing generated in the plan is a challenge to the satellite
flight operation planning domain.
The flight operation planning for satellites is com-
plex to be solved with classical planning techniques
alone, because they are not considered to be con-
straints on the transition states of a plan. This de-
ficiency open ways for many surveys’ themes in AI
planning, for example, the planning with constraints,
with user preferences, of complex problems and about
uncertainty. These themes are found in literature in
works that create new planning languages, techniques
or implement planners to meet specific constraints of
the planning problem.
How seen if the use of the classical planning
based in STRIPS been used to solve these prob-
lems, the generate of plans without consider con-
straints in satellite domain, can create invalid plans.
An approach that eliminate specific states of solution
planned of automatic form is the motivation this work
for solve the problem in question.
The goal is to propose a solution based on clas-
sical planning that incorporates and considers at the
time of planning states that are degraded and should
not be part of the plan state sequence. In this paper,
it is proposed to create a new method in a STRIPS-
based scheduler that validates the states at planning
time. The proposal creates a filter of states that can-
not compose the solution. Thus, contributing to valid
plans can be automatically generated using a planner.
The strategy in this paper is how to find a valid plan
in classic planning.
Our intention to show that the automatic plan-
ning of satellite plans should be concerned specifi-
cally with the states that make up a plan. And that
classical planning can be used to solve this kind of
problem if you know the states that the plan should
avoid. Our approach envisions mapping these states
and incorporating them into the planner.
In works found in the literature, the creation of
new languages is common to solve more complex
planning problems. Most of these works are related
to planning with preferences, which is an area that
has been extensively studied in recent years. In the re-
lated works session, we present the works with differ-
ent techniques and planning methods that were pro-
posed in different areas, to create increasingly better
solutions in different domains.
About the solution: In this article we will demon-
strate a way to generate step constrained plans using
as an example a didactic planning problem to validate
the implementation of a validator method in a planner.
In the first step prove that at planning time it is
possible to disregard the degraded states by creating a
new input in the planning domain. The new entry will
be read and used in the planner to build a solution
that meets the constraints required by the domain. In
future research a model will be created to represent
the states and convert them to a planner entry.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 describes the methodology used; Section 3
presents the results of the tests solving the automated
planning for the blocks world problem; Finally, sec-
tion 4 presents the conclusions and some future work.
We found different works on AI planning that address
issues such as quality plan generation, complex plan-
ning problems, uncertainty planning and user prefer-
ences in planning. Among these approaches a com-
monly used term is preferences, an interdisciplinary
topic found not only in AI, but in studies with differ-
ent perspectives and areas (Domshlak et al., 2011).
The works found on planning that address the
theme of preferences are (Boutilier et al., 1999)
(Gerevini and Long, 2006) (Tu et al., 2007) (Baier
et al., 2008) (Sohrabi et al., 2009). Among these
works are several approaches such as planner devel-
opment, language creation, implementation of tech-
niques in existing planners, extension of planning lan-
guages and combination of techniques are used to
meet preferences in the planning context.
PBP preference-based planning aims to find more
preferred plans in a planning instance. Criteria are
provided to determine when one plan is more pre-
ferred than another. Preferences are modeled accord-
ing to language type and can be either quantitative or
qualitative. In order to compare when a plan is pre-
ferred in the quantitative approach a numerical func-
tion is used to an ever-induced overall relationship.
State Validation in Automated Planning